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Azaleah’s Avatar
Azaleah Mar 27, 2018 1503 views

What job opportunities would be available to me with a declared double major in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, and what steps can I take while in college to better my chances at obtaining a job?

As stated in the question, I am double majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology. I want to study the relation of the brain to cognition and behavior to gain a better understanding of the only partially unlocked human mind and how this understanding can help with mental health and...

Theodore’s Avatar
Theodore Mar 26, 2018 943 views

Is changing your major normal or am I just overthinking college?

I am entering #college in the field of #engineering but unsure if it's safe to be changing my major all "willy-nilly". #college-major #career

Theodore’s Avatar
Theodore Mar 26, 2018 901 views

What jobs can I enter with a Bioengineering Degree?

I plan to enter the #college of #engineering with a major in Biological engineering but I can't help but feel I am missing something.#college-advice #bioengineering

Jazlynn’s Avatar
Jazlynn Mar 22, 2018 559 views

What strengths should I have to be a OBG-YN or a general peds surgeon?

#futureleaders #future-careers-consulting

Jazlynn’s Avatar
Jazlynn Mar 21, 2018 724 views

I want to proceed to the medical field but I have a weakness of second-guessing myself what strategies can I do to help myself?


jacqueline’s Avatar
jacqueline Mar 21, 2018 577 views

how will my strengths help my career

i loike doing make and hair and i want to be a cosmetologist

#career #cosmotolo

Rocio’s Avatar
Rocio Mar 21, 2018 644 views

A couple of my strongest strengths are being honest and very reliable. What are some other jobs in the medical field besides a nurse that I could possibly go to college for? (ShytoriB)

#Strengths #Medical #Field

Zitlali’s Avatar
Zitlali Mar 21, 2018 666 views

What should I major in college to become a doctor (Guadalupe Andrade)

#medical-school #college #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

Zitlali’s Avatar
Zitlali Mar 21, 2018 634 views

My strengths are Teamwork and Communication,so I was wondering what other strengths I need to become an RN?

also what weaknesses would cause me from doing good at my job #registered-nurses #nursing #communications #career-choice

Zitlali’s Avatar
Zitlali Mar 21, 2018 572 views

My strengths are communication, motivation and a lot of patience, how would this affect me in law enforcement?(liz)

#strength #lawenforcement

Drew’s Avatar
Drew Mar 21, 2018 957 views

My biggest strengths are being very focused and having a positive attitude. What other strengths would you need to be the best in the Health Field?

#strength #hospital-and-health-care #health-field
( Sharieanna Jackson)

Dayonna’s Avatar
Dayonna Mar 21, 2018 460 views

If my strength are i am an independent black women and hobbies are singing what types of career industries might best fit me?

My name is Dayonna and I'm in high school.
I am asking this question because I would like to know by my strength and and personality what are some good careers for me.

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 21, 2018 615 views

Strengths & Possible Careers/ Industries

If my strengths are being a multitasker and energetic/ positive person, what types of careers or industries might best fit me? #strength

Azucena’s Avatar
Azucena Mar 21, 2018 861 views

If my strengths are getting to know others and being respectful and my hobbies are playing trumpet and helping others, what career best fit me?

I am asking because I thought i had my life together but there is just alot of careers out there and i'm having a really hard time deciding. #helping-others #helping-people #respect #music

Yolanda’s Avatar
Yolanda Mar 21, 2018 777 views

If my strengths are creative thinking and my hobbies are drawing, what types of careers or industries might best fit me?

Im not sure what #career I would like to have.

Britany’s Avatar
Britany Mar 21, 2018 601 views

What are some careers that I can look into depending on my strengths and weaknesses?

Some of my strengths are being responsible, focused, helpful and being physically active all the time. Some of my hobbies are reading and play sports. Some of my weaknesses are that I'm shy and I tend to speak really soft when it comes to stand in front of a crowd. I would like to know what...

Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy Mar 21, 2018 694 views

I am inspirational, honest, hard worker, creative and I always try my best for my results to come out accurate if not with what is expected. Can these strengths of mine help me in the path of being a future RN?

