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PRISCILLA Jun 17, 2017 9398 views

I am currently in my second year of college, and I still am undecided on my major.

I am currently in my second year of college, and I still am undecided on what to get my degree in. I have taken personality tests, spoke to counselors, spoke to friends but I still feel as if I am lost and my heart doesn't know what it wants. I need help. #psychology #career-counseling #sociology

Izala’s Avatar
Izala May 09, 2017 915 views

Hi, my name is Izala. I was wondering, if I decided to enroll into a fashion class, would I be able to keep my creations?

I was asking because what if i wanted to keep what I've made would they let me? #art

Zaret’s Avatar
Zaret Apr 18, 2017 892 views

On average how many years of schooling does it take to become a neonatal nurse ?

I am currently a freshman at a community college and am thinking about switching my major to become a neonatal nurse. However I am skeptical about it because of the fact that I am currently pregnant and I'm not sure that I would make it through. #nursing #registered-nurses #pediatric-nursing...

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth Apr 04, 2017 697 views

How many types of career fields are in Psychology?

I have a psychology major in college so I wanted to explore more of what I can do with a psychology major outside of being a licensed Psychologist. #psychology

Tadeo’s Avatar
Tadeo Mar 05, 2017 1100 views

How important is being flexible to possible changes?

Life changes all the time, whether we like it or not. How important is it to be able to break the plan we have and let life run its course so that we can pursue our goals with more focus or in a different manner? #theatre #flexibility #risk

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Feb 13, 2017 808 views

How much schooling is required for an engineering career?

I would like to pursue an engineering career. Before completely deciding on it, I would like to know how much schooling is needed to have a successful and good-paying engineering career. #college #engineering #college-major #college-selection

john’s Avatar
john Jan 30, 2017 783 views

I really enjoy building legos and creating things with legos

what type of career involves building stuff #career-counseling

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 08, 2017 1006 views

If I want to be an artist in the gaming industry, is it best to go to college first?

Right now I'm a running art student and I have decided that I want to be a concept artist. I am thinking about going to Digipen in Redmon WA but its expensive. Is it worth it to go to art school, or should I try to start working right away? I have a lot of motivation to go far in this field,...

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 06, 2017 1123 views

If I'm undecided between two career paths, how do I determine which one will be best for me?

My plan at the moment is to become a psychologist, but I'm still on the fence about whether I want to be a psychologist or a concept artist. Both of these paths are drastically different, so how do I pick between them? #college #psychology #art #higher-education #time-management #undecided

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 05, 2017 1334 views

Will working jobs outside of the field Im majoring in be beneficial to my career in the long run?

I want to become a psychologist but the work available to me has nothing to do with psychology. Can working at target or safeway while im in college help further my career? #college #psychology #art #higher-education #politics #project-management

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 05, 2017 1340 views

Whats a good topic for a psychology PhD dissertation?

Id like to become a clinical psychologist, while I have a ways to go I want to get a head start on my dissertation. #college #business #psychology #higher-education

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 04, 2017 1687 views

Is there such a thing as too much ambition? How do I decide what activities i should put effort into most?

I have a lot of ideas and interests, but not all of them fall in line with my career aspirations. This is a general question for experienced ambitious people. Im a student aspring to become a clinical psychologist, but I also want to be involved in politics, and i have numerous hobbies. What...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1632 views

Which is better small liberal arts university or prestigious?

In my area there are plenty of both and when it comes time to apply I want to know which is better to study at. I want to know things like pros and cons and cost wise and all that both entail. #college #university #higher-education #university-applications #liberal-arts #prestigious-university

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 2092 views

What is the meaning of liberal arts?

I understand what visual arts and all that kind of stuff is but most universities near me are classified as liberal arts institutions. If the meaning is anything like visual arts then why is there business and science and other majors that would have nothing to do with that? #college...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1685 views

What is the difference between a profit and non-profit university/college?

I have heard both terms but don't understand the significance behind them. I know that some scholarships only apply to schools if they are either profit or non-profit but I still don't understand why. Why is there such a difference? #college #university #higher-education #nonprofits #profit

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1176 views

How much college credit does IB give you with good exam scores?

I realize that IB gives college credit and most universities and higher education institutions accept the IB exams as credit but I don't understand how much it can take off of college. #college #university #higher-education #ib-diploma #college-credit #ib

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1270 views

How is medical school structured?

I know that I want to become an OB/GYN but I never really have gotten a reasonable explanation of what medical school is. I want to understand what it is you learn, what you do there, what happens, and all that it entails. #doctor #medicine #medical-education

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1040 views

Can you take an AP exam without taking the class?

