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Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 781 views

what are some good programs for students who want to go into medical field?

looking for a pre-medical program for high schools. what should students do to prepare for getting into this field?
#medical-education #medical-school #medical-program #medicine #sports-medicine #summer-internship #summer-jobs #summer-programs #summer-courses

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Feb 19, 2018 820 views

What is a "residency"?

Was researching different orthodontic career paths and I came across this word. #medicine #orthodontist #dentistry #career #career-counseling #career-advice #career-choice #medical-education #dental-school #dental-practice #career-path #job #jobs #dental-practice

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Feb 19, 2018 920 views

How do you survive medical/dental school?

I've heard that medical/dental school is extremely stressful. #medical-education #medical-school #dental-school #medicine #dentistry #orthodontist #higher-education #college #specialty

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Mar 06, 2018 597 views

what can you do to make sure you are prepared for medical school and how to avoid burnout.

#medschool #medical-school

Annette’s Avatar
Annette Mar 15, 2018 650 views

Can I be a doctor and be clueless in math?

I have always struggled in the math department whenever I was in school. Now as a senior and knowing that I want to pursue medicine, I feel scared to face the math requirements medical school has for prospective students. Should I give up on my dreams, suck it up and magically become better at...

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Mar 15, 2018 882 views

How do I know if medical school is my "calling?"

I've read different answers on this site from professionals who referred to med school as their "calling," or they just knew that's what career they would choose. I'm interested in the medical field, but I don't know what type of doctor or specialist I would be, or even if I would pursue a...

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus May 13, 2016 1062 views

What are some good medical schools for anesthesiology?

I'm sure most medical schools are good, but I would like to know if there are any that are really good for anesthesiology. #medical-school #anesthesiology

andy’s Avatar
andy May 14, 2016 1056 views

Biomedical engineering and Pre-med

How difficult would it be to attempt to get into the Premed system at a college while also striving for a bachelors in bio medical engineering? Would it help my chances? #doctor #engineering #medical-school #biomedical #premed

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth May 19, 2016 967 views

How much, on average, does medical school cost? Is there a way to get financial aid?

I want to make sure that I am prepared for the financial load I'm taking on. #medical-school

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy May 19, 2016 1100 views

Are there any other requirements to get into medical school besides the MCAT and a bachelor's degree?

I'm a current high school junior and have aspirations to go to medical school. #college #doctor #college-bound #medical-school #college-applications

Anna’s Avatar
Anna May 20, 2016 1077 views

Is spending 8 years learning really worth becoming a doctor?

Right now, I'm a sophomore in high school and very often people ask me who I want to be after college. My response had usually been a doctor, but after doing some research about the job, I understand that becoming an actual doctor is a very rocky step. I feel like a lot of time is needed, as...

Megan’s Avatar
Megan May 20, 2016 2601 views

Would working as a CNA during college improve my chances of getting into medical school?

I have a nursing assistant certification and would like to work during college. I know this is good experience, but would it make any difference in getting into medical school? #college #medicine #nursing #medical-school

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 21, 2016 901 views

If you are an aspiring medical student, should you be preparing for what you're going to learn as early as high school? Is there any way to become more familiar with these type of feilds while being at such an early stage of education?

I am currently a Sophmore in High School, and I have heard a lot about how stressful medical school can be, so I was wondering if becoming more familiar now with the material that I would be studying in medical school would make it any easier in the long run, or if there was any other way of...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 22, 2016 1094 views

What activities should undergraduate students do to get into medical school?

What classes, extracurriculars, internships, jobs, etc. would you recommend an undergraduate student do to improve their chances of getting into medical school? Are there any things that students should avoid doing? I'm going to be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall as an...

Eugenia’s Avatar
Eugenia May 24, 2016 971 views

What classes should I take for a career in the medical field if I am a freshman in an undergraduate college?

I plan on becoming a medical doctor, and would like to know what classes should I take in my freshman college year. #college #doctor #graduate #medical-school

Eugenia’s Avatar
Eugenia May 24, 2016 1031 views

What should I study in order to prepare for the MCAT exam?

I would like to take the test required for entering medical school, therefore I would like some suggestions on sources for studying for it. #doctor #graduate-school #medical-school #test

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 27, 2016 985 views

How can I know if medical school is the best career path for me?

I have always been fascinated by the medical profession, and I would like to gain some more insight on how a person can gauge whether medical school would be a good career option. #college #medical-school

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Jun 23, 2016 1215 views

will going to an OK (not great) college hurt my chances of being accepted into medical school?

OK so a little background about me: Ever since I was little I wanted to become a doctor. I love anything that has to do with health and medicine. Growing up I was always smart, but never a genius. I was never a straight A student. I always gotten a mix of As and Bs, but nothing below a B. I go...

