Dr. Kelly Desso

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What major can I do in collage in order to be a marine scientist?
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How can my career help or effect others?
I don't understand how the technology an aerospace engineer makes in their planes or spaceships effects the everyday person.
#aviation-and-aerospace #technology

How do I get medical experience as a highschool student?
Hi, I'm a highschool student and I'm trying to apply to the PLME for brown. I have a 1230 SAT and 25 ACT. I have a 4.7 gpa weighted and 3.84 nonweighted I am the ASB President and board member for the Interact Cub as well as the president for the Orthodox Club. I volunteer at the hospital and...

Should I major in music therapy with a piano performance minor, or major in music therapy and then get a masters in piano performance from a more prestigious school?
My future career goal is to primarily be a music therapist and private music instructor, but I would also like to be a professional concert pianist, perhaps touring every summer or every other summer with a few gigs throughout the year. Technically, the only degree I need is a music therapy...

What colleges should I consider??
I want to be a music therapist and concert pianist; where should I go to college?

Are there any scholarship, besides the Grand Pell scholarship, that can help me pay my studies, without the use of a student loans?
I am sophomore student at my college in Puerto Rico and I can't find a job to cover my college expenses. I'm planning to enroll in Medical school after I finish my bio-medical science baccalaureate degree and I don't want to start using student loans now, so I can use them in Med school....

What is work life balance like in supply chain management careers?
I'm wondering what the work life balance in supply chain management careers is like?

Should I work full time during college?
For some background information I'm pretty broke. My family dosen't have the best circumstances and they're trying to invest in a new location for a resteraunt. I'm going to be attending Northeastern Oakland next school year and I'm wondering if I should work more than a federal work study. A...

Should I attend Northeastern University or a cheaper state school?
For context, my parents are insistent that I go to Northeastern University, as they're obsessed with acceptance rates. It's 34,000 without federal loans, which is quite outrageous as we are broke. They're insistent that they are able to afford it yet even if were not, I'd rather not spend that...

what should I do at university?
in college can I study pediatric nursing or do I have to take math...science...? Sorry, my English is not good. I want to go to college but I don't know if in college you have to take all the classes or just what you want to do in the future

Is there sick pay leave for mechanics?
Financial help needs to be met and fulfilled on the end of the job as I do mine.

What are good questions to ask in career village?
I'm a senior in high school and I new ideas of what to ask.

How will career village help me in the near future?
Also how can this be beneficial for someone who is aspiring to be in the field of medicine

What major should you NOT go to college for?
Hello! As a college student in the middle of my career, I wanted to submit a question. What majors should students NOT go to college to study for? If you do list any majors: What do you recommend students do (instead) to pursue their career goals? I hope this question could help future...