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Christopher Mckiernan’s Avatar

Christopher Mckiernan

2D/3D Character/ Motion Graphics Animator/ digital Artist, Background Artist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Mount Olive Township, New Jersey
14 Answers
19047 Reads
19 Karma

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Ayden’s Avatar
Ayden Mar 03 1253 views

What should I major in if I wanna work as a disney imagineer?

Im currently a sophmore in highschool and I know I wanna do something working within the disney imagineering world. But I don't know what I should major in, I know I don't wanna do the manual labour part, but I do know I wanna come up with ideas for the different parks. I do know that when im...

Girls’s Avatar
Girls Feb 22 746 views

Are oil painting and acrylic painting the same, or do they work differently Which one is better for making cool art? ?

Also one more thing I know a little about oil painting, but if I start painting more, can I sell them? Or what else can I do with my paintings besides just hanging them on my wall?

Taim’s Avatar
Taim Feb 09 1886 views

How do i improve my anatomy skills?

How do I improve my anatomy skills?

John’s Avatar
John Nov 25, 2024 1966 views

What can inspire someone?

What can inspire someone?

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Nov 24, 2024 1679 views

What inspired you to choose your current career ?

I’m torn between pursuing a career in film or graphic design. I’m currently taking filmmaking and photojournalism classes and genuinely love both, but I feel like I need to choose one path.

Graydon’s Avatar
Graydon Nov 19, 2024 1271 views

I haven't found the path that calls to me yet. I'm wonder what are the best ways to find paths that fit with my passions?

Im someone who values a couple of core things. I value my creativity hard work and passion for what Im pursuing. Im looking for a job that i can both devote myself to and enjoy expressing my creativity and passion.

Traevon’s Avatar
Traevon Oct 15, 2024 816 views

What steps should i take to land a job as an Art Director while in high school?

I am in the 10th grade and i am beginning to explore my future career as i hope to be an art director. what are some helpful step i should consider? At school i am most interested in art, Computer science, and entrepreneurship while my hobbies include drawing and taking photos and videos of...

Adrianna’s Avatar
Adrianna Oct 15, 2024 627 views

What should I put in a 2D Animation portfolio for art school?

I am a senior in high school interested in 2D animation with ADHD and Autism but also have wrestling during the winter. I also have ideas for a story along with tons of characters involved. What type of pieces should I put in my Portfolio? Should I try making a character design sheet? Should I...

Kendall’s Avatar
Kendall Oct 09, 2024 333 views

What well-paying job can I get, If I am looking to pursue an Art Major?

I am starting high school, and looking for a major that is aligned with my interests, but I'm going for one that pays a good chunk of money and that is sustainable.

Andraya’s Avatar
Andraya Sep 21, 2024 1649 views

W hat are some opportunities in the world right now that allow me to share my art more while in High School and become well known for my artistic talents in the future?

Senior in High School
Loves to draw and write
Specializes in art, digital art, graphic design, and fashion illustration

Foakautuu’s Avatar
Foakautuu Aug 05, 2024 1222 views

How can I find a job without letting my parents know, has anyone done this before?

I love expressing my own stories, and I have delt with some things and i'd like to have a job to help with some personal problems at home, can anyone help me if they are interested to help others through they're same problems.
I love to express my own songs and love to help those in need.

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Apr 12, 2024 2931 views

What kind of remote work can I do as art enthusiast?

I love art a lot, and really want a career in it, but I know that being financially stable is also very important. What do you advice I do?

Sky’s Avatar
Sky Mar 13, 2024 757 views

How's the pay as an animator or artist? What majors should I take in college?

High school student.

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Feb 07, 2024 899 views

What is it like in a day in the life of an illustrator?

I am interested in becoming a cartoonist or illustrator. What are the basic things an illustrator does everyday?