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Yasemin G.

Aspiring physician
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
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Avyanna’s Avatar
Avyanna Apr 19, 2019 8426 views

Can I major in accountancy and go to med school?

I chose accountancy because it's indemand but i know time will come, sooner or later my heart will find it's way to medicine because I really want to be a surgeon. Help me what to do if I graduate in bs accountancy and decided to go to med school after . Thank you for ur answer #premed #doctor...

helen’s Avatar
helen Aug 27, 2019 607 views

is a doctor a good future career for me ?

Im in the 10th grade and i like helping others that need any type of help. I enjoy being helpful any way i can . #futurecareer #medicine #helpful #doctor #healthcare

Aybrianna’s Avatar
Aybrianna Sep 06, 2019 473 views

Can you recommend any courses I should take before proceeding in the medical field?

#medicine #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Jun 19, 2020 1156 views

Is it too late to figure out what I want to do if I’m 12

I play tennis,I love shopping and anything related to fashion
My dream job is to be a #professional spy or detective. #fashion #professional

JaMorris’s Avatar
JaMorris Aug 31, 2018 848 views

Tips on staying focused in School

#school #schooling

Warren’s Avatar
Warren Jul 21, 2018 512 views

In order to get into medical school do I have to be enrolled in "Pre-Medical studies" in my Undergrad years?

Pre-med in undergrad years a must for medical school application being considered. #school

Chika’s Avatar
Chika Jan 14, 2018 846 views

What are some unique things I can do to stand out for medical school applications?

I want to be participating in as many things that are engaging and exciting so that I can get into a great medical school. #medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Montrell’s Avatar
Montrell Jan 13, 2018 661 views

At what point does a medical professional realize what the specific field of medicine they would like to pursue is?

I find it rather difficult at my age, and with little experience to decide the exact profession, I would like to pursue.
#medicine #specializing #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #graduate-school #medical-school

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Jan 16, 2018 625 views

Does it matter for medical schools to find school you graduated from?

I think it’s a really important question for medical students, since they have to maintain a really high GPA.
#medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #graduate-school

Abbilene’s Avatar
Abbilene Aug 30, 2017 1800 views

What should my major be for a career as a pediatrician?

I know that I want to go to school to become a pediatrician. But in all of my college searching, I haven't been able to figure out what I need to major in to achieve my goals. #medicine #pediatrics #healthcare #pediatrician

Tomi’s Avatar
Tomi May 18, 2018 674 views

What grade averages do I need

When I attend college and decide my major what grade averages do I need to he able to become a pediatrician? Study habits? #pediatrics #college #pediatrician #medicine #grades #healthcare

Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Feb 03, 2020 662 views

What courses should I take in college? How should I prepare for med school?

I'm currently at job corps for CNA training, but I'm working towards becoming a General Pediatrician in the future. Looking for advice of the best paths to take to becoming a General Pediatrician. I'm aware of the long journey ahead of me, but I'm also willing to work hard to get there. Any...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 31, 2018 855 views

How do I know the major I picked is right for me, and what if it isn't? Is it costly/ hard to switch majors.

#major #majors #double-major #college-majors #choosing-a-major

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 23, 2018 1318 views

Is it worth it to get a double or even a triple major?

It is theoretically good to have more than one major because it translates into more job opportunities. However, the tuition and time needed increases significantly and for the most part, a job would only require one major.

#college-major , #double-major , #college-advice

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 19, 2020 2407 views

can you switch your major in college if so how soon or how late do you have? Does it push your schooling time further.

#major #college-major #college-advice

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Jun 17, 2020 618 views

What can I do at my age that will help me succeed in getting into Harvard Medical school and becoming a doctor?

I'm 14, and my heart is with psychology. And getting admitted into Harvard Medical School is my BIGGEST dream. Since it is SO hard to get in, i feel like I should start doing something at this age itself to achieve my goal. can someone help? #psychology #medical #medical-education #doctor...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Aug 31, 2018 649 views

As a high school senior, what steps should I take as I study for the Medical College Admissions Test while doing my classwork for my undergraduate degree? How many hours would be ideal to study a day?

