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Frank’s Avatar
Frank Jan 09 711 views

Is it possible to get into college from elementary school?

elementary school level.

madd’s Avatar
madd Jan 09 699 views

what things do i need to succeed in film ?

what things do i need to succeed in film or majoring in film ?

John’s Avatar
John Jan 09 1055 views

How to become a fashion designer?

I want to know about it

Ade’s Avatar
Ade Jan 09 2276 views

What is one class that can help me understand financial planning?

I am a freshman in high school. One of my favorite classes is English and world cultures, when I go to college I am thinking about taking business classes so that I could run my own business. I just wanted to know what I could do for college.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 08 572 views

What was the most beneficial experience you had before starting a graduate-level program?

I am applying for Summer research opportunities to prepare for graduate school. I was wondering if there were any other programs or opportunities that would help me prepare?

Kaleb’s Avatar
Kaleb Jan 08 902 views

how would i progress fast on my career? what if i wanna live in another country with this career? how often will i be exposed to hights?

so i wanna move to utah after im done with apprenticeship and other states, eventually norway, i wanna progress the career ladder and become get a masters in electrical, i dont necessarily do well with hights but i will do then but how would i get over it?

Cesar’s Avatar
Cesar Jan 08 696 views

Would appreciate the Help, have until Friday to submit Form, whether I decide to take Statistics next year.

I'm a Junior in HS, I've taken; Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 (Doubled up in math). Currently taking Pre-Calc, Physics and Intro to Computer Science. I am planning to take AP Calc, AP Physics and AP Computer Science, next year. Should I take Statistics Senior year too and, Is there any...

jaylynn’s Avatar
jaylynn Jan 08 1318 views

what is hard about college?

what hard about college? why should I go to college

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Jan 08 778 views

What is a labor and delivery nurse?

Do labor and delivery nurses have to deal
With bad smells

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Jan 08 1148 views

How can I choose the course to study at my higher level of studies?

I am an highschool student, I keep on cracking jokes, doing some songs to my friends and also younger children,they do laugh and enjoy my company.

Melin’s Avatar
Melin Jan 08 821 views

How do I start little in my career of k-pop ?

Ive taken Michelle Marrota s advice.So how do i start little in kpop .I have a few ideas,first of all me and my friends have a k-pop group called high up and it consist of 5 of my friends who like k-pop i have 53 friends in total but only 5 of them like k-pop.I just wrote a song called LOL...

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 08 571 views

As a 10th grader how could I reach a goal if my school can't help me?

How would I as a 10th grade student achieve me becoming a doctor l. I've always dreamed of being a doctor but my school doesn't have any classes we're we are learning that kind of stuff is there like a after school thing anywhere that I could sign up ?

sam’s Avatar
sam Jan 08 863 views

how to sign up for college?

how to sign up for college? I when to go to college but I do not know what to do and I do not know how to sing up for college can you help me

Tom’s Avatar
Tom Jan 08 1038 views

Should I go to college or get a job after graduation?

Is it better to go to school after high school or to immediately get a job when i graduate from highschool? I want to be a mechanic when I get older and i dont know.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 08 2232 views

Is a Business Major a good fit?

Hi, I am a junior in High school looking at graduating with an Associate's and hoping to nail down a major. I previously thought about psychology or creative writing but they don't feel like the right fit. I really enjoy writing and want to find a job I can be creative with. I also want a...