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Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Dec 03, 2023 2618 views

Why do we have to go to school for so many years and we basically don't learn anything ?

My favorite subject is math and i have really good grades but i think without school we can still get a good job

sophia’s Avatar
sophia Nov 28, 2023 890 views

Help with School Struggles?

Hi. I'm a 14-year-old in high school and I've been struggling a lot. I've got a history of truancy and most of my grades aren't great. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one dealing with this and that it's going to hold me back forever. Has anyone else been through something similar? Any...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Nov 22, 2023 572 views

How long does it take to become a pediatric Nurse or Doctor ?

I am looking forward to gaining more information and insight on what this career path requires

Aidan’s Avatar
Aidan Nov 16, 2023 1722 views

How does one maintain a healthy work/life balance so that the demands of a career or academic goal do not stifle other passions?

I have always had a desire to acquire a deeper understanding of our natural world and its living processes at a molecular level. I am applying to college to pursue Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, with the hope of one day attending graduate school or even taking the Medical sciences route. I...

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Nov 10, 2023 477 views

What ways can I start to be most invested into my future career, even as a highschool student?

Hi! I'm currently a freshman in highschool, and I have wanted to try and focus on my career path more often. I've always wanted to be a teacher, but I'm not sure if I'm wanting to be an acting/theater highschool teacher or an elementary teacher. Nevertheless, do you have any tips on how to take...

Mara’s Avatar
Mara Oct 28, 2023 6395 views

How long does it take to become a licensed cosmetologist?

How long does it take to become a licensed cosmetologist

Celia’s Avatar
Celia Oct 17, 2023 989 views

How can I figure out the right career for me if I have many different interests For example, I want to go into a career that has to do with sports and business but I don't know where to start finding the right career for me. ?

I love social media marketing, marketing in general, photography, and sports management (I have a leadership-driven personality).

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna Oct 17, 2023 1303 views

how can i begin my journey to becoming a fashion designer?

What are the best schools for fashion design and business?

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Sep 28, 2023 1330 views

what are the requirements to be a Registered Dietitian?

It varies by state

most states require a bachelors degree, a masters long with internships, and pass an exam to be a licensed nutritionist

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Sep 15, 2023 934 views

How do you start the process of getting into scholarships?

I would like to go for education but I may not have the funds for college. How would i start getting scholarships?

Ashagre’s Avatar
Ashagre Sep 12, 2023 537 views

How do you fix a world that has been tuned upside down?

I've always wanted to change the world whether that's by inventing something that will help the world or by finding a career that lets me help people and give hope and second chances in life witch is why I wanna study law and order so I can fight and protect what I believe is right and...

moe’s Avatar
moe Sep 07, 2023 2505 views

what are some of the benefits of construction?

id like to know what some benefits of being in the construction career

moe’s Avatar
moe Sep 07, 2023 2968 views

what made you want to choose construction?

i am 20 years old in job corps and I'm interested in construction

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 26, 2023 1815 views

There are so many different computer and tech related jobs, how do I know which one I would like and what the difference is?

I was looking for computer and tech related jobs but got lost in how many jobs there were and now i'm really confused on what the difference is in all of them, I want to be a computer software programmer but I cant find much online about it, it always takes me to another job that's similar so...

Geoffrey’s Avatar
Geoffrey Aug 19, 2023 1217 views

What should I know as a student planning on entering the industry as a computer science major?

I'm currently a high school junior who is planning on majoring in computer science once I am in college. Is there anything I should know before entering the workforce? Is there anything you want upcoming students to know?

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Aug 13, 2023 2580 views

Where do I start when building my portfolio for fashion design?

Most colleges I've looked into don't really provide anything specific. But I'd like to know the best way to ensure that my portfolio is going to be perfect!

Emmett’s Avatar
Emmett Aug 10, 2023 1331 views

How should I balance my schedule for my first year of high school?

I’m going into my freshman year of highschool and am playing football while taking all honors classes. Any tips on how to not fall apart mid semester?

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Aug 09, 2023 1252 views

Why should I work in the medical field?

Why should I be a doctor?

celeste’s Avatar
celeste Aug 08, 2023 859 views

How do I find the career that best suits me?

How do I find the career that best suits me? I want to go into premed but I'm not sure if it is right for me. How can I see if its right for me?

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Aug 01, 2023 429 views

Are there any reliable options for scholarship opportunities?

Such as any websites to go through?

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Aug 01, 2023 442 views

If you were me,what would you do in this situation?

I was stuck in this problem where my parents told me to take science but my friends and mentors told me to take math what should i do? imm good at both the subjects

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Jul 31, 2023 1553 views

why is it so essential to get so much education for a good job in the US?

We were talking about the different classes of people in the US in class the other day and it was made aware to me how much education people had to get/pay for in order to really pay enough for essentials in life in the US. People with higher education get the better jobs that pay more and...

Akhila’s Avatar
Akhila Jul 24, 2023 542 views

how do you move up within a company

how do u move up or get promoted in a company. do u have to tell ur boss u want a promotion or do they just happen

Akhila’s Avatar
Akhila Jul 24, 2023 4349 views

How did you get your job??

how did you get ur job and also how did u know where to? do you just find places online and then apply and go in for interviews? or is it like referred by someone?

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jul 19, 2023 1049 views

How do I figure out what career to pursue?

As a follow up question, once you figure out what you want to do, how do you figure out how to get there?

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jul 17, 2023 551 views

How long did it take to become an anesthesiologist or real estate agent?

I’m just curious since I might do it

Sarianna’s Avatar
Sarianna Jul 14, 2023 1181 views

What is one school that does cosmetology and is cheap but has great education?

What is one school that does cosmetology and is cheap but has great education?

nylaia’s Avatar
nylaia Jul 13, 2023 802 views

How do I start looking for careers I could possibly interested in?

Im wondering this because I need help finding what careers I would be interested in.

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jul 08, 2023 3175 views

How do I advertise my babysitting business around my neighborhood?

I’m a freshman in HS and I want to earn some extra money. I have handed out flyers about my services but people don’t get back to me. How do I fix this?

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Jun 20, 2023 555 views

How do I find my first job

How do I find my first jobs?

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