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Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 17, 2016 1000 views

Do you get used to corporate jobs?

Handling your employeers, paperwork.. As a student looking on to my bosses and employees, it seems as if they are usually stressed and constantly busy. #work #corporate #responsibility

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 1046 views

Is fashion marketing too far of a stretch?

Am I taking it too far when I say I want to be a fashion marketer? I am currently studying communications and business. Is fashion marketing out of reach from where I am? #career #marketing #fashion

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 903 views

Are there stereotypes towards different majors/jobs? If yes, What are those stereotypes?

It seems like in college there are bias that fields lie science, accounting.. and so and much harder than other fields. #majors #field #stereotypes

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 15, 2016 856 views

I have an AS, can I apply to a PA program or do I have to complete 4 years of college before applying?

I will be going back to school soon. #science #nursing #physician #administrative-assistants

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 15, 2016 1115 views

Do I have to take an exam to get accepted into a Physician assistant program? What is the application process like?

Really interested in the medical field #people #application #physicians-assistant #professionals #programs

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 1254 views

How important is having a career goal?

What if you are a person who does not know your interest or skills? What would you suggest this person to do if they don't know. #college #career #skills #goal

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 867 views

Doyou usually end up in the same social status as your parents?

My friend told this to me once and I was wondering the validity of it. If you are middle class will you end up staying in the middle class?.. If you are in the higher class.. and so forth. #job #work

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 14, 2016 918 views

What can I do with a Biology major? and what jobs are available for Bio majors?

Thinking about majoring on Bio. #college #science

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 14, 2016 817 views

How long is the career of a physician assistant and what is it required to become one?

I've always wanted to become a physician, but I was told that a physician assistant does almost the same thing and goes to school for less amount of time. I will appreciate any answer/comments.

Thanks #science #college-major #majors #general

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 14, 2016 1308 views

What is the most important thing you want to get out of your life?

I guess if you rephrase the question it could be; what is the purpose of life? Why do we do what we do.. #career #philosophy

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 14, 2016 1570 views

Is how happy you are related to how successful you are?

If you think you are happy, are you also successful? haha i don't really know what to say. I guess in my opinion I believe this isn't true because you can be happy without being successful, just content. #career #success #happy

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 13, 2016 1537 views

What is a good way to get jobs?

Most jobs are now accepting applications online, so you don't go in person and ask for an interview. Is there another way that gives you a higher chance of getting the job you want? How did you get the jobs you have? #career #money #job

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 13, 2016 1562 views

Are you satisfied with your jobs?

I believe most people answering the questions on careervillage are mainly people who are willing to help students find their way as they grow older. As a person who is helping others such as us students on career village, are you satisfied with where you are now #college #career #jobs #life

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 12, 2016 930 views

Does the major you have affect your job in the future?

I know a couple people who have graduated college and have not a job specific to their majors. Depending on the field, they either work in low-paying jobs still trying to find higher wage jobs while others work in jobs that are related but not specific to their major #college #school #major #degree

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 12, 2016 1138 views

What should I do before graduating college?

The real world (I'm assuming) is definitely different from the college bubble. Before I graduate college, what should I prepare for /expect from the real world? #college #graduate-school

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 11, 2016 827 views

How much college credit transfer when you switch schools?

I am thinking about going to a school in the city instead of a school from upstate. I want to know how many college credits will transfer over if I completed all my gen eds in the upstate college. #college #gpa #credits

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 11, 2016 2111 views

What was the happiest moment of your career?

haha just doing a little wondering. At what age were you when you felt like you were at the happy moment?

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 10, 2016 1196 views

Is there something you are grateful for that helped you progress in your career?

Just wondering if along the journey to reaching your goals, if anyone has ever helped you or offered you advice that really helped you progress. What advice did they have or what did they do to help you ? #career #advice

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 10, 2016 1074 views

What can I do today in my life to improve my future?

you know, same old, just want to make my future positive ! :D #career #future

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 09, 2016 991 views

Is there anything that you regret not doing in your teen years that have impacted your career?

I guess I just don't want to have to look back and wish I did something else #career #life

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 09, 2016 1098 views

Once you reach your career goal, do you aim to go higher ?

Okay so to rephrase, I want to know if after you have reached your dreams, if you do that is, do you climb more into the management ladder of your field? #career #jobs #money

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 08, 2016 1103 views

How to get more involved in the community?

Are there organizations or something that you would recommend I join/do in the community? What is a good way to start getting involved ? #career #job #community #community-involvement

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 08, 2016 888 views

What are important skills to have?

When working at a job, or even daily life, what types of skills do you have that help you on a day to day basis? #career #jobs #skills

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 07, 2016 1032 views

Personality development?

Was there a moment in your life when you decided to change and try to be a better person? What caused this change? Is there a certain age in which you believe you have to start to be responsible for everything that you do; school billing, jobs.. #career #job #person

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 07, 2016 929 views

Comparing Ivy League colleges to regular colleges

What are the greater benefits of going to an ivy league college vs. a standard college? How can Ivy leagues give you a better future? #college #career #standard

damodar sri dinesh’s Avatar
damodar sri dinesh Jul 07, 2016 1258 views

Most of the teenagers have confusion while choosing their career path after high school.

Is there a better way to sort out many of the teenagers confusion, by letting them known about which areas they are good at and at which areas they are going to excel? This will give them a clear view about their future. #engineering #medicine #law #architecture #high-school #arts #politics...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 06, 2016 963 views

What kind of jobs are in the communications field?

I'm a communications major and business minor, since these interests are very general, what are the types of jobs you can find in these fields? #college #career #major #field

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 06, 2016 1140 views

How big of a difference is going to college and not going to college?

I've noticed that high school definitely emphasized the idea of going to college and getting good grades. If you are a person who started their career right after you have graduated highschool, do you have any regrets or wish you should have gone to college? #college #career #high-school #life

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 05, 2016 836 views

Is there a thing as a great career plan?

Assuming you graduated high school, college, and you're moving up, are there any specific steps you had to pass in order to reach your career? I am hoping more than one person would answer so that I can compare the answers and see if there are any similarities and differences. Thank you!...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 05, 2016 1775 views

How can I lessen my college debt?

funds, funds, funds. Getting education is very expensive, so making it out 4 years in college with debt is a common thing to happen. How can we lessen our debts? #college #career #money

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