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Geovanni’s Avatar
Geovanni Mar 03, 2016 1745 views

How does the college experience help you figure out your career choice?

I am very indecisive on what I want to pursue in college as a major and just went #undecided, and I don't have a specific career interest. So I am very confused on what I want to do in and out of college. #engineering #teacher-training #physical-fitness

Jordi’s Avatar
Jordi Mar 03, 2016 1226 views

Where can mechanical Engineering take me in college and in the future?

Hi am a current high school student who has been accepted to college for this fall and I was wondering based on my intrest on mechanical engineering I was thinking what kind of careers could come out of mechanical engineering and the benefits that one gets out of it. As my interest grows and...

Marisa ’s Avatar
Marisa Mar 03, 2016 890 views

What are main key components to know when entering the fields of health services(Surgeon)?

The reason why I am asking because I want to know when I take my classes I know what key terms or ways that will help me to learn about my career the most #experience #doctorate-degree

Chantel’s Avatar
Chantel Mar 03, 2016 937 views

What careers can I fulfill that will combine my interest in both becoming a veterinarian and also a social worker?

Hello, my name is Chantel, and I am currently a senior. I will be starting my first year in college in Franklin and Marshall next fall, and I desire in becoming a social worker and a veterinarian for years though I have been receiving some disapproval in just choosing one career since both are...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Mar 03, 2016 972 views

What background do I need to go into the Child Psychiatry field?

I am currently a senior in high school and I know for sure that I want to go into childcare and medicine in college but I wanted to know what kind of requirements I would need for child psychiatry.What classes in college would best prepare me to go into this field? #medicine #psychiatry

Bryanna’s Avatar
Bryanna Mar 03, 2016 1341 views

How can you combine clinical psychology with women's studies?

Hi my name is Bryanna and I am a senior in High School. Every since I was younger I have always been called the "mother" of my groups of friends because I take care of everyone and make sure they are all happy and feeling good. Little did I know I actually enjoyed the feeling of knowing that I...

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel Mar 02, 2016 2548 views

Can I be a pilot and still have the time to create my own business?

Hi, My name is Nathaniel and all my life I wanted to become a commercial pilot. As I got older I became more interested for owning my own business. Specifically having a more modern bus transportation system in Barbados. Will I be able to accomplish this goal while being a pilot or not and If i...

Iesha’s Avatar
Iesha Mar 02, 2016 857 views

What are the requirements for completing a nursing major?

When I go to college I want to major in nursing. So when I start going to college I want to know what classes I would have to take. #nursing #medicine #pre-med

darryl’s Avatar
darryl Mar 02, 2016 2534 views

Is stock market investing a good career path?

I have a passion for cooking but if finding a career in culinary is not working out I would like to make a living Investing in stocks. If this is a good career path what college classes, major, and internships should I be taking as a incoming freshman in college the fall of 2016 to be...

Kandice’s Avatar
Kandice Mar 02, 2016 1052 views

What is like to be a teacher ? Would becoming a Math teacher be a good choice for me?

I am asking this because I want to become A math teacher for a little bit to see how it is teaching students what you know from your knowledge. I also would like to know more new skills about math and see more of the challenging problem solving throughout my college year.

Serena’s Avatar
Serena Mar 02, 2016 1008 views

If I want to officially work as a certified nurse, should I go into a 2-year or 4-year program?

Since the Beginning of the year, I have been receiving college acceptances. I got one from Alfred State that says I was conditionally accepted into their 2-year nursing program. But my godmother and other nurses that I have asked says that I should go for the 4-year program because it comes...

lindsay’s Avatar
lindsay Mar 02, 2016 1505 views

Does taking the multi state bar exam give you more options?

When I was looking up bar exams I found that they had multi state exam and from what I know is that when you take the test is that you are not pressured to work in a specific state. And I was just wondering if it is better to take a bar exam for a specific state or is it better to take the...

Iman’s Avatar
Iman Mar 02, 2016 1316 views

What is the best path to take after college ie, take a break, continue to go to school, get a job? I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills I learned in college.

I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills. I want to be able to have time to myself, yet be productive. #hobbies

Aiyana’s Avatar
Aiyana Mar 02, 2016 1288 views

What career can I be in my favor, since I passion for fixing the criminal justice system and being able to help people by listen to them and understanding their mindset behind their actions?

