Santiago Villalona
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What are some tips on how to remain healthy during college?
Its always good to know how to stay fit, especially during the first year of college. #college #fitness

How can I make money as an 14 year old teen?
How can I make money as an 14 year old teen?

Is a job at a bakery okay if I want to be a physician assistant when I am older?
I'm currently 15 years old and an upcoming sophomore in high school. I have an idea of what I want to be but right now to gain work experience I want to work at a bakery. Will this look bad for college if a bakery job I am applying too isn't really related to what I want to pursue.

What would you do differently if you had to start over with your career?
I want to be an electrition.

How difficult is it to develop relationships with MLB Scouts?
I want to be a professional MLB player

How do Professional Athletes prepare for their careers?
I would like to go pro for baseball. I would like to know what I should do now to prepare for that.

Baseball Questions?
How do get out of a fielding slump in baseball? (I'm not in one just asking for future)

How do you start an online career?
What can I do to get the media I create reach a large consistent audience?

How can I improve my Channel?
I've been trying to improve my YouTube, I started with working on editing, and I know that you can never truly master it, but im working on it. I mainly want to know what I can improve besides editing. The more I'm learning the happier I feel about my channel, I was just wondering if there is...

Do you have to play college baseball to go to MLB ?
I love baseball I play it spring and fall thx for help #baseball

how to become a professional baseball player
I am 17 years old, I am a junior in high school and I have played varsity baseball since my freshmen year. I was wondering, Is it easier to become a pro baseball player if I go to a junior college instead of a four year? #sports #baseball

How much do major league umpires make?
A few of my friends really want to become MLB umpires but aren't sure how much they make annually. Does this differ depending on the team and where in the U.S. you are or is it pretty much the same for every professional umpire? #baseball #umpire #professional-sports #sports