I want to become a cardiothoracic surgeon and I want advice to help me further enhance my eduaction and get ahead. I also want to join the BSMD program. Is that recommended?
#bsmd #doctor #undergraduate
#surgeon #mcats

Arial’s Avatar
Arial Aug 23, 2018 751 views

How early should you study for the MCAT?

School hasn't started for me yet so I'm currently an upcoming senior and I know I want to go to medical school, does it make sense to start studying this early? I've been studying some of the topics that the MCAT covers so should I even attempt to study from actual resources like practice...

Dahlia’s Avatar
Dahlia Apr 22, 2020 752 views

I want to be a gynecologist, which premed program would set me up for success?

#premed #doctor #gynecology #gynecologist

Johnathon’s Avatar
Johnathon Apr 17, 2020 508 views

Is being a doctor for me? Is there a 'right' or 'wrong' personality or set of objectives that would make medicine for me?

#medicine #doctor #healthcare #medical #hospital-and-health-care

Alana’s Avatar
Alana May 14, 2018 672 views

Why is applying for scholarships soooooo harddddddd?

The only thing between me and my dream school is money. I have been trying every trick in the book and nothing seems to be working out, they all have these crazy requirements that I just don't fit. #stressed

edward’s Avatar
edward Aug 18, 2018 548 views

do you have to take a sat to get into college

just not sure #sat

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 26, 2019 1373 views

Do you really need to take high school classes in preparation to college?

Do you need to take relevant high school classes to your major in college, or will college teach you everything you need to know?
#college #student #college-major #high-school #time-management #college-bound #major #engineering #physics #chemistry #biology #calculus #science #technology #math

Essie’s Avatar
Essie Apr 13, 2020 634 views

What do I have to do to get into Family medicine?

I am interest in medicine and I want to know how long it takes to go into certain fields of medicine. If you have anything else to add about Family medicine, let me know! #medicine #doctor #healthcare #surgery #medical

Delaney’s Avatar
Delaney May 13, 2016 1082 views

I know getting into medical school is very competitive; generally is it better to go to a "lesser" undergraduate school and excel or is is better to go to a prestigious school and wind up in the middle of the pack?

It's a difficult decision to make, especially when you factor in cost, and scholarship availability in the more competitive schools. I have been going back and forth about trying to get into a more prestigious school for my undergraduate degree, realizing that I'll also have continuing costs...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Dec 21, 2016 1203 views

What is needed to apply to Medical School?

I am currently a college student, working towards a bachelor in Biological Sciences. I wanted to know what I should I be doing to improving my chances in getting into and being successful in medical school. #medicine #medicine-school #medicine-education #medicine-research

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 15, 2020 1016 views

When should you start thinking about college?

I am interested in going to school to become either a surgeon or a doctor. #medicine

Kamal’s Avatar
Kamal May 17, 2020 9716 views

What's your favorite subject in High School?

Biology #biology Chemistry #che #chemistry

suki’s Avatar
suki Jun 13, 2020 1086 views

How to read a book effectively if you don’t know the language well?

Hi! I have learned English for about 10years but still can’t manage myself to read a English book faster and effectively. Can someone tell me how you build up your vocabulary enough to read a book effectively. #books #english #language

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 12, 2020 707 views

What do I do this summer for med school?

I want to try to go to Medical School after college, and I know I should be doing research this summer, but everything was cancelled due to Corona virus. What should I spend this summer doing instead that would help my chances at getting into med school? #medicine #doctor #premed #medical

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 662 views

Will I become very unhealthy in med school due to the time commitment?

#premed #medical #medicine

Merenda’s Avatar
Merenda Jan 20, 2018 762 views

Should I Stay on Campus for the First Year and Why?

Why is it important to stau on campus the first year? #on-campus

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 30, 2016 897 views

For those of you who went to medical school but didn't major in a Science, what did you major in?

