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Savanna’s Avatar
Savanna Aug 31, 2017 757 views

Gen Eds before 4-year?

My mother is imploring me to get my Gen Eds out of the way at the local community college, then move on to a 4-year institution. But, I truly wish to go straight to a 4-year school, despite the higher cost. Economically, I'm aware that the local school is the right way to go, but I desire to...

Micah’s Avatar
Micah Sep 01, 2017 777 views

What ways are there to improve the chance of receiving a scholarship to pay for school?

One of my tops schools has a high priced tuition. The most likely way I would be able to go to that school is if I earn one of their scholarships such as their Presidential Scholarship. It requires an essay and then a half an hour interview in January so I was wondering if there was any way I...

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Sep 01, 2017 707 views

What are some ways to adjust from living on campus to commuting to school?

During my first year of college I lived on campus but I will be commuting this year. How is commuting different from dorming and what are some ways to still get the full college experience as a commuter?

#college-advice #dorms #calpolypomona

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Jan 13, 2018 631 views

How else should I save up for next term besides applying for scholarships / grants and working part-time?

I need money for the fall and right now work part-time on the weekends and attending classes during the weekdays, I simply won't have enough time to thoroughly search for scholarships and such in time. #college-advice #college-tuition

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne Sep 01, 2017 994 views

Why is looking for colleges so hard?

I know that it has to suit you for many reasons, but why does it always have to be such a long process. I don't know, I just want to know will there ever be an easy process for finding a good college? #college #college-advice

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 14, 2018 903 views

In college, how important is living outside of home for a college experience?

Saving money is an important goal for college and a good way is to live at home. Many people say I am going to miss out on the best parts of college, advice? #college-advice

J'lyn’s Avatar
J'lyn Sep 01, 2017 1050 views

Are grants better than loans when first going to college? #learning #college

I'm asking because i want to make the best financial decisions dealing with my education. #college-advice

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden Sep 01, 2017 705 views

How does the transaction from graduating college to joining the workforce usually go?

Im just a little nervous about how it works once your ready to leave college to go start your future. #college-advice

Cade’s Avatar
Cade Jan 16, 2018 642 views

Where can I receive more tools for college?

With College fast approaching, any information is very appreciated. It can be very confusing at times. Resources are a great asset in any situation, especially for college. #tools #help #college-advice

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Sep 01, 2017 721 views

What is the best way to narrow down your college list?

I feel like I still have not found my "dream school", but I still have a list of schools that I am applying to.

Chanvichheka’s Avatar
Chanvichheka Jan 16, 2018 588 views

What if I am still unsure about what I am going to do after college?

Many people are unsure about what they are going to major in going into college; what if I am unsure about what is going to happen after college?

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 636 views

Is the premed track too difficult for someone who's above average in high school?

#medicine #premed

Ronain’s Avatar
Ronain Sep 01, 2017 942 views

If I want transfer out of the current college I go to and my credits don't transfer? Will I have to retake those courses?

I've heard many stories of credits not transferring over after leaving a college. It's a scary idea to think of because then those classes were basically pointless. #transfer #collegecredits #college #college-advice

Kaesyn’s Avatar
Kaesyn Sep 01, 2017 717 views

Upon studying Psychology, can I be expected to conduct legitimate social experiments or solely work from a book?

When I took AP Psychology, it was a merit course that could result in college credit. However, while not all of our work was from a book, most of it was. I am more of a hands on learner, and I was curious as to if I could expect to learn hands on in a college atmosphere. #psychology...

Uriah’s Avatar
Uriah Sep 01, 2017 1065 views

Can I Get Some Info About Education Beyond A Bachelor's?

I really want to be a nurse or PA in a specialized field (Hematology), but I can't find a lot of helpful information from Google when I'm looking at education that goes beyond a Bahelor's degree. I need more information, preferably from a Hematologist or Hematology nurse, caseworker, etc....

Ingrid’s Avatar
Ingrid Sep 28, 2017 817 views

How can students attend college for free with the use of grants and scholarships?

I am asking because I myself want to go and attend school debt free. I want to receive the most for my education and would hate to settle for a school that doesn't provide the necessary sources for me to succeed. #Classof2022 #scholarships #financial-planning #college-advice #college

AZIZ’s Avatar
AZIZ Apr 28, 2016 1109 views

What are the advantages I would get from college?

My goal is to become a software engineer. #college #software #software-engineering #software-engineer #college-advice #college-major

rajendra’s Avatar
rajendra Apr 29, 2016 1286 views

How do we improve our studies in the college?

Because nowadays students are more interested in playing games so what new method should be applied to improve your our study #college #college-bound #college-advice #college- #studying-tips #study-skills

Emilio’s Avatar
Emilio Sep 01, 2017 998 views

Will I make it ?

I can't afford college, and I think I might have to drop out. #ihope #college #college-advice #college-counseling

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Mar 04, 2014 1901 views

I haven't quite figured out what my interests are. Advice needed.

I have been looking at a wide range of possible careers, but nothing interests me. What would be the best way to develop my interest? Through more research or through first hand experience? #college #career #jobs #college-advice

James’s Avatar
James Mar 05, 2014 2605 views

How does Going to College Serve a Person today?

Exactly why do we go to college? For the average Joe, Besides having to practically pay their ENTIRE yearly income to attend to college, how does that shiny certificate help you in the future? Exactly how does that separate you from THOUSANDS of OTHER applicants shooting for the same job. To...

Nishk’s Avatar
Nishk Feb 26, 2020 691 views

If my intent is to go into a pre-med based college, what would my best extracurricular activities be?

#premed #extracurricular #premed #college

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jul 28, 2018 781 views

What extracurricular activities do medical school want to see on my application?