My name is Aiyana, I am a senior in high school, who struggled but later on understood my mindset and what caused me to struggle to change. Through overcoming and reflexing I learned a lot about myself and that lead me to build a passion to help other who are in need for help and someone to...

Brittnee’s Avatar
Brittnee Mar 02, 2016 1159 views

What is the best way to know whether to choose being an Obstetrician or a midwife?

I want to work with small babies and I know that I do not want to be a pediatrician because small children can get too feisty after a certain age. I know that I want to deliver babies and help to explain to women what is happening to their child as they are developing in the womb and deliver...

Atheena’s Avatar
Atheena Mar 02, 2016 833 views

What results are better for a teacher, a charter school or public school ?

I would like to work with a group of kids who I can actually impact. I want to know that my work is helping kids be pushed to their full potential in math and that their actually understanding. Im interested in teaching AP Statistics so hopefully at least 90% of my students pass their AP Exam....

Tajanay’s Avatar
Tajanay Mar 02, 2016 1621 views

Is fashion marketing a career that is long lasting , and something that will create a successful business in the long run?

Every since i was a little girl , i was always interested in fashion, colors, clothes, and most of all shopping. When i tie all of that together it leads me to wanting to have a career in fashion marketing . #marketing #fashion

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Mar 02, 2016 1207 views

I am interested in pursuing engineering, most likely computer engineering, I wanted to know internships available for this field? But also I wanted to also know how can I merge my passion of music with engineering as well ?

Hello, I am a senior in high school. As I soon go off to college I plan to go into the engineering field. My passion is music and dancing but I wanted to combine these passions with the field I wanted to pursue.However I am having trouble with it. I research and found that I was interested in...

lauryn’s Avatar
lauryn Mar 02, 2016 1182 views

What majors would I need to look into if I were interested in being a producer and art director.

I am currently a high school senior and I am interested in music, art , and media. I am not set on being a producer and art director, but it had been suggested to me and I am considering it. I would like to know if there are any specific majors I should be seeking and also any other careers...

Tamyra’s Avatar
Tamyra Mar 02, 2016 1469 views

What do I have to major in if i plan to have a career as a music producer

HI I am a senior who is a couple months away from starting my first year as a freshman in college. I have a passion for music, and it is something that i really want to pursue. I was wondering about what would i need to take to be able to qualify to become a music producer. #music #producer

Tamara’s Avatar
Tamara Mar 02, 2016 1125 views

What steps did you take during your undergraduate college experience to help you decide what type of law you wanted to work in?

I am currently a Senior in high school and I know that I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. However, I don't have a specific kind of law that I know for sure I want to work in. I am interested in doing law that involves contracts for big companies. However,I am also interest in doing law that...

Kemar’s Avatar
Kemar Mar 02, 2016 817 views

What would a day look like for a Electrical Engineer in the SIgnals and Communications field?

I've decided that I wanted to become a Electrical Engineer since 9th grade, and now that I'm a senior I found that being in the signals and communication field interests me the most. So, I was just wondering what a work day would look like for someone that mostly deals with signals and...

James’s Avatar
James Mar 02, 2016 1277 views

Is there a way I can combine my interest in business with my interest in engineering?

Hello, my name is James and I am a senior who will be attending Dartmouth College in the fall. I am in love with math and every year do extremely well with my math class. I also love working with labs and finding new discoveries that proves many theories right or wrong. However, outside of...

Aissata’s Avatar
Aissata Mar 02, 2016 1319 views

What is the day to day schedule like from an accountant?

I am a senior at Achievement First Brooklyn High School. I ask this because I am interested in accounting as a career after college. I also know that accounting will require good math skill, which I am not nervous about because I am confident with that subject. However, since I do not know...

Blake’s Avatar
Blake Mar 02, 2016 888 views

What are some effective habits to have in College and after to be a successful pilot? What requirements must I fill after college to fly become a commercial pilot as well?

Ever since I was seven years old, I have always been interested in aviation because of my first flight to Detroit because when I first saw the aircraft I have never seen anything so massive in my life. The large turbines and ailerons were all new to me and seeing it for the first time resulted...

