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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1154000 Reads
738 Karma


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caroline’s Avatar
caroline Jul 07, 2020 486 views

What do I all do while being in sprots medicine?

I love to travel and I am in love with sports, i am the o ly girl on the boys football team, and i play soccer, and body build at age of 14. Traveling with sports teams and being in sprots medicine, would be awesome #sports-medicine

Divya’s Avatar
Divya Jun 11, 2020 1097 views

How do I become a surgeon?

I'm in the first year of my GCSEs, and I'm a little confused about how to become a practising surgeon. What are the elaborate steps I need to take?

#doctor #medicine #surgery #surgeon #healthcare #college #premed #school

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jun 09, 2020 6264 views

Should I go into bussiness or medicine

I change my mind a lot and want to do something that is I enjoy every day. I feel that business is broad and it is so much you can do with a business major, however, being a doctor is so straightforward because having a medical degree is just being a doctor. I have always wanted to be a doctor...

Jack’s Avatar
Jack May 30, 2020 811 views

What college courses do i need to take to become a genetic engineer?

I’m looking to become a genetic engineer in plants. I am only in 9th grade but already planning for college and am trying to figure out how to achieve my goal. Any help would be useful, Thanks. #college #genetic #college #geneticengineer #biology #stem

Tamra’s Avatar
Tamra May 25, 2020 684 views

MA skills differences

I graduated with associate in applied science for medical assistant in 2008, went back for healthcare administration but didn't finish how can I get a job in my field asap .I've done research...job search EVERY thing.... #medicalismydream #internship #biology #medicine #healthcare #doctor

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 22, 2020 1836 views

What are some effective ways to transfer into the biomedical engineering field after getting a bachelor's in biology and environmental engineering?

I am currently a fourth year student (graduating after one more year) at the University of Georgia pursuing a B.S. in Biology and a B.S.ENVE in Environmental Engineering. I added my environmental engineering degree during my second year because I wanted to supplement my biology curriculum with...

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 18, 2020 933 views

what kind of work do surgeons do?

I know they operate what else do they do #medicine #surgeon #surgery

Kamal’s Avatar
Kamal May 17, 2020 9761 views

What's your favorite subject in High School?

Biology #biology Chemistry #che #chemistry

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 15, 2020 489 views

How many years does it take to be a doctor?

I am more interested in becoming a surgeon rather than a regular doctor. #surgery

Kaela’s Avatar
Kaela May 15, 2020 1008 views

How do you remind yourself that what you're doing/studying is important in the long run and let it truly sink in and motivate you?

#college #medical #radiology #nuclearmedicine #biology #organicchemistry #technician

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas May 08, 2020 1229 views

Should I get a premed degree to do psychiatry?

I am one year away from completing my bachelor's degree in psychology. I originally wanted to do child psychology for a place like Kaiser. However, lately I've been thinking about doing child psychiatry instead. I've been doing some research and see that instead of applying for a master's...

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Jun 27, 2020 11118 views

What's the exact difference between a Psychologist, a Psychiatrist and a Neurologist?

I know the gist of the differences between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist...but it would really help to know the exact differences {including average salary differences} between these three branches. #psychiatry #psychology #counseling #neuroscience #medical #doctor #medicine

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jul 01, 2020 598 views

I want to be a pediaatric hemotologyist, and I wanted to know what courses I need to take to be on the pre med track? Or the track to medical school?

#medicine #doctor #medical #kids

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Jun 30, 2020 1050 views

When do you come to terms of accepting failure or deciding to quit?

I began college as a Animal Science major and realized it wasn't for me. I'm currently a Psychology major, but I'm hoping to still be eligible of becoming a vet student. I keep holding onto the idea that you don't have to be a traditional vet student to be qualified. I have no direction of what...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 31, 2019 790 views

what do you like least about network cable installation?

computers #computer-science #information-technology #computer-engineering

krishna’s Avatar
krishna Apr 13, 2019 775 views

how can i get a job in humanitarian organisations like bill and melinda gates foundation if i am a computer sc student and my interests are artificial intelligence and deep leaarning?

#computer-science #computer-engineering #computer#humanitarian#gates foundtion

Delanyo’s Avatar
Delanyo Feb 13, 2019 988 views

As a Computer Engineering major, is there any career that would not keep me in an office all the time?

