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Sheila Jordan’s Avatar

Sheila Jordan

Lead Network Proj/Prog Manager
Management Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
716 Answers
849724 Reads
1300 Karma


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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 1009 views

How do I pick a college major?

#career-choice #college-admissions

Madeleine’s Avatar
Madeleine Aug 31, 2017 759 views

What are some good time management skills. I always seem to get off task.

I always get off task, especially at night when I have to study for a big exam.
#finals #studying

Kristen’s Avatar
Kristen May 26, 2018 733 views

What is the most efficient way to study for finals?

Note cards? Practice tests? Studying from the textbook? Are there any resources that you recommend I take a look at that provide great ways to study for certain subjects? #finals #study

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 06, 2020 754 views

What is the best method not to get burnt out while studying for finals?

#studying-tips #study #college #finals #finals-week

Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Jul 29, 2020 849 views

Applying to Med School as a Low Income Student?

I know that the general advice for premed students is to keep undergraduate debt low, since the cost of applying can be thousands to begin with. I don't have concerns about having undergrad debt because of my school's generous financial aid (I get school grants, Pell Grants, work study, etc.)....

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 624 views

Where do you look to find grants and scholarships for college?

#study #college #university

Yareli ’s Avatar
Yareli Sep 20, 2016 1654 views

What are some requirements to become a veterinarian?

I would like to know what it takes to become a vet. Also i would like so know how many years it takes to become a veterinarian. #animal-health

Chrissy’s Avatar
Chrissy May 15, 2016 1803 views

Are there any scholarships or grants to assist in becoming a certified dog trainer?

I help rescue and foster dogs. I would love to become a trainer so that I could find more dogs "furever" homes. #animal-health #dog-rescue #dogs #dog-training #animal #career #college #career-counseling

Abigail ’s Avatar
Abigail May 22, 2016 1180 views

How can I learn to train service dogs?

I love dogs and training them and I am interested in service dog training #service #disabilities #dogs

Hazel’s Avatar
Hazel Nov 15, 2019 586 views

Is there specific types of vets?

#dogs i dont know what to do as a vet

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Dec 04, 2020 861 views

What are the best websites to study for ACT and SAT?

#test #study #websites #sat #act

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 25, 2016 4296 views

How do I become a radiation therapy technician?

I would like to become a radiation therapist but I'm not sure where to start. I know that there are limited colleges offering a radiation therapy major and I'm unsure what the requirements are. #radiological-technician #radiation

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Nov 25, 2020 3242 views

Pros and Cons of Dermatology

#Dermatology #career #job #family
#careers #career-options #career-choice #career-paths #jobs

wilert’s Avatar
wilert Nov 05, 2020 448 views

Best tips for becoming a teacher

I'm a band student and want to become a band teacher. I'm a Freshmen in high school #teacher #student #high-school

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Nov 29, 2020 3020 views

How to get a letter of recommendation when I'm a shy student?

I'm a decent student who occasionally contributes to the conversation and I get A's and B's in school, but I don't think I have developed a close relationship with any of my teachers. Speaking up in class is hard for me and it often feels like I'm being drowned out but other students. I'm...

Ty'Juan’s Avatar
Ty'Juan Jul 09, 2020 540 views

what does it take to be a auto mechanic

#engineering #business

Shakuan’s Avatar
Shakuan Jul 02, 2016 1401 views

Is there an online database to find prestigious fellowships and programs?

I only know of a few of these programs, such as the Rhodes program, but is there a list or database of all programs like this, preferably online? #college #college-bound #databases #opportunities #fellowships

Rose’s Avatar
Rose Oct 29, 2020 675 views

Are there any recommondations for classes to take in highschool?

#highschool #class #science #anatomy #health #doctor #gynocology

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Oct 28, 2020 947 views

How many years of college do I need to be an elementary teacher?

#teacher #school #teaching #career

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 816 views

What are some options for someone who might drop out of college and who would like to become a teacher?

Asking on behalf of a friend who might need to take some time off due to mental health challenges <3

#college #career-change #college-drop-out #teaching #education #mental-health

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 16, 2018 808 views

how do I find internships and volunteer opportunities related to veterinary medicine.


sydnee’s Avatar
sydnee Oct 27, 2020 881 views

How do you become a Kindergarten teacher?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology we learn about what careers we want to to when we are older. My teacher is having us do a project by having us asking questions for the jobs that interests us. #teacher #teaching

Paulina Vanessa’s Avatar
Paulina Vanessa Nov 18, 2020 699 views

What does teacher hiring look like for December graduates?

I am studying an undergraduate degree in Education, specializing in Middle School English, Language Arts & Reading with an ESL teacher certification. I will finish my degree on the Fall semester and would love to get a teaching job immediately after graduation. However, I know that there might...

Kostas’s Avatar
Kostas Oct 19, 2020 971 views

What are some traits that will be good for the job?

#Biomedical-Engineering #biomedical #engineering

Robyn’s Avatar
Robyn May 05, 2016 4494 views

Is it bad that I applied to only one university?

I've known which school I wanted to go to for forever, but I still feel a little guilty not applying anywhere else. I get all this mail and I'm like, "Sorry, you never had a chance." #college #college-applications

Oliverio’s Avatar
Oliverio Nov 05, 2020 1534 views

What do electrical engineers do?

I'm 15 years old. I'm not so creative and I'm not to good being social. I like the outdoors. I don't see myself as smart, but a lot of people think I am.
#Engineer #Electrical Engineer

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2020 971 views

How can I find jobs that will fund a graduate education?

Is this something I ask at a job interview? Is there a database for places that do?

#job-search #physics #grad-school #graduate-education #benefits #engineering

Ranae’s Avatar
Ranae Nov 05, 2020 482 views

how many years of college would you have to take if you want to go into cosmetology

I would like to know ow many years because this is something that I'm looking into doing after high school.

Zoey’s Avatar
Zoey Nov 05, 2020 452 views

What are the requirements for Culinary Arts?

Some hobbies I am interested in is listening to music, dancing, playing volleyball, and baking. I have other questions to ask such as; What are some colleges you recommend for Culinary Arts? Will there be some traveling involved for different restaurant businesses?
#college #career #business

Dezire’s Avatar
Dezire Nov 08, 2020 909 views

What is a pharmacy techician?

#doctor #doctor #career