Winfred’s Avatar
Winfred Mar 02, 2016 1214 views

What classes did you take to choose what career path you desire?

As a senior in Achievement First Brooklyn High school, I had a long desire since a child in science because it focuses on discovering and creating innovative technology or ideas. As I matured, my focus has been between engineering or health majors. I recently got accepted into Swarthmore...

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Mar 02, 2016 894 views

As a midwife how do you deal with handling a parent when the child does not make it?

Hi I am a student at Achievement First Brooklyn High School, and I'm interested in being a midwife because I want to bring life into the world. I am scared of losing someone's child and having to see the pain that the parent has to go through. #midwifery

Imani’s Avatar
Imani Mar 02, 2016 1469 views

Sociology and Entertainment Industry

Hello, I am high school senior that has recently been accepted to Brandeis early decision. I have a love for the arts both performing and visually, having done dance, poetry and photography. I also have developed an interest in sociology, of understanding how people act towards their community...

Ariella’s Avatar
Ariella Mar 02, 2016 1246 views

Gender and Women Studies major career options?

I'm a senior and I have been recently accepted to Wesleyan University. I'm really interested in learning about women and gender's studies, race and identity, and traveling to different countries to learn about new cultures. Recently, I traveled to Turkey , which started my love for traveling...

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Mar 02, 2016 1131 views

Introductory Classes for Engineering & Psychology? Post College Quest?

Hello, I recently have been admitted to Lafayette College as a Early Decision applicant. Since my Freshman year, I wanted get into the field of Software Engineering because I have a huge interest in technology and how it's advancing for the future. However, this year I found interest in...

Kiera’s Avatar
Kiera Mar 01, 2016 1471 views

What are the first steps to becoming a voice actress?

Hi, my name is Kiera and I am a high school senior. I have taken an interest of wanting to become a voice actress, so I was wondering how should I start in order to reach my goal I should take. #acting #voice-acting #voice-over

D'Asia’s Avatar
D'Asia Mar 01, 2016 921 views

Greetings, I'm focusing on the career path of nursing, and wanted to be infom on the process of becoming a nursing?

Since I'm a senior and getting closer to college,I'm trying to invest in what I want to do in the future.During class,my teacher gave us a website on ways to find a career that I'm interested in. However, from the amount of nursing careers,I wanted to know how long will it will take to become a...

Jhirnelle’s Avatar
Jhirnelle Mar 01, 2016 1004 views

What classes might I take while majoring in social work?

HI, I'm Jhirnelle, and a couple months ago I realized I wanted to be a social worker. I know I want to help children out, and make sure they get the help they need. I want to be able to work with children in foster homes and who are being abused so I can help them be successful and at a stable...

Anacia’s Avatar
Anacia Mar 01, 2016 1251 views

I wanted to major in the Biology field in college, I was wondering how will Biology really play a major role in me pursuing my career path in the Medical field, in terms of the process?

When it comes down to what I know, I know that with either being a Dentist, Oncologist, or an Orthopedic Surgeon, I know that I will ultimately have to major in Biology in college for the four years and get my Bachelors Degree. I currently take AP Biology as a Senior at my high School, there...

Jamel’s Avatar
Jamel Mar 01, 2016 1894 views

I am interested in the Criminal Justice field and I want to become a lawyer, What qulifications do I need to make this happen?

I am a High School senior who is very interested in the law field. I know that I have to go to law school and take the Bar exam for my dream to come through. I have recently applied to John Jay college of Criminal Justice because I know that the focus a lot on the law field. I want to know in...

Justis’s Avatar
Justis Mar 01, 2016 1253 views

How can a young actor start getting roles without much experience, or a full resume ?

I'm asking this question because I am an actor. I do short films, and featured films. I read a lot of book and try to gain more knowledge. Now I want to know how to get further in the craft and do more things that will lead to my success. #director #film-acting #actors #producer

Kabreka’s Avatar
Kabreka Mar 01, 2016 2612 views

What are the best college courses to take if you are interested in entertainment law?

Hello, My name is Kabreka and I am a high school senior. I wanted to know what's the best colleges courses to take if I am interested in entertainment law? I have a major interest in entertainment (television/music) however, I am interested in law (contractual law) . I wanted to know how to...