Alyanna’s Avatar
Alyanna Jun 26, 2016 810 views

What is it like to be a doctor? Are the many years of education and studying worth it?

I am currently a rising high school senior, and I am interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. I am rather iffy on whether or not I should pursue it, considering the high cost of medical school and many rate of schooling. However, medical health and helping people is truly my...

Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jul 19, 2016 1023 views

What are medical school committees looking for in an applicant (research experience, extracurricular/volunteer activities, grade point average,...)?

I am a research postdoc fellow in life sciences. I was recently asked how to get accepted to medical school. This is not really in my field so I figured I should share this question. Hope the answers will be helpful to any student going through the selection process. #doctor #medicine...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Aug 19, 2016 938 views

Is it worth going through the long years of medical school and residency along with the expenses to become a pediatrician?

I have heard that once you graduate out of medical school and finish your residency, you are in debt and it is often hard to find a job opening. Is this true? #pediatrics #pediatrician #medical-school #medical-education #student-loans #debt

Emilee’s Avatar
Emilee May 12, 2016 1257 views

What is the best major to choose for students seeking to go to medical school?

Ever since I was a little girl, the only thing I wanted to be was a doctor. Benjamin Carson has been a role model of mine that has inspired me to dream big, work hard, and never give up. I hope to someday attend Johns Hopkins Medical School like he did. However, I want to ensure that I'm...

Jacqui’s Avatar
Jacqui May 06, 2014 1793 views

When I apply to medical school, do admissions look at what undergrad school I went to?

I am a sophmore in high school and I'm planning on pursing a career in the medical field. I was wondering if the undergrad school I go to is important to get into medical school? Meaning, when applying to medical school, does admissions look at if I went to a UC school or a State school and...

Srivas13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Srivas13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 16093 views

what are different jobs options in medical school?

Im a junior in high school i would like to know what options i can take . #medical-school

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 14, 2016 1206 views

If your a pre-med student Is it better to major in the sciences or a major of your choice?

I am a pre-med student and i would like to know which major in sciences or a major of your choice will benefit you when applying for a career or med school #medicine #biology #pre-med #physical-therapy #biotechnology #biochemistry #molecular-biology #bioinformatics

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 09, 2016 1197 views

What can I do to prepare for pre-med as a high school freshman?

I am currently a freshman and I want to do my best to prepare for the expense as well as make myself stand out as a candidate when I apply to highly selective universities. #pre-med #college-admissions

Nevaeh’s Avatar
Nevaeh Jan 22, 2017 912 views

To become a profession in the medical field , what are the steps exactly to get there ? Furthermore , what classes should I major in when I go to college ?

I want to become an OB/GYN & I don't know exactly what classes to take or major in when I go to college . #medicine #pre-med -education

Haley’s Avatar
Haley May 15, 2016 726 views

What do you personally consider the best strategy to study for the MCAT?

Mainly asking this question because this next year is my junior year of college and I need to start studying for it. #college #doctor #healthcare #pre-med #hospital-and-health-care

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge May 18, 2016 967 views

Where's the cheapest college to become a doctor in the US?

I want to become a doctor to help people with their health issues and save many lives. #doctor #biology #pre-med #counselor

Kira’s Avatar
Kira May 18, 2016 704 views

Is it better to pick a specified major when trying to travel in a Pre-Med track?

I am thinking of majoring in biology and possiblly going Pre-Med. #medicine #biology #healthcare #pre-med #medical-school

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 21, 2016 819 views

How did you choose your specialty in medicine?

What did you do to get a feel for the different fields in medicine and settle for one specifically? #doctor #career #medicine #healthcare #pre-med

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Jun 23, 2016 992 views

What year in college do you need to start thinking about graduate school, medical school, law school, etc?

I'm curious when I need to start thinking about the future education I will need once I graduate. I know that there is no time like the present, but what is realistic? #college #law #pre-med #graduate-school

Aracely’s Avatar
Aracely May 18, 2016 824 views

How long does it take to become a surgeon?

I want to go to med-school but I don't understand the path to go to reach my goal to be a surgeon. In addition, how could I possibly work under a major hospital, such as Mass General Hospital. #college #medicine #healthcare #pre-med #graduate-school #higher-education #surgery

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 19, 2016 1379 views

Will transferring during undergrad ruin my chances of getting into med school?

Currently I am at a public university and I'm not doing very well, mainly because the class sizes are so big and I feel like I'm bothering the professor if I go to office hours with questions. So, I'm transferring to a private school because I think I'll be a better student. Is this going to be...

