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Amit Bhoomaraddi’s Avatar

Amit Bhoomaraddi

IT Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
4 Answers
322 Reads
1 Karma

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M’s Avatar
M Aug 22 272 views

Is there an agricultural engineer here ?

If there is I would like to know more about this job
What did you study in university
The income ( if it's not too personnel)
Typical day
What are you doing in general

José’s Avatar
José yesterday 717 views

How can I find free training in the AI field that can assist me in my quest ?

My carer involves coaching students in the field of IT to get better career opportunities. I am fully invested in their learning and future.

s’s Avatar
s Oct 01 704 views

How do I get CS internships as a freshman in college with no background?

I'm a freshman in college who hopes to break into software engineering. I'm currently taking an intro CS course and linear algebra class, but I have no experience in working in a CS setting. How do I get a summer internship?

Bri’s Avatar
Bri Oct 02 316 views

is it possible to be able to actually use my software engineering degree to work alongside marine life, like on expeditions and not just as a hobby ?

I have a certificate qualification for software development , going in to do my degree for software engineering . I love what I do and I chose to do this because of the versatility it offers me because I like so many fields but my dream was to be a marine biologist and I volunteer at a local...