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Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria Apr 16, 2018 758 views

What are the best ways to prepare for the sat?

I'm nervous about the test because the first time I took it I didn't get such a great score. #stressed #collegereadiness

Leonila’s Avatar
Leonila Apr 12, 2018 949 views

Can I apply to dental school and hygiene school at the same time?

I have been put on a wait list to dental schools. I am going to reapply again but I am keeping my options open just in case dental school will not accept me again. I am also going to apply at a hygiene school. ( Note I have all the requirements I needed for dental my scores were not that bad....

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Apr 08, 2018 683 views

What are the most and least rewarding aspects of pursuing a career in which you are interested in but not great at.

I am going to pursue Engineering, however, I have never taken a physics or calculus class. It is the only career field that I enjoy and have participated in many engineering programs. #engineering #chicago #computer-science

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Apr 06, 2018 553 views

Does obtaining minors to your degree benefit you financially when getting a job ?

Im asking this question because schooling is very expensive , especially for nursing , and I want to know that with me minorin in something useful to my major the job I get will be able to help me pay off my loans. #nursing

Krystal’s Avatar
Krystal Apr 06, 2018 859 views

What are some good summer jobs to have before going into your first year of college

I'm just curious

Brielle’s Avatar
Brielle Apr 04, 2018 640 views

How do you deal with a professor that you suspect is racially bias?

I am a black girl going to a PWI and I just want some tips and advice on how to handle this situation if it ever happens in my undergraduate and graduate college experience. #african-american #college-advice

Brielle’s Avatar
Brielle Apr 04, 2018 710 views

What is the hardest part about being an African American woman in a white, male-dominated field?

I am an a African American woman who interested in going into the journalism profession.

#journalism #magazines #online-journalism #broadcast-journalism

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 712 views

How important are summer jobs in getting a job after college?

I play basketball and some of my summer is taken up by touring with my team. Is it necessary for me to stop playing over a summer to concentrate on and internship and if so, which year? #internships #basketball

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 1184 views

What are some professions that would fit my interests in statistics and probability?

I enjoy math and my two favorite subjects are stats and probability so I'd like to know what career paths are open to me. #statistics

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 906 views

Is it a good idea to practice the SAT Test with different books from different companies?

I am asking this question because I am getting ready for the SAT, and I have different book from different companies like College Board, Princeton, and Kaplan and I am no sure which book is best for SAT preparation.#sat Practice #college #college-advice

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 694 views

What are the things that starts to change, when you start paying your bill?

I am asking this question because I want to know what's going on with people who pays bills.#futurelife

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Mar 27, 2018 1049 views

What are the benefits of attending a community college first?

What are the pros and cons of attending a 2 year institution before transferring to a 4 year Vs attending a 4 year the entire time?
#community-college #university #college

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Mar 27, 2018 701 views

How will I know which classes will transfer from a community college to a University?

I'm going to community college to earn an associate of science and then plan on transfering my credits to a 4-year but I don't want to waste my time on classes that won't transfer.
#technology #computer-science

Theodore’s Avatar
Theodore Mar 26, 2018 944 views

Is changing your major normal or am I just overthinking college?

I am entering #college in the field of #engineering but unsure if it's safe to be changing my major all "willy-nilly". #college-major #career

Theodore’s Avatar
Theodore Mar 26, 2018 903 views

What jobs can I enter with a Bioengineering Degree?

I plan to enter the #college of #engineering with a major in Biological engineering but I can't help but feel I am missing something.#college-advice #bioengineering

Amaris’s Avatar
Amaris Mar 20, 2018 621 views

What is one difficulty you have while choosing a major ?

Hi guys, So this question is probably the question that many people ask, but one difficulty I have is choosing a major that fits me best. What I want to do most with my life is help people around me in any way that I could, so I am debating on a Psychology major or a registered nurse both...

Amaris’s Avatar
Amaris Mar 20, 2018 605 views

What are tools I could use when studying to become a nurse ?

Well I'm asking this question because just like me many other students are curious to find great tools that could help them become better students to prepare for their future . What I am specifically asking is is there some books , websites or any resource that could help me or and other...

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Mar 20, 2018 1380 views

How can I change my school system for the better?