#Strengths #RN #Insipartional #honesty #creativity #bestresults

Tony’s Avatar
Tony Mar 21, 2018 687 views

I feel as if some of my greatest strengths in life is that I am well mannered and polite, as well as a pretty good problem solver. What are some careers that fit these characteristics?


Paige’s Avatar
Paige Mar 21, 2018 547 views

My strengths are being forcused, I am a leader, and I can multi task. What other strengths I might need to be an RN, traveling nurse, or army nurse?

#nurse #registerednurse. #army-nurse

Rocio’s Avatar
Rocio Mar 21, 2018 795 views

What is my future

If my strengths are technology and my hobbies are soccer what types of career or industries might fit best for me? #soccer #technology

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Mar 21, 2018 715 views

What strengths should I have if I would like to become a ER Physician or an Anesthesiologist?

#medicine #emergency-medicine #anesthesiology #doctor #strengths

Drew’s Avatar
Drew Mar 21, 2018 680 views

what career or industries might best fit me?

my strengths are i´m thoughtful, understands people easily, friendly and my hobbies are, backpacking, listens to music, good cook and loves playing sports. #carrer

kayla’s Avatar
kayla Mar 21, 2018 680 views

what are some good strengths and experiences i may need or want to be a physical therapist?

i have some good qualities for this job but im not very patient, which you should definitely have to be a physical therapist. #physical-therapy #physical-therapist #strengthsandweaknesses #experience

Laniah’s Avatar
Laniah Mar 21, 2018 676 views

What other strengths or experiences might i need to be a successful actress?

Because becoming an actress is something I'd like to pursue when I get older #actress #actor #celebrity

Laniah’s Avatar
Laniah Mar 21, 2018 1066 views

What other experiences and strengths to become a nurse or cna ?

im asking because when i get older i want become a nurse or cna #nursing #cna #career

nezaria’s Avatar
nezaria Mar 21, 2018 605 views

If my strength are a good team player and getting the job done and my hobbies or cheering and working what type of careers or industries might best fit me

#registered-nurses #career #career-choice

Lilianna’s Avatar
Lilianna Mar 21, 2018 634 views

What other strengths or experience might I need for being and RN?

#strengths #experiences

jennifer’s Avatar
jennifer Mar 21, 2018 625 views

what other strengths or experiences might I need for becoming an RN or a Surgeon?

I have so little of strengths I can talk to some people sometimes I don't really like talking to new people. I also love taking care of babies and older people. I have always found an interest in becoming a surgeon. But I would like to know what other strengths I need for theses two jobs that...

Kania’s Avatar
Kania Mar 21, 2018 1212 views

My biggest strength is patience, how can this be more effective in the medical field ?

#medical-research #medical-practice #career #medicine

Tyjha’s Avatar
Tyjha Mar 21, 2018 841 views

If my strengths are being a team player and a hard hard worker how would that affect my career as being a RN?

#registered-nurses #nursing #career #career-choice

jennifer’s Avatar
jennifer Mar 21, 2018 1001 views

If my strength are reading all kinds of books and painting what types of careers or industries might fit me?

Ever since I was little I loved to read any kinds of books but really I only could get in to was fantasy and books that have action and adventure in them. As I got older i started to love painting but i have no idea what careers would best fit me? #career #career-choice #reading #painting #art

yadira’s Avatar
yadira Mar 21, 2018 866 views

If my strengths are being patient and also being a good listener what type of career would be best for me in the medical field?

My best strengths are listing and being patient, I would like to know what career in the medical field would these strengths be better for or which career they would be more useful for? #strengthsandweaknesses #medical-practice #medical-careers #medical-education #medical-field

Rashana’s Avatar
Rashana Mar 21, 2018 789 views

Why did you choose to become an RN? Do you have any other career choices ?

What made you choose this career? Was it personal reasons, experiences ?
#registered-nurses #nursing #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nurse-practitioner #career

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya Mar 21, 2018 528 views

If my strengths are productive and high self esteem and my hobbies are talking, giving good advice and, taking care of one another, what types of careers or industries might best fit me

Because I know what I want to do be when I grow up, but is it really the best choice? Is this career path really for me? #careerchoices #pediatrics #pediatrician

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Mar 21, 2018 528 views

If my strengths are being patient and working well with others ; and my hobby is babysitting , what type of nursing career is best fit for me.

