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Michel Adams’s Avatar

Michel Adams

Executive Chef
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Menlo Park, California
30 Answers
22226 Reads
41 Karma

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Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jun 27 651 views

What is the highest paying Job in culinary?

What are the best paying jobs in the culinary field?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jun 27 610 views

Where to start off in culinary ?

Where to start off to build an image for culinary? Fast food, restaurants?

Geovauni’s Avatar
Geovauni Jul 02 561 views

What is it like working in the hospitality industry?

I'm 17 and I am planning on becoming a chef, so I was just wondering what it is like.

Geovauni’s Avatar
Geovauni Jul 02 886 views

Would you recommend this profession to others?

Based on your experience and insights, would you recommend pursuing a career as a chef in the hospitality industry to others?

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Jul 23 744 views

Anyone in the culinary field, is it possible to get a good culinary job without a college degree?

I am currently in Job Corps, wanting to have my trade be in culinary. I've dropped out of college and community college, as they both weren't for me.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 10 731 views

How do you decide which path to go down?

I feel like I become interested in a lot of things, but nothing can keep my interest for long, how do you decide which path to take if nothing is holding your interest, and you become bored once you've got it down packed?

Jana’s Avatar
Jana May 13 625 views

What steps should I take to become a Michelin star chef ?

What skills, recipes, or things to learn in culinary?

josephh’s Avatar
josephh Jun 20 758 views

what is expected of your area in a culinary setting ?

Hi, I'm starting my trade and I wanted to know what would be expected to bring and how to treat my area when around other students and I need more words so post this also so here

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jun 20 565 views

How is culinary?

How is your experience in culinary arts? Should I go into deserts or cooking?

Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Mar 07 1400 views

Do you need Spanish credits to pursue a career in Culinary Arts.?

I've taken Spanish 1 and want to know if Culinary School requires any kind of foreign language classes.

LaJuan’s Avatar
LaJuan Oct 10, 2023 1930 views

How do herbs and other plants make the food taste and smell better?

I'm a young cook trying to learn and get a better understanding of herbs and spices

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Aug 29, 2023 2952 views

What are basic things you should know before starting Culinary school

I have interest in becoming a chef when I am older and eventually own a restaurant. I am not really sure what to expect from culinary school. Do we start with basics or is it already assumed we know the basics.

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 27, 2023 740 views

How do i figure out what i want to do as a job?

I'm interested in artsy things

Arum’s Avatar
Arum Aug 06, 2023 593 views

How do I know if I should commit to a career?

I want to be a chef, and maybe open my own restaurant but how do I know if it's right for me? I don't want to be miserable.

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Aug 01, 2023 582 views

What is a tip for getting better in the kitchen?

I am a mediocre chef in culinary, always looking for ideas, tips, or even recipes.