Career questions tagged jobcorps

I have some questions down below about waste water management. Thank you in advance.
What are the hazarders in waste water management? What are the average hours worked per week? What is your favorite part for this job?

In the culinary arts trade what is the biggest issue in going forward with it, what are the struggles what was your guy's own experiences and how do you think it impacted your life?
In my experience to come I find myself interested in it for the fact that it can give me more life skills in the near future.

What was the hardest thing about becoming a psychiatric nurse?
I'm a current Job Corp student and would love to understand this field better. If you have other info on this field, please let me know.

What does a typical day look like in cement masonry? What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with? How difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for this job in the region – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult and why?
What does a typical day look like in cement masonry? What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with? How difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for this job in the region – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult and why?

What is your biggest success story in welding How long did it take to get where you are now? What is your biggest failure and how did you learn from it? ?
I am a student and I need to complete an assignment for my selected trade

Looking for recommended electrical trade apprenticeship opportunities in Maine, USA
I've heard joining in the union was a great opportunity, but unfortunately i don't know any contractors in the union personally or how to get in as an apprentice or helper? Im already doing training at jobcorps in the HBI program, just need to find some work for when I graduate (expected mid to end of January 2023 if all goes well) or even joining a little bit before if it can be arranged. I prefer northern Maine area cause need to lease with my housing voucher here for at least a year or so.

Should I pursue a secondary career if my teaching career doesn't work out?
I would like to know if its good to keep options open or if I should stick to one career entirely.

Should I advance my career in Plumbing?
Would it be a good idea to keep advancing? Such as moving up in ranks, such as becoming a Constructions Manager? Is it worth the time AND money?

What culinary tools would you suggest besides a high quality knife?
I'm currently a Job Corps student and just starting the program. I have worked in a kitchen feeding retired residents for about 4 months prior to this, and have heard conflicting answers to this question. I don't have a knife yet either, although I've heard German or Japanese crafted blades are the best. #culinary #jobcorps #kitchen #tools #chef #culinary-arts #cooking

Looking into the fields of electricians, electrical engineers, and/or teachers (wanting to teach mathematics, so any math teachers of any kind are more then welcome)...feel free to message me.
My first name is said like president Reagan but spelled differently. I'm a graduate from during the 2020 pandemic. I'm a black female who also has mild autism, and I'm also Muslim in the Islamic faith (I honestly hope there is very little discrimination but just in case I'm putting honest facts so they can just rule me out first so I don't awkwardly have to myself). I'm just now finally during the last year have been becoming more serious in the type of career I want. Any information or advice i can get would be greatly appreciated. I only have my diploma and 2 years experience working at McDonald's, and am also now enrolled into job corps online program and waiting to go up to campus. I have many questions for all these careers of course, so just thought it was easier to talk to someone first than listing them all here. Even if you don't currently work in theses field, or have in past, or even know someone who has, still feel free to message me. My grandfather is an electrician who has been a main role model all my life and i loved watching and helping him...I'm very good when it comes to science, and even better when it involves math or using my hands. He suggested i also look into electrical engineering as well because he said knowing my strengths and limitations, he thinks it would be a great career for me since it requires skills he said he knows I have. I also always wanted to be a teacher since the first grade (still have my career project art to prove it lol). I'm great with kids of almost all ages and recently starting tutoring also. One father paid me $1000 in CASH, for teaching his 13 yro daughter math in 4 days...she passed and graduated a week later. Would love to hear from someone, and very open minded to any and all info i can get. TYIA #education #teaching #teachers #career #math #electrical #electricians #jobcorps #engineers #construction

Hello, I am a student enrolled in Job Corps. My ultimate career goal is to enlist in the U.S. Army. I am in pursuit of receiving certification in Protective Services at Job Corps, which takes around 6 months to complete. Will serving in Job Corps give me the opportunity for Advanced Enlistment Rank?
#Military #Army #JobCorps #AdvancedEnlistmentRank

How was it to go down the career path of Stone Masonry, and what other trades would be great to join in Job Corps to help in the same area, career wise?
#career #jobcorps #stonemasonry #needadvice #construction

im studying eelectrical , what would be the average time for a response from a job that was your main option while you were in jobcorps.
#jobcorps #careers #jobsearch #responsetime

what is the biggest technological industry in the world?
#tech #protective services #jobcorps