I am asking this because I know what kind of nurse I want to be but I still want to keep my options open just incase I need to work my way up to be the kind of nurse that I want to be one day . #nursing

Val’s Avatar
Val Mar 21, 2018 741 views

Is having a strong work ethic and be very skilled at time management: would that guarantee me a successful career in cosmetology?

#cosmetology #future #skills #strengths #hair-stylist #hairdressers #makeup-artist #makeup #career

Amaris’s Avatar
Amaris Mar 20, 2018 621 views

What is one difficulty you have while choosing a major ?

Hi guys, So this question is probably the question that many people ask, but one difficulty I have is choosing a major that fits me best. What I want to do most with my life is help people around me in any way that I could, so I am debating on a Psychology major or a registered nurse both...

Amaris’s Avatar
Amaris Mar 20, 2018 605 views

What are tools I could use when studying to become a nurse ?

Well I'm asking this question because just like me many other students are curious to find great tools that could help them become better students to prepare for their future . What I am specifically asking is is there some books , websites or any resource that could help me or and other...

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Mar 20, 2018 1380 views

How can I change my school system for the better?

As I was Sitting in my biotech class listening to my teacher talking about central dogma, She said something interesting; she said "you should remember this from biology freshman year. Everyone in the class said the same thing,"no I don't remember this." I wondered, why don't any of us remember...

Leonard’s Avatar
Leonard Mar 18, 2018 650 views

Is it better to live on, or off campus for college? (No matter what year)

I know to have a dorm on campus would cost significantly more for tuition opposed to not living on campus. I know that there's pros and cons for both, that's why I'm asking. #college-bound, #dorms

Leonard’s Avatar
Leonard Mar 18, 2018 848 views

What careers can someone pursue having a degree/major in nutrition, or biology?

I either want to go in Biology or Nutrition for my major, and I wanted to see the fruits that bear from choosing either or. #molecular-biology, #clinical-nutrition , #whatever

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 18, 2018 597 views

For a person who plans to run for a political office, what will be an ideal office to run for? Keep in mind I only plan to have a bachelors degree, military service with the Army National Guard, and hopefully become a Commisioned Officer?

#ARNG #NationalGuard #USARMY #Democrat

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 18, 2018 563 views

I enlisted into the Army National Guard before my senior year, I will be attending college in Spring 2019. Once I graduate from an university, I want to run for political office. As a Citizen-Soldier, is there anything I need to do before I can do that?

#politics #ARNG #army #armed-forces

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Mar 18, 2018 887 views

Where do I find the motivation to pursue writing when everyone says a writer does not earn much?

I have always wanted to become a writer since I was young. My parents and others have told me that a writer does not earn much, so I am planning to write at home while taking up other part-time jobs. However, I would need a lot of motivation to keep up with my dream and not be consumed by my...

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Mar 18, 2018 742 views

How can I find a balance in my college decision/choice?

I attend a high school with 300 students total and this makes me jealous of students that attend a bigger high school than mine. Because of this, I would like to go to a farther college and live on campus to experience the full offer of college. However, I am torn because my parents require my...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Mar 16, 2018 1047 views

What are some great resources, websites, or techniques that I can use to continue developing my programming skills?

I want to retain and improve what I'm learning in class in terms of coding skills as well as learning new languages and skills. #programming #cyber-security

brooklyn’s Avatar
brooklyn Mar 15, 2018 556 views

How many years do you have to stay in school? Do it depends on what kind of doctor you want to be?

I want to know how long i got to achieve my dream #medicine

brooklyn’s Avatar
brooklyn Mar 15, 2018 723 views

How difficult is it to get into medical school

i want to be a pediatrician #futuredoctor #medschool #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-heathcare #pediatrics #pediatrician

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Mar 09, 2018 721 views

What are some good scholarship websites?

I need a free websites. I am looking for scholarships because I am paying for my own collage.
#sacredofcollage #scholarships

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Mar 09, 2018 727 views

How can I choose the best collage?

I want to be an Elementary Teacher but I do not know what collage to go to? There are so many options. BTW I am paying for my own collage and i do not have much money.

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