Tiana’s Avatar
Tiana Mar 01, 2016 846 views

Would you recommend one to major in such a rigorous science department that they are not so good at or to do something more lightly in the science department?

Im interested in majoring in a forensic field ; moreover, digging deeper, I desire to become a medical examiner. I know that this requires me to major in some sort of chemistry field and then going to medical school. However, I urge to ask you how dedicated do you have to be in order to become...

Donavon’s Avatar
Donavon Mar 01, 2016 1109 views

Are there any engineering programs available in the NYC area that I can get hands on experience in?

I have been accepted to SUNY Buffalo and to SUNY Alfred under Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, respectively. I am a fan of hands on work, since I believe that is the best way to gain experience in any field. I have gotten back into computer programming in high school and I am...

Terrell’s Avatar
Terrell Mar 01, 2016 1551 views

Is ComputerScience a very competitive Career Path?

hello, I will soon be attending college and want to know if there are anything that i can do outside of school or possible online programs that would be useful? #career #career-paths #internship #classes #computer-science-phd

darryl’s Avatar
darryl Mar 01, 2016 3785 views

Is it wise to pursue a career in cooking, like a chef, and does it pay well?

I am a senior and plan on going to college for culinary and business. I want to know if that a good career path that pay wells. Also are their any jobs or career specifically that both pay well and enjoyable in this career choice. #culinary-arts #business-idea #culinary-skills #food-service...

Tyra’s Avatar
Tyra Mar 01, 2016 20355 views

Should I get my bachelor degree for business before getting my license for hair after college?

I´m a senior in high school.My future career goal is to become a cosmetologist who owns her own hair salon.Since I have a passion for doing hair. I know when I go to college I have to major in business.However there is something I´m stuck on whether I should get my license for doing hair after...

Yasine’s Avatar
Yasine Mar 01, 2016 2765 views

On a day to day basis, how does a Civil Engineer vary from being a Music Engineer?

I am a high school senior. I have always had a passion for Civil Engineer and want to pursue it in college. I recently researched about what Civil and Music Engineers do overall. I also talked to an admissions counselor about pursuing these two careers and received awesome advice about how to...

deonte’s Avatar
deonte Mar 01, 2016 11266 views

Which engineering career will best integrate math and visual arts

Hi My name is Deonte and I have only recently decided to pursue a career in engineering. I was told was that engineering will give me a good amount of mathematics problem solving. I always enjoyed learning new math skills and embracing the challenge of having parents that were never good at...

Breanna’s Avatar
Breanna Mar 01, 2016 1891 views

If I have a passion for sports and helping people, would sports management or adapted Physical Education be a great career?

As a student that is in 12th grade, I enjoy helping people and participating in sports. However I don't exactly know if I should pursue a career because of my love for it or the salary that is made. I want to be happy coming in to work and putting effort into a career, but I also want to happy...

Vania’s Avatar
Vania Mar 01, 2016 1316 views

How do you decide what career you want to do in the future ?

I'm a High School student, and I am undecided on what I want to do in the future, however I really love animals and ever since I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian. But as I was growing up I was interested in being an entertainment lawyer and work with the big names in the music industry....

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Mar 01, 2016 7556 views

How do you minimize the risk for errors in your work as an accountant?

I have always been interested in money and money management. I've talked to family members that does similar jobs and even a cousin that is a accounting. Never was I told the risk of making mistakes as a accounting, and whether it was easy to make mistakes. I question if accounting would be...

Shelika’s Avatar
Shelika Mar 01, 2016 1477 views

What specific majors can I take for Hospitality & Business?

Hi I am a senior in high school, and I recently went on a website named - I recently took the ISEEK Career Cluster Interest Survey, and my matching top career cluster were Hospitality and Business management. Now,aside from taking business classes in college, what exactly are some...

Davonte’s Avatar
Davonte Mar 01, 2016 16525 views

I'm very interested in math and science, what careers should I look into ?

I am a high school senior currently and will be moving on to college soon. There's much talk about majors and everybody seems to have a solid answer but me. I know through out the years of high school I enjoyed all of my math courses (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc.) and I have...

Andre’s Avatar
Andre Mar 01, 2016 1390 views

What are some skills that can be developed to become a CEO?

Want some useful and helpful skills to be a successful CEO in the future. #entrepreneur #ceo

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