As I was Sitting in my biotech class listening to my teacher talking about central dogma, She said something interesting; she said "you should remember this from biology freshman year. Everyone in the class said the same thing,"no I don't remember this." I wondered, why don't any of us remember...

Leonard’s Avatar
Leonard Mar 18, 2018 650 views

Is it better to live on, or off campus for college? (No matter what year)

I know to have a dorm on campus would cost significantly more for tuition opposed to not living on campus. I know that there's pros and cons for both, that's why I'm asking. #college-bound, #dorms

Leonard’s Avatar
Leonard Mar 18, 2018 850 views

What careers can someone pursue having a degree/major in nutrition, or biology?

I either want to go in Biology or Nutrition for my major, and I wanted to see the fruits that bear from choosing either or. #molecular-biology, #clinical-nutrition , #whatever

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 18, 2018 597 views

For a person who plans to run for a political office, what will be an ideal office to run for? Keep in mind I only plan to have a bachelors degree, military service with the Army National Guard, and hopefully become a Commisioned Officer?

#ARNG #NationalGuard #USARMY #Democrat

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 18, 2018 563 views

I enlisted into the Army National Guard before my senior year, I will be attending college in Spring 2019. Once I graduate from an university, I want to run for political office. As a Citizen-Soldier, is there anything I need to do before I can do that?

#politics #ARNG #army #armed-forces

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Mar 18, 2018 887 views

Where do I find the motivation to pursue writing when everyone says a writer does not earn much?

I have always wanted to become a writer since I was young. My parents and others have told me that a writer does not earn much, so I am planning to write at home while taking up other part-time jobs. However, I would need a lot of motivation to keep up with my dream and not be consumed by my...

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Mar 18, 2018 743 views

How can I find a balance in my college decision/choice?

I attend a high school with 300 students total and this makes me jealous of students that attend a bigger high school than mine. Because of this, I would like to go to a farther college and live on campus to experience the full offer of college. However, I am torn because my parents require my...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Mar 16, 2018 1047 views

What are some great resources, websites, or techniques that I can use to continue developing my programming skills?

I want to retain and improve what I'm learning in class in terms of coding skills as well as learning new languages and skills. #programming #cyber-security

brooklyn’s Avatar
brooklyn Mar 15, 2018 556 views

How many years do you have to stay in school? Do it depends on what kind of doctor you want to be?

I want to know how long i got to achieve my dream #medicine

brooklyn’s Avatar
brooklyn Mar 15, 2018 723 views

How difficult is it to get into medical school

i want to be a pediatrician #futuredoctor #medschool #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-heathcare #pediatrics #pediatrician

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Feb 09, 2018 1536 views

What do I major in if I want to work at the CDC?

I am not doing pre-med so not sure what to major in. #health #science #cdc #college

Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Feb 02, 2018 767 views

How easy/hard is it to find a job in architecture?

I am currently in between a few possible career options. How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job as an architect right out of college? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the marketing field? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the engineering field? #architecture...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 28, 2018 758 views

Will I have more free time and less stress once I finish college and go to work?

As a #computer-science major in UIC, my many assignments and study hours result in very little time for anything else, including hobbies and sleep. I was wondering whether that is going to change once I have a job, or not.
Similarly, does work give stress as college does?

Jhovani’s Avatar
Jhovani Jan 25, 2018 844 views

Was it hard to pay off college?

I want to know my financial status and if college is the right path for me. #path #college #financial-planning #money-management

Jhovani’s Avatar
Jhovani Jan 25, 2018 946 views

What's your biggest challenge in college?

I want to know how hard college is and someone's point of view of it.
#COLLEGELIFE #college #personal-development

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Jan 25, 2018 651 views

How do I get in the mindset of working out?

Everyone knows of the freshman 15, and I don't want to fall into that trap. What can I do to prevent that from happening, and also create some sort of workout to actually follow? This way I will stay healthy. #workout #health #freshman15

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Jan 25, 2018 820 views

How do I not get overwhelmed during my freshman year of college?

During college I will have a lot more freedom and responsibilities, so what can I do to help lower my stress level? Also, how do you prevent procrastination? #stress-management #procrastination

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 24, 2018 710 views

What are some examples of actual duties at a computer science job?

