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Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 03, 2018 804 views

How many programmers in the proffesional field also do other work such as animation?

#game_design #programming #coding

Beverley’s Avatar
Beverley May 31, 2018 869 views

I self published a book. What's next?

I've sold a decent number of copies of my novel, When the Clouds Break, but I don't know how to expand my audience without spending tons of money. Any advice would be appreciated. #books #writing #advertising #publication

Beverley’s Avatar
Beverley May 31, 2018 1010 views

What are the first steps to making it as a composer or musician?

I intend to double major at Emory with one of the majors being music. I've composed some small ensemble pieces, made a lot of music with Logic, and I've been taking music lessons since I was four. I love it and I want to do it but I'm not sure how to break into the scene. #music #musician...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 30, 2018 1360 views

Do you think college tuition costs will continue to rise?


Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 30, 2018 597 views

What are some great internships for agribusiness majors ?

#ag #womeninag

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander May 30, 2018 526 views

Balancing school, athletics, and clubs

I am in a crew team, and will continue to row in college as well. Crew takes up a lot of time not already taken up by school. With that being said, what sort of clubs should I join in order to feel involved with my college, while still focusing on school and athletics? #extracirriculars

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander May 30, 2018 520 views

Specific Business Fields

I will be studying business at Marist College, but although I know I want to do something in business, I'm not sure what field of business to go into. How do I know what field of business would be best for me? #business

Molly’s Avatar
Molly May 29, 2018 565 views

Who has inspired politicians to help better the lives of others through legislation?

I am a senior in high school and I really enjoy politics and international relations/affairs. I want to better the lives of people all around the world. I also want to know why people think the way I do, that all people deserve the best possible situations and that normally these ideal...

Molly’s Avatar
Molly May 29, 2018 683 views

How are young adults supposed to gain the experience needed to get their dream job if every job along the way requires experience that the person is there to gain?

Experience is always required but what if the applicant has not been given the chance to gain such experience? #jobs #career

Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 27, 2018 741 views

What are things you wish you k ew before going into neuroscince/neurology?

Are there steps you wish you would have taken before stepping into the field of neurology, or things you wish someone would have told you beforehand?
#advice #startingacareer #priorknowledge #neurology #neuroscience #connections

Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 27, 2018 822 views

How many years does it take to become a practicing neurologist with a doctorate degree?

#neuroscience #neurology #neurologist #collegedegree #practicingdoctor

Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 25, 2018 941 views

How did you know that the career you chose was absolutely what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?

I am about to be a senior in high school and I know that, right now, I want to be a neurologist, but I am worried that once I start studying to become one, I will realize I do not like it, but by then it will be too late to change my mind. I just want to know how you discovered what career you...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie May 22, 2018 798 views

What degrees, classes, and qualifications should I pursue if I want to be a surgeon?

How do those choices/ classes affect me and how are they helpful?
#surgeon #surgery #doctor #medicine #healthcare

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 22, 2018 901 views

What is the daily life of a dance major?

Although I LOVE dance and would like to major in dance for my undergraduate degree, I want to make sure this is the right fit for me. Therefore, I have a few questions. What is the daily life of a dance major? Do you get to pick your classes? Do you have time to double major? Do you have time...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 22, 2018 2281 views

Can I double major in dance and attend law school?

My first passion is dance. I started when I was 2 and have loved it since. I would like to pursue a career in dance, but I’m afraid that it is unrealistic. This field is highly competitive. Therefore, I am looking for a Plan B. I’ve always been interested in law, specifically family law. I...

Luke’s Avatar
Luke May 20, 2018 558 views

Is it common practice for Hospitals/Medical groups to offer student loan reimbursements as part of a compensation package for newly hired nurses?

#payoffstudentloans #nursing

Luke’s Avatar
Luke May 20, 2018 581 views

Where should I a get job experience as a Nurse before applying to CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) School?

