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Angel Armour’s Avatar

Angel Armour

Enrollment Specialist
Community and Social Service Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
20 Answers
62403 Reads
11 Karma

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nevaeh’s Avatar
nevaeh Feb 16, 2023 4197 views

How To Get Good Study Habits?

How do you create good study habits and stick to them ? I’m having a hard time because of my low attention span and would love some helpful tips for a freshman in high school! #CV23

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Apr 02, 2018 1265 views

What's the best way to keep track of your schedule in college?

I know that time management is a huge thing for college students. I'm a very busy person myself. I go to school from 7:00-17:30 most days. I currently have a notebook, use google calendars, and the calendars on my phone. I was just wondering how actual college students might keep track of...

Mahagonie’s Avatar
Mahagonie Sep 20, 2023 899 views

What are some college studying tips?

What are some college studying and time management tips? Also is it true that all the assignments and tests that you’ll have are in your student handbook?

Morrigan’s Avatar
Morrigan Oct 20, 2023 3057 views

How different is high school from college What are some lifestyle and workload differences? Do you have any financial or time-management tips?

I am a high school senior who is an undecided major. Since I will be moving out, I am worried about managing my life myself. I'm currently in 4 AP classes, so I have a large workload for a highschooler and I'm curious how much college will compare to that.

Rich’s Avatar
Rich Oct 20, 2023 4576 views

How would you know your perfect job?

Hello, How would you know if you found the perfect job/career for yourself?

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Oct 22, 2023 675 views

how do I find a job to work at

I am in college and I need a job to make money for food to eat.

hana’s Avatar
hana Oct 23, 2023 824 views

How do I Start My Own Career?

How do I start my own career?

mossy’s Avatar
mossy Oct 22, 2023 2352 views

What is the easiest way to find your dream career?

What are some easy ways to find a long term career?

Dalia’s Avatar
Dalia Oct 22, 2023 15232 views

How do I start a clothing business off I’m 19 years old I’ve been wanting to make my own clothing brand & etc but I’m lost & I have no support !?

How do I start a clothing business off ? I’m 19 years old I’ve been wanting to make my own clothing brand & etc but I’m lost & I have no support !

Jayna’s Avatar
Jayna Oct 15, 2023 14765 views

How do I even begin to apply for scholarships and get help in college?

I want to be a mental health counselour when I get older and even reccomend ways to help others. I have no clue where to start. Where do I begin? What are some hacks to get alot out of scholorships and grants?

Noel’s Avatar
Noel Oct 16, 2023 4181 views

Is college the best choice after high school?

Im not really sure what to do after if i was to go to college i dont have a career in mind

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne Oct 09, 2023 810 views

How is it in college ?

What did you do to succeed

cody’s Avatar
cody Oct 09, 2023 1480 views

what should i do to get started being a diesel mechanic?

im in hs i want be a diesel mechanic once i graduate and want to know how to get started

Colson’s Avatar
Colson Oct 09, 2023 785 views

How can I figure out what college is best for me based on my career that I want to go into? Does it matter what college I choose to go to in the long run or are they all similar.

I can go to the mall to get clothes but they are expensive

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 09, 2023 780 views

How can I get legitimate scholarships as an international student?

I am a freshman and a STEM major. I am also an African international student.

choudelie’s Avatar
choudelie Oct 08, 2023 717 views

What major to decide?

For someone who started college with interest in business management and information systems, in todays society which path should they lean more towards?

jhames’s Avatar
jhames Sep 29, 2023 986 views

How do I learn java from scratch?

How does one learn javascript from scratch? I really want to get into cybersecurity but I must learn this and python first. Could you guys be of assistance?

Kyler’s Avatar
Kyler Sep 19, 2023 1534 views

When conducting a traffic stop what steps should I do to make sure I and the driver or vice versa, to make sure everyone is safe and in no fear of danger?

I am in chipleys criminal justice 2 program and I am having trouble understanding this process.

Bishes’s Avatar
Bishes Sep 19, 2023 1007 views

How can I choose which career path I want to go with?

I just started high school, and I have no idea what I want to do after senior year. How can I choose which career I want to pursue while here in high school?

Quinn’s Avatar
Quinn Sep 16, 2023 3084 views

What should I do after graduating high school?

I have no idea if I should go to college after I graduate high school. I have some college credits through dual enrollment, with one of them being an intro to engineering credit. I enjoy engineering and programming but I also love music and art. The biggest part of my decision right now is...