Brieana’s Avatar
Brieana May 25, 2016 872 views

Can I become a RN first and then work up to becoming a physician?

I am asking this question because I want to have a career in the medical field and want advice on what steps I should take to achieving my goal #medicine #healthcare #pre-med #registered-nurses #physicians

JENITZA’s Avatar
JENITZA May 18, 2016 871 views

How difficult is it to get accepted into a good medical school if you go to an in-state university?

I've always dreamed of becoming a pediatrician but when it came to choosing a university to attend I decided to go to Texas A&M University in College Station. I am afraid that due to the competitiveness of the field, getting accepted into a well known medical school will be unbelievably...

maxim’s Avatar
maxim May 18, 2016 661 views

if national medical care by the federal government was to be placed would it have any effect on salaries of doctors

just asking as i want be a doctor by there have been talks about national medical care and i know that in many countries with free med care the qouality and salaries of medical professionals are not very good #doctor #pre-med #financial-planning

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Sep 28, 2017 960 views

When I attend college in the fall, I would like to study medicine. So as a Freshman, would it be best to major in Pre-Medicine, Biology, or Chemistry?

I am asking because I don't want to enter college unsure of what I genuinely will like to do for the rest of the school year. #college-choice #pre-med #college #doctor #biology #chemistry

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 26, 2016 1138 views

Is studying biology or biomedcial engeneering as an undergraduate beter if I want to attend medical school after college?

I am visiting colleges this summer and trying to determine my course of study in college. I currently want to be either a Orthopedic Surgeon, Cardiologist, or Neurologist. #professor #pre-med #phd #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #neuroscience #orthopedics #cardiology

Shoshannah’s Avatar
Shoshannah May 21, 2016 882 views

What is the best way to study for the MCAT's without spending so much money?

I am nervous for the amount of money that i will already be spending on books for college as well as possible classes taken in order to study for the MCAT's , I'm just curious of the more cost efficient advice that someone can give me in order to study for the MCAT's without spending so much of...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Mar 31, 2018 757 views

Do you think an athlete could major pre-med and keep up grades?

I am a pretty intense athlete and I would love to continue playing sports in college. I know pre-med will contain hard courses, so I am worried about how my grades would do, if I continued to splay sports.
#sports #pre-med

Stephane karel’s Avatar
Stephane karel Jan 16, 2018 1111 views

What are some advices a college student can give to a high school student planning to attend college?

I am asking this question because i am in high school and i would love to know how college work and also know what are the positive thing that would help you succeed while you’re in college . I would love to be a #pediatrician #college #medicine #pre-med #healthcare

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Mar 20, 2018 1548 views

How time consuming are Extracurricular activities in college?

High school activities are often a big commitment. For someone in college for engineering will it be too much? #extracurriculars #time-management

Erykah’s Avatar
Erykah Apr 25, 2018 1232 views

What college extracurriculars should I focus on?

I'm starting college in the fall and am wondering what type of extracurriculars I should do. I'm aware of the many types that my school offers but I want to know how my time would be best spent as a pre-med student. I will of course do what I find enjoyable but I also want to know of any...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Oct 25, 2016 1188 views

PA or Nurse Practitioner?

Of the two which one has a more appealing/promising career path in the next 10 years? #nurse-practitioner #physicians-assistant

isabel’s Avatar
isabel Jul 09, 2018 905 views

Is it worth the time and money to become a Medical Doctor?

I was very set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor this time last year; however, the doctors I have asked have said that they would pursue Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant instead if they were to choose their career over again. What do y'all think? Thanks! #doctor #nurse...

Saul’s Avatar
Saul Oct 29, 2016 836 views

What is one advice that you would give Pre-Medical students as they are pursuing to go to medical school?

I am asking because the odds of adding medical school is a small ratio to students that actually take the pre-med prerequisites. With odds like this, many people refuse to take pre-med if they will not have a shot. I am curious to see what professionals think. #college #medicine #medical-school...

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Jan 16, 2018 625 views

Does it matter for medical schools to find school you graduated from?

I think it’s a really important question for medical students, since they have to maintain a really high GPA.
#medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #graduate-school

Alysia’s Avatar
Alysia Jan 17, 2018 838 views

How to pick the best school for the medical field without knowing what degree plan?

I would like to focus on a career in the medical field but I am unsure what to focus my major on. I also would like to spend my money on the best education possible. #school #medical-school #medicine #healthcare #college #hospital-and-health-care

Chika’s Avatar
Chika Jan 14, 2018 847 views

What are some unique things I can do to stand out for medical school applications?

I want to be participating in as many things that are engaging and exciting so that I can get into a great medical school. #medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care