After I complete my BSN degree I will be looking for a professional position to gain experience before applying to CRNA school. #CRNA #career

Kima’s Avatar
Kima May 17, 2018 863 views

Can i major in more than one thing in college

I want to major in #criminology & #sociology & #physiology & #emt and I want to know how many years estimated will I be in college

Dhani’s Avatar
Dhani May 13, 2018 883 views

What type of careers can you get into with a Mass Comm degree?

I'm trying to get more of an idea of what is out there for incoming freshman at my university. I am a mass comm major and I have received a few questions but they're not pertaining to my concentration within the major. #tennesseestate #masscommunications #hbcus #communications...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Apr 24, 2018 762 views

Why is the music industry dominated by males?

I want to be a music producer and as a female I think it'll be hard because the music industry is dominated by males and there's not enough room for females in the industry and you have to do outrages thing to make it and become successful. #Music #music-industry #gender-equality #career

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Apr 24, 2018 896 views

Why do people that want to go to college have to pay expensive tuition?

I want to attend a college that I know will further my education and help my career out tremendously but I cannot afford the tuition and I just don't understand why I have to stress out and have to come up with the money because I WANT BETTER FOR MYSELF! #tuition #privateschool...

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Apr 23, 2018 482 views

Is it smart to attend a school in your home state? Are the graduation rates lower for kids who stay "home?


Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Apr 23, 2018 455 views

How important is the minor I choose? Should I choose a minor based on my passion also?

I am just wondering should I pick a minor in a field that backs up my major?

Mae’s Avatar
Mae Apr 20, 2018 7309 views

How do I get to shadow a Biomedical Engineer

I was looking to find out how to shadow a biomedical engineer. I did my undergraduate in neuroscience and had the intention of going to graduate school for biomedical engineering. I was hoping to see what there work life was like before going. I've looked into societies like BMES, but no luck....

Skylar’s Avatar
Skylar Apr 19, 2018 851 views

How can I do community service overseas?

I would love to combine my talent for world languages and my passion for service!
#bilingual-spanish #bilingual #service

Skylar’s Avatar
Skylar Apr 19, 2018 638 views

Will teachers ever be paid what their worth?

I would love to teach, but they don't make enough money to support themselves. #teacher #k-12-education

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Apr 06, 2018 596 views

How much does a graphic designer make per year?

How much (average) money does a graphic designer make per year in Georgia?


Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Apr 06, 2018 488 views

How can I be sure that my college degree will get me a good job?

Lots of people go to colleges and get degrees, but they still end up having a hard time finding a good job. How can I make sure that I can get a job with my degree after graduating college? #job-guaranteed

Jhade’s Avatar
Jhade Apr 03, 2018 676 views

What is the best way I can prevent myself from being too distracted once I'm in college?

I'm asking because I have a tendency to focus on less important things than the task at hand sometimes. #focus #help #off-task #distractions

Jhade’s Avatar
Jhade Apr 03, 2018 539 views

Besides scholarships, what is the best way to pay for college without getting into serious debt?

I'm asking because I want to have an alternative option in case I am unfortunate in earning a scholarship. #scholarships

MAKESHA’s Avatar
MAKESHA Mar 20, 2018 601 views

What is a good job for someone who likes chemistry

I like chemistry but people have told me there are no jobs except DR. is that true?

April’s Avatar
April Mar 20, 2018 593 views

What are appropriate steps that future counselors should take when working with clients online?

With social media and other online resources being on the rise, if a client prefers online-counseling versus counseling that is face-to-face, what steps should a counselor take in order to establish a professional client-counselor relationship that is online? #mental-health-counseling...

April’s Avatar
April Mar 20, 2018 766 views

While in college, should a student do their internship while working on their Doctorate degree or wait until they are completely finished with college?

I am working on my Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling which requires a three year internship before I can get my license. I want to know if I should go ahead and do it while working on my Doctorate degree or wait until after I have my degree. #college-advice #counseling...

Jasminne’s Avatar
Jasminne Mar 19, 2018 853 views

Is it better to minor in French?

I am already fluent in Spanish, but have only taken French in high school.