I am planning to work in the #computer-science sector after graduation, but I lack knowledge on what actual employees do on-site daily. When looking for this answer, I often see descriptions such as "computer engineering" or "software developing", but these doesn't paint the picture for me as...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 24, 2018 665 views

How can I stay ahead of schedule in my classes?

I've just begun a new semester at UIC after Christmas break. Being a #computer-science major, I've had quite a difficult time catching up with my schedule for the past several semesters. Now I want to do things a bit differently. I want to be ahead so that it doesn't become too tight for me...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 24, 2018 688 views

How relevant is computer science, in today's world, in comparison to other majors?

Studying #computer-science at UIC is a lofty ordeal indeed. Me and my classmates spend long hours and days completing arduous assignments, learning dense material, and studying for exams. Meanwhile, other majors require less effort and time, while still others require more. This leaves me...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jan 23, 2018 526 views

what's it going to take to stay motivated throughout college?

It's becoming a little harder to remain in the running for everything

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jan 23, 2018 504 views

What field of psychology would be the best to pursue for me?

Growing up, I've always had a fascination with the workings of the mind, specifically what causes psychological disorders, I would like to work in a field more specialized for such a field

Roberto’s Avatar
Roberto Jan 23, 2018 1011 views

What is better as an intended minor to help increase the amount of experience for a marketing job.

I want to be able to get the best real life experience for a career in marketing to be able to grow quickly. #marketing
#customer-experience #college-minor

Sylvia’s Avatar
Sylvia Jan 23, 2018 866 views

Career after college while getting masters?

I am currently working for my Adviser as a secretary of a department and scanning books for a review website. These jobs work amazingly with my schedule because I make my own. But when I start graduate school, whats the best plan of action for a job? If its at a different school I may not be...

Roberto’s Avatar
Roberto Jan 23, 2018 621 views

What are some networking opportunities that a marketing major may have over an administration major?

I want to be able to have a high variety of future references for my career after college to be able to build future experience.
#buisness #networking

Sylvia’s Avatar
Sylvia Jan 23, 2018 808 views

What is the best way to plan for your Graduates School?

I plan on going onto graduate school, and the amount of schools to further my history degree is overwhelming. I know I would enjoy archiving and ancient history, but after that I am stumped. #masters #graduate-school

Emma Constance’s Avatar
Emma Constance Jan 23, 2018 558 views

I think I’m going to major in Psychology, but I don’t see myself as a therapist. What range of careers could I have with a Psychology degree, and what kinds of Psych classes should I take to determine which of them are right for me?

Also which of them have the most growth potential?

I am a high school senior, and the only Psych class I have ever taken is AP Psychology.


Emma Constance’s Avatar
Emma Constance Jan 23, 2018 705 views

I’m leaving home for college in August, and am worried about making friends, fitting in, doing well in school, and surviving on my own. What should I focus on and prioritize?

I want to start college on the right foot. #college-advice #college-bound

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Jan 23, 2018 876 views

what is best way to get good money, work study or a job outside of campus?

College is going to be hard enough but being in debt for the best of my life is going to be a big weight to have to carry for myself. So I want to know what would be the better solution to earn money faster to pay off my loans. #brokeproblems #financial-planning #student-debt #money-management

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene Jan 23, 2018 749 views

How did you study for math exams and courses in your undergraduate career?

#medicine #STEM #science #innovation

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene Jan 23, 2018 512 views

What is a good way to keep in touch with high school teachers that have left on impact on you?

Do you think one way would be to visit your high school in the future and encourage students to go to college, reach opportunities, apply to fun clubs, etc? I truly want to give back to my school community, and I really have appreciated the role that my teachers play in my life. I know I...

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene Jan 23, 2018 721 views

Do you think that enthusiasm can be key to destressing and having a fulfilling life perspective?

A teacher in my class the other day mentioned that enthusiasm and positivity are extremely valuable in increasing life span as well as good mood. I have been attempting to remain more and more positive during my college application process and last year of high school. I personally feel that...

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Jan 22, 2018 539 views

What degree do you need to be a neonatal nurse?

neonatal nursing has always been a dream of mine to do, It's the only plan I have for my future at the moment so I want to know more about the content. #nurselife

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