James Garvin

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How much does IT pay? Do you like working in IT? Is learning IT hard?
Do you enjoy your job?

best source to learn about coding and programming ?
best source to learn about coding and programming ?

What are some good suggestions for starter jobs?
What are some good suggestions for starter jobs? I’m looking for roles that don’t require a lot of experience but still help me build important skills. Maybe retail or customer service jobs, where I can practice communication and problem-solving? Internships or part-time positions in fields I’m...

how do i earn money while i'm in 7th grade? because i want to be able to buy dresses and shoes?
I'm in 7th grade and I'm 13 and need help getting money so that i can buy the things that i want!

I want to pursue a career WAYYYY out of the scope of my college major. (Dance to Cybersecurity) What sort of work or opportunities should I look for?
I have reached a point where I'm about to graduate from college and I have found the need to make a very hard and fast pivot out of the dance industry. I've always had a knack for computers and tech tinkering. I recently stumbled across Cybersecurity and got my CompTIA Security+ certification....

How much does it pay to join the military?
#military #army #navy #criminal-justice #career

what kind of jobs could you get certified in office administration
#career such as.. what types of jobs need office administration.. or what jobs work with computer and office work

Do companies view some military branches as better than others?
Who are you most likely to hire? Marine, Airman, or Soldier? #chef #army #military #travel #marine #fbi #soldier #air-force #space-force #college #career #college #engineering #career #computer-science #medicine #science #technology #engineer #tech #college-major #education #biology #any #math...

Is it possible for someone to go from a R.N to a Doctor?
Hello I am currently in job corp as of right now and I am working on getting certified as a C.N.A. I wanted to know if it was possible for me to go from a nurse to a doctor and if so how Would I be able to do that.#doctor #nurse #medicine #nursing #health care

What sort of Tech. would you personally like to see/develop in the near future?
Specifically technology that will not only provide the most beneficiality for us in the long run for generations to come, but to assist us in keeping our A-Game in all that we put our best effort in accomplishing. #technology #computer #science #computer-software #programming #computer-science...