#french #college-minor #spanish #foreign-languages

Jasminne’s Avatar
Jasminne Mar 19, 2018 3204 views

If I want to become a physician assistant, should I major in biochemistry or biology?

I would like to attend a graduate school with enough experience so that i can become a PA.

#medicine #physician-assistant #hospital-and-health-care

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Mar 16, 2018 500 views

College Life and Life Balance

For outgoing students who opt to be involved with extracurricular activities, club engagement, social awareness and academic studies, how would the student balance it all? What type of support system or coaching platforms are provided in college settings that help the student adapt to a...

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Mar 16, 2018 631 views

What opportunities are available for women with Criminal Justice degrees?

Law Enforcement has many components - Police, Lawyer, etc. What particular opportunities are available for women with Criminal Justice degrees? Particularly African-American women. I've read that "the complexity and size of the criminal justice system means an array of opportunities". However,...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Mar 14, 2018 638 views

Is the CDC a good place to intern?

I am about to start college and the university I will attend has a program that allows you to intern with the CDC in Atlanta. Have any of you interned with the CDC and if so, how was your experience there? #Medicine #CDC #medical-research

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Mar 13, 2018 730 views

What are some tips on acing my MCAT exams?

In a few years I will take the MCAT and I want to know what classes and studying methods worked best for you when you were mere college students? #MCAT #Medicine #Doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Mar 13, 2018 532 views

Is it better to be a part of Doctors without Borders early or later in my career?

I am an aspiring surgeon and I absolutely love to help others. However, I understand college can be expensive and that it will take me a few years to grow accustumed to the job. So, is it better for me to wait and settle into the pace of hospitals here or to go and gain experience before I...

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Mar 13, 2018 884 views

What are some important things to prioritize on applications if given limited space to convey information about yourself?

I've completed my applications but am currently looking to answer this question in the event I need to fill out more college information in the future.#stanford #college #college-admissions

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Mar 13, 2018 620 views

What are some resources and avenues I could look towards for gaining financial support for college at Stanford?

I would like to attend Stanford on account of my being accepted but the parent contribution is becoming an issue and hindering my ability to commit. #stanford #college #college-advice #financial-aid

amoi’s Avatar
amoi Mar 13, 2018 708 views

How to earn a high SAT score?

I am asking because I am a junior who is going to take the sat soon and I want to score my absolute best to earn more college opportunities? Also what are apps that can help me study ?#sat #college #college-advice

amoi’s Avatar
amoi Mar 13, 2018 1068 views

I am currently a Junior in Highschool and I am close to being a senior. I have been thinking about the career I want to pursue after highschool and I want to become a pediatrician. What degree should I look for and how many years will I be in school?

I always wanted to become a doctor when I was younger. I had the passion to help people. When I was little I used to pick up medical equipment and play like I was a doctor. In middle school and high school I went to the library often to research books about the medical field and children. I...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Mar 08, 2018 810 views

I am wondering if I should rush or not?

I have always heard great things about making life-long friends in sororities but i don't know if it is for me. How do I know if I want to pay the expensive price of a sorority?

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Mar 08, 2018 634 views

Where is the best place to study abroad for a nursing major?

I want to study abroad at some point in college but I do not know what the best places are for a nursing major. I love all sides of the spectrum so anywhere in the world, I just don't know where the best places are for a study abroad nursing program.
#study-abroad #nursing #medicine

Manning’s Avatar
Manning Mar 08, 2018 701 views

How do I find a part time job while I am in college?

I will need to help my parents supplement my college funds. #scholarships

Manning’s Avatar
Manning Mar 08, 2018 736 views

How do I know if I will be a good teacher?

I am trying to decided between teaching and nursing and have no idea how to choose! #teacher #nurse

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Mar 06, 2018 597 views

what can you do to make sure you are prepared for medical school and how to avoid burnout.

#medschool #medical-school

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Mar 06, 2018 736 views

What is a typical day as a family physician?

#family-medicine #emergency-medicine I am asking because i am trying to decide on what specialty to go in.

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