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Daniela Silva’s Avatar

Daniela Silva

Freelance Writer in Mental Health and Education
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
State of Goiás, State of Goiás, Brazil
922 Answers
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7219 Karma


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Lilya’s Avatar
Lilya Aug 15, 2023 364 views

Do you have to have a degree in Child Environment?

Can you work for a daycare without having a degree from a college or do you have to have some type of a education in the career field? if so how long would it take to accomplish it?

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Aug 15, 2023 1018 views

How do I find financial aid?

I was just accepted into Mahsa University's School of Medicine. How can I pay for it?

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Jun 29, 2023 659 views

What grade is best to teach?

How did you know what grade you wanted to teach? Is there a specific group that’s easiest to teach?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 29, 2023 480 views

I really like research. Which companies are doing new innovative research?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

Kaylin’s Avatar
Kaylin May 25, 2023 569 views

How should I network to become a well-known fantasy author? Where can I publish my works for free to give a platform for my audience?

I'm a senior at Queens College. I currently major in English and minor in writing. I love to write and have had my writing pieces selected for a scholarship, publication, and awards.

Akela’s Avatar
Akela Mar 24, 2023 668 views

Certs for instructional designer with a concentration in health??

What types of certs do you need to become an instructional designer with a concentration in health?

Ma’s Avatar
Ma Mar 17, 2023 2327 views

Are there any films or movies that relate to speech therapy that you watch? #cv23

There are many shows about doctors and nurses but I was wondering if there were some about or with speech therapists.

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 14, 2023 866 views

How to use Linkedin

How do I connect with recruiters on Linkedin?

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Mar 13, 2023 664 views

How should I create my resume?

Do I have to edit the resume for every application?

Maryuri’s Avatar
Maryuri Mar 02, 2023 592 views

Should I think about other people when choosing college?

I'm a dumb and little complicated situation. I'm the first one in my family to attend college, they support me, but they want me to stay in town. My first college option is 3 hours away, my second option is 45 minutes away, my third option is 1 h 30m away and my last option is in town. I want...

Jaelene’s Avatar
Jaelene Mar 01, 2023 762 views

What courses are best when wanting to work with kids?

What courses are best when wanting to work with kids?

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Feb 28, 2023 674 views

My friends and I are starting a student-run magazine surrounding topics in the humanities. What should I know as the writer of the health/medicine section?

I’m a high school student who likes to learn about medicine as well as the intersection between medical science and the humanities/social sciences. Since our magazine is mostly humanities-based, my writing will be based on public health, bioethics, and other ways medicine and health are...

Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson Dec 21, 2022 921 views

Is working in the mental health field mentally taxing?

how mentally taxing is working in the mental health field.

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 964 views

I want to be a writer, but what do you do when you have writer's block?!

Hi! I'm Ms. Eldridge at the International Community School. My 5th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!


Dani’s Avatar
Dani Nov 07, 2022 696 views

. What kind of children do you meet while working?

Is it always hard to hear what they go through? does it get easier with time?