I want to become a pediatrician in the future, however, I've heard that just because you plan on going to medical school doesn't mean you have to major in a science. I would like to keep my options open and seeing what else people have majored in would help me do that. #college-major #medical-school

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 17, 2018 694 views

what is the best major for future medical school students?

I am asking because I plan to attend medical school after getting my bachelors degree at a four-year university.

#medical-school #college #college-major #medicine

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 577 views

What college did you go to? Did it prepare you for medical school?

#medical-school #medicine #college

Breanna’s Avatar
Breanna Mar 12, 2018 771 views

What are the best ways to help me get into Medical School?

I am about to go to college and I want to start preparing myself for medical School #medschool #medical-school #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #applications #admissions

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 685 views

How do I write a good admissions essay?

#college-admissions #medschool-admissions

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Jan 16, 2018 888 views

How hard is it to keep up with your college grades and maintain a job at the same time?

Because I have had a part time job for awhile now and really enjoy working, plus I’d like to not be completely broke while I’m attending school. #college #work-life-balance #time-management #life-balance

Patricia’s Avatar
Patricia Apr 12, 2020 737 views

What are good programs to take in university for becoming a pediatrician?

I am taking a year off to upgrade some of my courses. In addition to that, I did not take physics in grade 11 or 12 so I will need to take physics during my gap year. #healthcare

Adamar’s Avatar
Adamar Oct 29, 2016 1746 views

Is it okay to feel scare to start working?

Im new to all of this "independence" #work-life-balance

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jun 10, 2020 704 views

what is the bs/md program

I am interested in the route of becoming a doctor right after high school, since it will save time and money, without requiring an MCAT. What are the differences between #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #medical #medicine #doctor this versus the traditional route and is it easier or...

Jaidyn’s Avatar
Jaidyn Aug 31, 2017 1161 views

Is it ok to not be certain on the major you want to study for in college?

I have multiple majors that I am interested in but I do not know which one is the right option for me. #decidingmajor #undecided #career-counseling #college-major

Ajay’s Avatar
Ajay May 30, 2017 823 views

What steps should I take into getting into a college with a good medical program?

I am currently a high school junior that is interested in the medical field. I do not know exactly what I want to peruse in the medical field but I am willing to explore options in all medical fields. I have completed an internship at my local hospital and will look to find more. This...

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Oct 26, 2018 551 views

What does a typical college freshman first semester entail?

I was curious to know what people experience as they enter into their college career.

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 26, 2018 670 views

Should I address my upward curve in my college app?

I'm currently a high school sophomore and I'm doing much better than when I was a freshman. When I was a freshman, the worst I'd get was straight C's with a few B's here and there. I raised my GPA from a 2.8 to a 3.1 on a 4.0 scale. Currently, as a sophomore, I'm excelling in all my classes and...

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 09, 2018 705 views

Should I put community service/clubs/etc. that aren't necessarily in my career path on my college application?

I plan on studying pharamceutical sciences and anything related. I am in a few clubs and organizations that will give me experience and show that I am dedicated to my decision. However, I'm also in other clubs/organizations that are more or less recreational and have little to nothing to do...

kristin’s Avatar
kristin Jun 01, 2020 1034 views

What type of part time seems good enough for a beginner?

I have some work experience through a program in high school, but never really got a job on my own ever. I'm just curious about what is the best part-time job is there for me. I got a high school diploma and right now going to college. It's summer, and I plan to save up for some money. #job...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia May 04, 2018 852 views

What are the best free resources for MCAT prep?

I know about Khan academy and I would prefer multi-media study resources if possible. Any tips?
#help ##studying #trying-to-ace-it #free-studying #resources #studying #testing #test-prep #mcat -school #med-school #pre-med #medicine #doctor

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 23, 2020 541 views

Is it better to get good grades in easy classes or bad grades in hard classes for med school

#medicine #premed

Rochele’s Avatar
Rochele Jun 09, 2020 587 views

what does it take to be a psychologist?

I am interested in psychology.. and have some knowledge of the field. However, I would love to know more about it... #psychology