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Rebecca Tang’s Avatar

Rebecca Tang

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hong Kong
1621 Answers
1058665 Reads
2410 Karma


Civic Duty
Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Mar 16, 2022 770 views

Do most professional business careers require you to go to college?

I am interested in the business field but not sure what area specifically. I am taking a gap year and deciding whether it would be better to go straight into the work force or apply to a university.

kayla’s Avatar
kayla Mar 15, 2022 1121 views

what do you need to be qualified for human resources manager ?

i'm a student from job corps center and i wanted to get advice about what you need to be qualified for human resources

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Mar 13, 2022 355 views

What is the first step in becoming a fashion stylist?

I'm currently enrolled in high school in San Francisco and I have deep interest / passion for fashion but currently I have no idea where to begin or where to start. So I'm asking you guys to share some of your fashion experiences!

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Mar 08, 2022 1992 views

How do you achieve work/life balance?

I recently finished up grad school and have entered the workforce as a mechanical engineer. Since there is so much to do, I have been staying up later to manage all the different projects I'm working on. It's a bit overwhelming. Any tips on how I can balance a heavy workload along with other...

Canming’s Avatar
Canming Mar 12, 2022 460 views

Where can I find a suitable career?

I want to research about careers that I want to do during college or after college either working as an intern or a real job.

Frankie’s Avatar
Frankie Mar 08, 2022 691 views

What level of math do I need for a computer science major?


Voc’s Avatar
Voc Mar 09, 2022 392 views

Are there any classes that help with verbal communication?


Jakob’s Avatar
Jakob Mar 08, 2022 861 views

How do you decide what to do as a career?

I know this isn't a simple question but I was wondering if there was anything that helped someone decide what to do with their life. #career-choice

jennel’s Avatar
jennel Mar 07, 2022 1380 views

What are some high paying jobs in the Information Technology field that doesn't include coding?

#computer #technology

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Mar 02, 2022 334 views

What college programs should I take to find what type of engineering I should be pursuing?

I have read about all the different types of engineering and have a hard time figuring out exactly which type of engineering I should follow. #Engineer

Monse’s Avatar
Monse Mar 03, 2022 417 views

How can I know if the career I want is what I need?


Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 03, 2022 1064 views

what are some of the skills I should learn before starting computer programming?

I am a junior looking to start computer programming and would like know some skill I should learn before starting #computer #computer-science #programming

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 03, 2022 1450 views

what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being a computer programmer?

I am interested in computers and would like to more about jobs related to computers and the advantages and disadvantages of the jobs #computer #computer-science #programming

Will’s Avatar
Will Mar 02, 2022 2490 views

What are the different types of engineering degrees?

I'm in 10th grade. I live in minnesota. I love math and sports. #engineer #math

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Mar 01, 2022 667 views

What should I look for in a career?

How do I know what will fit me best

beast’s Avatar
beast Feb 28, 2022 760 views

how should i get into coding? what is the best coding language for jobs?

Hello, I am in University and I am interested in pursuing an occupation involving coding. I am not sure where to begin my journey and how/when to apply for jobs. I am unsure which is the best coding language to learn for successful jobs with a stable income. #coding #technology #computer-science

robert’s Avatar
robert Feb 25, 2022 587 views

what jobs will let me help train others for sports

im a sophomore in high school and i am passionate in becoming a personal trainer.

Violet’s Avatar
Violet Feb 25, 2022 731 views

What kinds of foreign language careers are there?

I am interested in foreign languages, especially Spanish and Hawaiin. I think it would be fun to have a job related to languages.

#foreign-languages #language #spanish #hawaiin

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Feb 24, 2022 645 views

How do I know what career field I want to go into?

I am a sophomore and am starting to think more about the future. #career-paths

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Feb 23, 2022 759 views

How long does it take to write a novel?

I want to be a writer and was wondering how long it usually takes

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Feb 04, 2022 934 views

How do you start your own fashion business?

#business #fashion #fashion-design #design #marketing

Eboni’s Avatar
Eboni Feb 18, 2022 729 views

Are you a full-time or part-time college student?

What made you decide you wanted to go to school either part-time or full-time?
#college #university #communitycollege

Fatima zahra’s Avatar
Fatima zahra Feb 20, 2022 544 views

How I can work online and get money faster

Hello, I am a high school student I want to work online to get money for a personal reason so I want your advice on what is the fast and the best online job that I can do.
#money #financial-planning #career #college

Eboni’s Avatar
Eboni Feb 18, 2022 495 views

(College Student) If you do not use any of the student support programs at your school, what is something that is holding you back from seeking any?

#college #student #college-advice #college-student

Shuk Man’s Avatar
Shuk Man Feb 18, 2022 1214 views

Is extracurricular activity important in college?

#college #college-advice

Julie’s Avatar
Julie Feb 09, 2022 713 views

To be a writer how many years do you have to go to college for?

I'm in 10th grade at Spectrum High school and I love writing. #writing

hvjvj’s Avatar
hvjvj Feb 15, 2022 377 views

what stream should i choos med or comerce

i want to become a doctor but also run my own business #doctor #business

Tucker’s Avatar
Tucker Feb 09, 2022 371 views

what are some tips for starting a business?

I want to start a business and would like some tips to starting one? should I go to college and get a business degree or no? #business

elizabeth’s Avatar
elizabeth Feb 14, 2022 587 views

What are some related fields I should consider looking into for? (office admin)

I am interested in office admin because I have worked a few office jobs. I feel it suited my work styles and values. I enjoy the independence that some of my jobs gave me and working in a small setting. I am interested in Hr or Audit but I open to another area if it fits. #officeadmin #hr...

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Feb 09, 2022 579 views

What college major would be helpful for starting a business?

I am wanting to start my own business, what college majors would be helpful for this?