I like computers and building stuff but I would not want to be limited to working with computers all the time. I would prefer being in the field and getting my hands dirty but I cannot find a career path that's not entirely digital. #engineering #computer-engineering #computer...

tasleem’s Avatar
tasleem May 02, 2016 1127 views

How do I become a computer engineer?

I'm interested in computer engineering and would love to learn/hear more about the profession.
#computer #engineering #computer-software #computer-science

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jun 21, 2020 4697 views

How do you choose whether to major in computer science or software engineering?

I am applying for college soon, but I do not know how to pick between computer science and software engineering. I have not always been the best at math, and didn't do very well in math early on in my highschool career, but I managed to work my math grade up over the years. I am not naturally...

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Jun 28, 2020 892 views

What are BS/MD and BA/MD programs?

I am currently an incoming junior in high school and I am planning on going into the medical field! #medicine #medical #doctor #medical-school #hospital-and-health-care

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Dec 10, 2019 840 views

How can i pursue being a doctor in family medicine and what benefits does it offer? Does annual pay increase over the years? How do i start?

I would want to pursue something more in the medical field. Family medicine or a physical therapist is something i would like end up doing. I am currently a student and hoping to pursue these careers #doctor #medicine #medical

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 27, 2020 7080 views

What AP courses should I take if I want to be a doctor (eventually an OB/GYN)?

I would like to know which AP courses to take so I can get ahead in my studies. #medicine #medical #doctor

Jen’s Avatar
Jen May 26, 2020 1801 views

After the pre-med, I want to be a doctor, is nursing a good pre-med course for me?

Since childhood, I want to be a nurse because I want to take care of patients. But I realized that I am afraid of blood. But I really loved to watch k- #medicine #doctor #nursing #medical drama about medical field and that's why right now, I am confuse.

Lola’s Avatar
Lola Jun 29, 2020 679 views

How can I start?

I am 14 and I am really interested in the medical field, nurse practicioner,pediatrician or ob/gyn. I have still 3 years of high school but i want to now more about it all to have my mind set when i graduate form high school. I want to help in hospitals strarting at this age. What can i do?...

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Apr 28, 2018 1177 views

Do biochemists usually work for larger companies or independent businesses?

I'm planning on majoring in biochemistry and I want to know about what I'll experience after college. #biochemistry #biology #chemistry

Eliana’s Avatar
Eliana Aug 07, 2019 802 views

How should I go about becoming a lawyer?

I am going into my senior year which leads to a lot of questions about my future such as where should I go to college? What am I going to study? What is my plan? #lawyer #college-major #law #college

Keerthana’s Avatar
Keerthana Jun 22, 2020 1087 views

What should you major as if you want to be a lawyer? Does it depend on what type of lawyer you want to be?

#law #college-major #lawyer

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Feb 07, 2018 1427 views

What career path did you take to achieve your job?

#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...

Salvin’s Avatar
Salvin May 18, 2016 1252 views

How long will it take to pay off student loans from university and medical school, or does differ for everyone?

I'm asking this question because I am scared off the debt that I am going to be in. I want to be a doctor but this is the only thing that is making me question whether I should do it. #doctor #psychology #medicine #finance #pre-med #pediatrics #pediatrician #trauma

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Feb 07, 2020 916 views

What's the best route to go through in the medical feild?

#medicine #doctor #medical #healthcare

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Jun 28, 2020 6689 views

What is the difference between college and medical school? What does it mean to get into medical school straight out of high school?

I am currently an incoming junior in high school and I am planning on going into the medical field! Is it better to apply/get straight into medical school after high school as compared to going to college then medical school? What is the whole process like? #medicine #college #doctor #medical...

Ty'Reyan’s Avatar
Ty'Reyan Aug 30, 2017 1075 views

What other work experience did you have to get to your career in healthcare?

I am asking this question because this is my goal career #obstetrics #gynecology #healthcare #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Te'yah’s Avatar
Te'yah May 19, 2016 1262 views

What should I major in?