I honestly am not interested in AP I am more interested in IB however I do want to utilize the time that I can to accumulate as much college credit as possible. So while I am in sophomore year, still in pre-IB is it possible, with study, to take an AP exam and maybe score high enough to get...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1475 views

What does an OB/GYN do daily while on the job?

I want to become an OB/GYN once I'm older but I never really considered what that entails other than the highlights of the job. What does an OB/GYN really do normally on a day to day basis? #doctor #jobs #obstetrics #gynecology

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 01, 2017 2098 views

What is the difference between a residency and a fellowship?

Given the fact that after earning an M.D. in order to specialize in a specific doctor's field you have to go through a program to gain certification, the terms residency and fellowship have both been mentioned and I, as a result, don't know the difference between the two. #doctor #residency...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 01, 2017 1209 views

What are some ways to finish high school early?

When I was in 5th grade I transferred out of a private school to a public school. My friends that still attend school there are set to graduate high school in 10th grade then transfer to a community college. How is this possible? Isn't there so much more that you need to learn and many more...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 873 views

What are the best SAT and/or ACT prep programs there are?

A lot of people achieve success in many different ways but I think the way that will most benefit me is some sort of prep program that doesn't cost too much (otherwise I can't afford it) and it doesn't matter if it is in person or online. Either way I am looking for a prep program that will...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 856 views

Does the first university or college you attend matter when you are going to attend more than one?

Given the fact that I want to become an OB/GYN in the future this means that I will have some 12 years of schooling which I am pretty sure won't be in one place. I am currently aiming for UCLA, USC, and the like however people are telling me that the first university you attend doesn't matter...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 1005 views

What are some steps to take as a freshman towards preparing for university?

I am a highly ambitious person and am aiming high in my choices of universities and I know to be accepted there are a lot of people that start preparing from now. The problem is I don't know what steps I can take to prepare for university or to make my application look really good when the time...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 1031 views

How do you apply to a job when you don't have any job experience whatsoever?

I am looking for a job that is compatible with high school and its workload but accepts people with no job experience as a way to gain some. #jobs #high-school-students #entry-level #high-school-jobs

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 916 views

What are some good jobs to start out with for the experience?

I want to find a job that is compatible with high school hours and homework but gives some job experience. The pay doesn't matter per say but above minimum wage would definitely be a plus. #jobs #high-school-students #high-school-jobs

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 3708 views

Which university is better USC or UCLA and what are the pros and cons of both?

At the moment the most appealing choices I have are USC and UCLA so I want to know which one is better and if that can't be determined what are the pros and cons of each weighed against each other. This is mainly for curiosity's sake but I am also genuinely interested in the matter. #university...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 1233 views

What are some ways to job shadow someone?

I know that at my age there are little to no volunteering opportunities or internships or the like in the field that I want to get a taste of. So I am wondering if there are any OB/GYNs who are available to job shadow or if someone knows how to ask someone if they would be willing to be...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 21, 2016 1084 views

What are some ways that you can get a bachelor's degree in less than 4 years?

I want to know if there is any way to shorten the amount of time spent getting a bachelor's degree. It would be an ideal situation for me because I will have 8 years of schooling afterwards to become a doctor. #medicine #university #bachelors-degree

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 21, 2016 1773 views

Can someone explain federal work study for me? Also can they elaborate on which universities offer this option.

I've heard the term mentioned briefly in passing and I wanted to understand what it means exactly and how this can benefit me. It would also be wonderful if someone could provide a list of universities that support federal work study or work study in general. #university #financial-aid...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 21, 2016 887 views

Where can a person go to learn cryptography and ciphers?

I am interested in making a hobby out of these two things and I am wondering where exactly I can go to acquire such skills? If anyone knows anything on this subject it would be much appreciated for any pointers in the right direction! #extracurriculars #hobbies #cryptography #ciphers

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 19, 2016 1170 views

What are some good extracurriculars to commit to?

I know that I need to start on something from now to spice up my university applications but there are a few problems. First of all, my parents are on a very limited budget so I need to be able to do something that isn't too expensive. Second, sports aren't my thing so the obvious answer is...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 18, 2016 1043 views

What are the best ways for a high school freshman to gain money on the side?

I am a freshman now but I already recognize two things. First of all my parents will be able to afford little to none of the expenses associated with university and the amount of education and money it would take to become a doctor. And second the costs to university for that long of a time...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 18, 2016 1667 views

Is there a platform for finding a person to sponsor your university education?

