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eva emmer’s Avatar

eva emmer

designer, writer, producer, actor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Houston, Texas
16 Answers
16398 Reads
59 Karma


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Rose’s Avatar
Rose Mar 14, 2024 792 views

How to find a career I can enjoy?

Every career I see I don't take interest in it as I am going to high school I really need to find this out

Xander’s Avatar
Xander Mar 14, 2024 764 views

Do college applications have to be tragic?

Don't get me wrong, I can write about many tragic things that have happened in my life, but that doesn't make up who I am.

Addison’s Avatar
Addison Nov 08, 2023 1375 views

I'm stuck in my math major, what should I do?

First I'll share some quick background. Currently, I'm a third-year undergrad at University and I initially declared a math major. I enjoyed calculus and all the computational math classes I have taken so far. Still, now I'm taking the more theoretical abstract math and I find that not only do...

Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Nov 07, 2023 1492 views

Can someone help me figure out what major I need?

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing. I plan on going into broadcasting and digital media, specifically podcasting, however, I don't know what degrees I should get and how to get a job from this. Would broadcasting and digital media be my major? Side question, what college would be best for digital...

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth Aug 06, 2023 353 views

When should I start action into becoming a professional athlete ?

Ever since is start watching volleyball tournaments I loved it and I wanna try to play volleyball more.

Saskia’s Avatar
Saskia Aug 06, 2023 918 views

How do you know what profession will suit you?

I'm sure the last thing anyone would want is to be stuck with a job that they hate for the rest of their life.

Julie’s Avatar
Julie Aug 06, 2023 826 views

What majors involve handling and/or learning about animals? What colleges in Florida do you believe offer the best education for said Major?

I am a highschool sophomore located in Florida

freya’s Avatar
freya Aug 05, 2023 2589 views

What is a good career in the medical field??

I am interested in medicine but I'm unsure what career I want to go into.

Janessa’s Avatar
Janessa Jul 09, 2023 492 views

What tasks would you suggest doing to build up your skills for a trade before starting ?

I just graduated

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Jul 09, 2023 497 views

how would someone at my age become involved into house design and remodeling if they do not have many real chances to help remodel/design a layout of a house?

I live out in a small, rural community in Ohio, and other than helping my parents out redesigning a room, I do not have many chances to do other things surrounding that field.

Annabelle’s Avatar
Annabelle Jul 09, 2023 1112 views

How can I get money?

I want to know what I can do to get money how to get it when or why I can't get it so I'm wondering if you know what can help me start at a young age now to get it?

Cierra’s Avatar
Cierra Jul 10, 2023 426 views

How would one decide on what to major in, in college ?

How would one decide on what to major in, in college?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 10, 2023 735 views

When should I start finding a passion project to do?

I am a 10th grader should I be starting a passion project? I have an idea to start a jewelry business and donate profits to a certain neuro research organization

Soraya’s Avatar
Soraya Jul 10, 2023 780 views

Why is it hard to stay determined ?

I am very self-driven. But sometimes, I doubt myself and feel like I can't accomplish the goals I set for myself. It could be I need to more reasons to stay determined, but that's a struggle too.