Hi, I am a sophomore in high school, and I want to be an OB/GYN. I know that I want to attend the University of Georgia, but I want to know what to major in as an undergraduate. I do not know what major would fit with my profession choice, and I need to know what would make the most sense to...

jasmine’s Avatar
jasmine Sep 20, 2018 564 views

I am beginning to explore more about my career path and i'd like to know more about the education and lifestyle of being a doctor ( OB-GYN ) .

I am a sophomore in highschool. I love helping people out as much as i possibly can. I always thought that a woman's biggest gift is their child and i would love to be the help a woman needs when in pregnancy times. I like dealing with infants and i'm all about congratulating people. #obgyn...

Salome’s Avatar
Salome Oct 10, 2018 752 views

Can a medical student be in two different resident programs ?

I want to become a pediatrician and an OB/GYN. Is being in two different programs possible or will I have to be in a program for a certain amount of years? #medicine

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 27, 2016 980 views

What jobs can you get with a math degree?

I am planning on majoring in mathematics because I love the subject, but I am not sure what kind of career options I will have/ #mathematics #doctorate-degree

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 27, 2016 1050 views

Is it worth pursuing a doctorates degree in mathematics?

I want to attain a doctorates degree in mathematics because I truly enjoy the topic and I just want to learn more about it. I want to know whether or not it is a good career choice. #mathematics #doctorate-degree

Kaviya’s Avatar
Kaviya Jun 18, 2016 1049 views

how meny fields in medical?

hi how meny fields in meadical.what is the safety in medical students? #doctor #doctorate-degree

noni’s Avatar
noni Jan 28, 2020 738 views

what do we need to do to be prepare for a doctor?

i don't have any experience in any medical related #doctor

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 08, 2019 535 views

When you are becoming a OB GYN in college then is it hard? What goals do you need to set ahead of time?

I am olivia and I am 13! I babysit toddlers and babies! I have younger cousins and I am in love with babies and I would like to spend my life taking care of them. I am also willing to devote my life to my work as an OB GYN in the future.


Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 26, 2019 562 views

what do you do if you work as an OB GYN doctor or an nick u worker?

Hi, i am O #doctor livia. I am 13. I like to care for younger kids. #doctor #doctor

Laviniea’s Avatar
Laviniea Jul 01, 2019 739 views

Nurse practitioner vs Physician assistant

This year is my last year in high school. The pressure is on to decide on my future career and my course of action in perusing that job. #medicine #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #hospital-and-health-care I’ve always wanted to become and Ob gyn doctor. Recently i’ve been doing...

azra’s Avatar
azra May 12, 2016 965 views

If I want become a doctor after completing my education, what can I do?

I want to know how to become a doctor. #medicine #healthcare #science #hospital-and-health-care #college

Kosovare’s Avatar
Kosovare Nov 03, 2017 1220 views

What does a typical day look like for a Neonatologist and Gynecologist?

I want to be a Neonatologist or a Gynecologist and I want to know what their day looks like and if they have time outside of the hospital. #medicine #medical-field #hospital-and-health-care

Nneoma’s Avatar
Nneoma Feb 06, 2020 781 views

What majors should I have to be an obstetrician?

#college-major #obstetrician #obgyn #healthcare

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jan 10, 2018 781 views

What kind of classes do you have to take on your way to becoming a OB GYN?

I'm asking this because I'm very interested in this career and I would like to know which classes I would have to take if I decide to go for it at the end.

#medicine #obstetrics #gynecology #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Dahlia’s Avatar
Dahlia Apr 22, 2020 754 views

I want to be a gynecologist, which premed program would set me up for success?

#premed #doctor #gynecology #gynecologist

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Jan 12, 2018 867 views

Do you experience bias in patient perception of MD vs PA-C?

I am currently in school completing my pre-reqs in order to apply to physician assistant school. Over the last few years, I have heard a number of people say they would rather see a MD than a PA-C as they feel an MD has more experience, expertise and knowledge in the field of medicine. Do you...

Thi’s Avatar
Thi Jan 21, 2018 933 views

What does a physician assistant do?

I recently spoke to a physician assistant student and she told me physician assistants are essentially doctors without the title, the salary, and surgery. I want to know more about physician assistants and what they actually do in the workforce.

#Medicine #physician-assistant

Sky’s Avatar
Sky May 24, 2016 905 views

What is the best major choice to become a doctor

I recently needed to decide to major in biology or chemistry #medicine #physician