#college #medicalschool #premed #extracurriculars

Ritu’s Avatar
Ritu Jun 12, 2018 709 views

What majors are accepted for Medical School?

When applying to Medical School, there is tons of majors one could have. For example, you could major in human anatomy, or biochemistry, or bio medicine. Which type of major best assures you with the knowledge needed for the MCAT?
#schools #majors #college #classes #medicalschool

Ailyn’s Avatar
Ailyn May 30, 2018 723 views

What kind of material is on the MCAT?


Ailyn’s Avatar
Ailyn May 30, 2018 688 views

When should I start preparing for the MCAT?

#medicalschool #futureoncologist

Ritu’s Avatar
Ritu May 29, 2018 787 views

How do medical schools differentiate between accepted and rejected students?

Students on the path for medicine tend to be driven and hardworking overall. Yet only a slim percentage of these individuals are seriously considered when it comes to post graduate medical studies. What's the difference between these students, and how narrow is the gap between them?...

brooklyn’s Avatar
brooklyn Mar 15, 2018 724 views

How difficult is it to get into medical school

i want to be a pediatrician #futuredoctor #medschool #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-heathcare #pediatrics #pediatrician

Kierra’s Avatar
Kierra Apr 25, 2018 727 views

I want to graduate from a 4 year university in 3 years, Is this possible?

I want to save money by attending community college in the summer and be able to enter medical school. #medschool #medicalschool #FutureDoctor #family-medicine

Aleja’s Avatar
Aleja Apr 24, 2018 945 views

Should I become a pediatrician despite that I am not interested in science?

The main focus of the medical field is science, and although that is not my interest, I would love to become a pediatrician. Will this disinterest eventually make me regret studying to become a pediatrician? I love working with kids, and I can really imagine myself in this career. #medicine...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 16, 2018 879 views

How to succeed in medical school

I am planning on attending medical school but have heard that it can be mentally and emotionally draining. What is the best advice for not only doing well academically but also being mentally healthy in medical school?
#medicine #medicalschool #mentalhealth

Charity’s Avatar
Charity Mar 14, 2018 814 views

How will I know which medical field to go into?

I want to apply to medical school after I get my bachelr’s degree, but I’m worried I won’t know which medical field suits me the best. Will you know as soon as you do it? Are certain fields better for certain people? #medicalschool #medical-education

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Jan 10, 2018 735 views

Is there a way to attend both law school and medical school?

I am interested in both law and medicine, and I am looking for a way to pursue both interests. I have heard of people who have done both; however, I am unsure of how to go about this so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. #lawschool #medicalschool

Anabel’s Avatar
Anabel Aug 01, 2018 880 views

Is the rigor of a student’s undergraduate university considered when applying to medical school?

For instance, if a student graduated from an Ivy League with a lower GPA than a student from a significantly easier state school, would the name of the school be factored in? Thanks! #premed #medicine #medicalschool

Arial’s Avatar
Arial Aug 23, 2018 755 views

How early should you study for the MCAT?

School hasn't started for me yet so I'm currently an upcoming senior and I know I want to go to medical school, does it make sense to start studying this early? I've been studying some of the topics that the MCAT covers so should I even attempt to study from actual resources like practice...

Dan’s Avatar
Dan Aug 23, 2018 697 views

I want to get into med school; which major for an undergrad will look better on my application... Biochemistry or Neuroscience?


Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 25, 2018 651 views

Is any specific major increase the likelihood of getting into medical school?

#majors #college #medicalschool #science #medicine

Chadd’s Avatar
Chadd Aug 27, 2018 785 views

If I am in debt in undergraduate school, am I going to have a hard time trying to continue to medical school?

#debt #medicalschool

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Mar 16, 2018 611 views

How difficult will it really be to get through medical school?

Is it worth it? #medicalschool

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 708 views

How can I best prepare myself in my undergraduate years for medical school in the future?

Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a oediatrican. Now that I am in college, my dreams can start to become a reality and I want to know the best tips on how to be as successful and as prepared as I can be for medical school.

#medicine #medicalschool

Calista’s Avatar
Calista Oct 31, 2018 634 views

In 2018, are women still underrepresented in the medical field?

I know that in the past women have been underrepresented in basically all STEM fields but it seems like more women are beginning to enter professions that are traditionally “male-dominated” such as medicine. So my question is: in 2018 do men still significantly outnumber women in medical...

German’s Avatar
German Jan 10, 2019 2123 views

What are some of the downsides of being a neurosurgeon?

#doctor #medicalschool #neurology #chemistry #surgery #neurosurgeon

Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Jan 27, 2020 799 views

Regarding all of the sacrifices you've made, all of the school and training you've gone through, etc., would you say that it was all worth it?

#medicine #doctor #pediatrician #hospital-and-health-care #education #medicalschool #medschool

Lisa’s Avatar
Lisa Apr 29, 2020 619 views

What is one thing about being a practicing physician that you wish you knew before applying to medical school?

#medicine #premed #medicalschool #physician

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 03, 2019 627 views

How long does it take to become a pediatrician? How many years of residency are required?

#pediatrician #medicalschool #residency #nursing #medicine

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 05, 2020 486 views

What is a good specialty for someone who is shy?

#medicine #doctor

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 05, 2020 1201 views

How important are recommendation letters for applying to college/med school?

#college-admissions #medicine #student #premed #medschool

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 05, 2020 826 views

Is it more important to have good grades or to stand out for med school?

#premed #doctor #medicine #college

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 05, 2020 506 views

What kinds of doctors are becoming obsolete due to increases in technology?

#medicine #doctor #medical #science

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 05, 2020 461 views

What is corona virus like from a doctor's perspective?

How much is it affecting your daily life? #doctor #medicine #medical