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Brayden Rubino’s Avatar

Brayden Rubino

Protective Service Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations
Natick, Massachusetts
14 Answers
20475 Reads
16 Karma


Citizen Patrol

Active Locations

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Sep 23, 2023 857 views

How did you start your career in cyber security?

especially digital forensics/related!! really interested in looking into how to get started :)

simon’s Avatar
simon Sep 22, 2023 1239 views

When will there be a whole another blue moon?

What year day month because Blue Moons are dope and I'm interested in learning more about them

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Sep 21, 2023 512 views

What is the best part about working as a journalist?

Does it require a lot of “out of the office” work?

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy Sep 21, 2023 780 views

How can I become an actor/actress? What can I do to get there? Where do I find auditions?

I would like to know how can I excel in an acting career. Should I start by voice acting on social media platforms? Or should I search for audition opportunities? I had chances but missed them because I had no money, so where exactly can I find auditions that aren't high-priced.

Mahagonie’s Avatar
Mahagonie Sep 20, 2023 899 views

What are some college studying tips?

What are some college studying and time management tips? Also is it true that all the assignments and tests that you’ll have are in your student handbook?

Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby Sep 20, 2023 477 views

Hi do I know that I want to major in a certain major before taking the major and end up wanting to switch it later on in the year for another one that I would prefer?

Say I want to major in finance because I think it would be fun but during the first few weeks I don’t like it how do I deal with that?

Jae’s Avatar
Jae Sep 04, 2023 1643 views

How can I prepare to be an entomologist at 16?

I'm in high-school and all I do is study , collect bugs and keep my grades up for college. But I want something more to do. I want to engage more in my interests but I don't know where to start

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Sep 20, 2023 1813 views

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self about starting a business?

I want to start a business, but I have no starting point whatsoever. To those experienced in any kinds of businesses, help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Kaylynn’s Avatar
Kaylynn Sep 20, 2023 412 views

What type of job should i be looking for?

I’m 17, and very much a beginner. I don’t have much experience, but i’ve applied to what feels like hundreds of different places. what should i be looking out for?

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 2159 views

What are good remote jobs?

What are remote part-time jobs that I can do as a high school student? Specifically, I am looking for entry level coding jobs.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 6161 views

What certifications should I get to get a job in computer science?

I hear a lot about AWS certifications or Amazon ones. Which ones are best to get into machine learning and data science jobs?

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Sep 20, 2023 610 views

why are jobs so hard to get?

I'm wondering why are jobs so hard to get.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 875 views

How can I start making money quickly?

I am looking for a fast, part time, not a large commitment job to make money on the side for passive income.

Dimaia’s Avatar
Dimaia Sep 20, 2023 936 views

What kind of degree do I need to become a veterinarian?

I've researched ways to become one but I've kept getting different answers and I wanted to ask a professional if I could.