Katlin’s Career Goals
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What steps need to be taken to open your own daycare?
I am interested in starting up my own preschool or daycare and I am not sure where to start to get that process going.

What keeps you going when you feel unmotivated?
I want to be a preschool teacher or work at a daycare with young children and I'm worried about burnout or feeling overwhelmed.

What does your summer look like as a teacher?
Do you end up having to get a summer time job?

How long have you been working with children?
I am planning on taking a course on early childhood development and am curious on people's experience working with children.

What is a "normal" day in the life of a teacher?
What kind of tasks do you accomplish in your day-to-day? How did you choose what you wanted to teach? Do you feel fulfilled being a teacher? What do you do for work during the summertime and long breaks?

What made you decide to be a teacher?
Being a teacher was the first career I was ever interested in at a young age but I am not sure if it's something I want to commit to. How did you know it's what you wanted to do?

How did you know what job would make you happy?
I have been considering many paths to go down education-wise, but am unsure of where I should start and what would be the most fulfilling.

What steps are recommended to take before entering this field ?
I want to run a small business and I am curious to know what steps I should take before jumping into it.

How did you know your career was the right one for you?
How did you know the job you were working was going to be your ultimate career?

What advice would you give yourself when you were just starting out?
I am in a trade school and will be taking office administration classes but I want to eventually open my own restaurant and am unsure of where to even begin this journey.