I know that finding sponsors are really rare nowadays but if anyone on Career Village can help me find some way to gain a sponsor that would be amazing. #university #higher-education #sponsorship

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 18, 2016 840 views

Who are some people I can talk to about everything that has to do with IB?

I want someone I can depend on who can tell me how an IB education works, what are the benefits, is the time that it takes up worth it, etc. #high-school-classes #ib-diploma #ibdp

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 18, 2016 786 views

What are some websites that you can take classes that will be accepted by your high school?

I love learning a lot so I want to find a way to take other classes that I can't fit on my school schedule that will be accepted for credits/ be put on my transcript at the very least. There are many websites that offer a great online education but I'm not sure which ones will match my specific...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 18, 2016 2910 views

What are some online jobs that don't require a specific age?

I want to find ways to earn money on the side and a job is the best way to do that. However, my parents won't let me go out and get an actual job so I want to at least settle for an at home job where I can earn some money and don't require a minimum age like 16-18. If I start working from now...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 17, 2016 1610 views

What are the pros and cons of the SAT and the ACT weighed against each other?

I believe that majority of universities and colleges accept both the SAT and the ACT but what are the differences between them? I also don't know which one would probably yield a higher score for me...should I take both and see? #sat #act #test-planning #cons #pros #high-school-tests

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 17, 2016 1064 views

What is a better place to work at as an OB/GYN: a clinic or a hospital?

No one on the internet seems to have a solid answer for this question so I am consulting the career village experts to help me way the pros and cons of working at both including the salary and work hours for both. #obstetrics #hospitals #ob-gyn #gynocologist #clinics #financial-planning

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 17, 2016 817 views

What are some good prep books and methods of study to get a really good score on the PSAT?

Next year I will be taking the PSAT as a preparation for the second time that I take the PSAT which will be in my junior year. I know that there are numerous benefits to taking the PSAT and scoring well on it. By a really good score I mean past the cutoff for the National Merit standard in...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 17, 2016 953 views

What are really good online prep websites and prep books that will really raise my score on the SAT?

I know that in order to get into a really good university for undergrad and graduate schooling a great score on the SAT is the best way to do that. However while everyone says that you should always aim high on the SAT and study A LOT they never say which study tools are best utilized to get a...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 14, 2016 876 views

How do you persuade your parents into letting you attend a selective out of state university?

My parents at the moment have forbidden me from choosing a university that is more than an hour away due to the fact that I have to live at home with them. I want to know that should I get into a really good university that happens to be farther away how do I convince my parents that the best...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 10, 2016 1217 views

What is a good way to ensure that your scholarship essay/form/answer gets considered?

I want to be prepared for when I begin applying for scholarships and such as I am in high school now. #scholarships #college-essay

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 10, 2016 4668 views

Are there OB/GYN clinics that allow high schoolers to volunteer at?

I am a high schooler who is interested in the Obstetrics and Gynecology fields and I want to see what it is like to work at a clinic that specializes in these things. #volunteering #obstetrics #gynecology

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 10, 2016 1212 views

How do you make your university application stand out?

I am a freshman now and I want to know what sort of things I should be doing so that when it comes time to send out applications I will stand out among other applicants. #college-admissions #university-applications

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 09, 2016 1196 views

What can I do to prepare for pre-med as a high school freshman?

I am currently a freshman and I want to do my best to prepare for the expense as well as make myself stand out as a candidate when I apply to highly selective universities. #pre-med #college-admissions

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 07, 2016 914 views

What is the best way to pay off university especially when you will be there for a long time?

I want to hopefully become an OB/GYN one day which is a doctor specializing in prenatal and women's health studies. This career path takes some 12 years of education to even become licensed so I need the least cost burdening method to paying off university. #university #scholarships...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 07, 2016 1047 views

What is a good base degree to obtain before entering medical school?

I am still #undecided as to what I should get my base degree in that would most benefit me for medical school. It would also be a big plus if it helped on the MCAT. #medical-school #medical-education #degrees #mcat

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 07, 2016 679 views

What are some good ways to collect a lot of scholarships and scholarship money?

In order to pay off some 12 years of higher education I am going to need a lot of money and the best way to do that is to get scholarships in my case because it's money for your merits that you don't have to pay back. #college-admissions #college-bound #scholarships

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 07, 2016 805 views

Are there some medical/pre-medical summer camps or internships in LA that a high schooler can attend?

I want to gain more expertise in the medical field as a high school student and a summer camp seems to be the most efficient way to do that. #career-path-planning #summer-programs

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