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Nicole Baillie’s Avatar

Nicole Baillie

Data Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
484 Answers
263584 Reads
872 Karma


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Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Oct 23, 2015 1512 views

how much fun would being a engineer be?

Hi I want to know how much fun it would be for being an engineer #engineering #money

Lashawn’s Avatar
Lashawn Oct 02, 2014 1341 views

If you have certifications in the I.T field, would you still need a bachelors degree to really help you get a decent career in the I.T Field?

I'm currently thinking about taking on certification classes with Cisco, but I'm wondering if those certifications would be actually worth it, or would I better off using three years of my life studying IT in college. Which ever will help me get into decent career in the field, please let me...

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jan 22, 2018 988 views

What are the major engineering job locations?

For those who are in the engineering work force, where do you all live? Do most engineers live in major cities, or more in the suburbs? I don't really want to live in a big city, but I am worried that that will hinder my choices at getting a job, at least a first job. Do any of you all live in...

Fredi’s Avatar
Fredi Sep 11, 2019 435 views

The economy has been getting better, and there’s a lot of hiring going on. Why did you decide to prioritize this position instead of the many others you could have been hiring for?

Npower Student wanting to expand his field in technology #technology #computer #career

Roland’s Avatar
Roland Sep 06, 2019 502 views

Is this field always growing?

#engineering #career

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jun 12, 2019 581 views

What was the hardest process of your job?

#job #roboticsengineer #engineer #engineering

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2020 969 views

How can I find jobs that will fund a graduate education?

Is this something I ask at a job interview? Is there a database for places that do?

#job-search #physics #grad-school #graduate-education #benefits #engineering

Ismar’s Avatar
Ismar Jan 16, 2018 842 views

What if the College of your dreams accepts you, but the college you know you should go to does not?

I have been accepted into the school of my dreams which happens to be the best school for engineering in the country. However, it costs significantly more than my second-choice school -almost three times more- However, my second-choice school, which is the one that my family can afford, did not...

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Nov 10, 2016 962 views

What steps did you take to become an engineer?

What do I need to become a computer engineer because I need to choose and academic path because I was really interested in it and I just want to find a college to go to please get back to me asap thx 😀 #engineering

Blade’s Avatar
Blade Oct 26, 2016 2247 views

Do Computer Engineers actually use Mathematics in everyday life?

I'm a high school student, and love math, but does the career I'm trying to pursue in actually even use it? #computer-science #computer-software #engineer #computer-engineering #computer-hardware

Fate Alexis’s Avatar
Fate Alexis May 14, 2016 996 views

What field is best in engineering if you are great in mathematics?

I am great at mathematics, but I am not sure what branch to choose from. I love to solve math problems and learn more new topics about math. I also want to be able to create my own problems and solve it. #engineering #industrial-engineering

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 16, 2018 746 views

How can I be taken more seriously as a striving women engineer?

I have been studying to become a geological engineer and recently was accepted to a very prestigious engineering university. The only problem is many classmates and teachers have told me that because I am a girl I will struggle to find work in my field and should look into something else....

willie’s Avatar
willie Sep 01, 2017 870 views

How to manage your time in school?

How to plan out activities and keep up with the school work? #chemical-engineering

Kari’s Avatar
Kari Oct 27, 2020 819 views

On your team, how do your colleagues show initiative in the virtual workplace?

#technology #business-management #virtual

Abagail’s Avatar
Abagail Oct 27, 2020 602 views

what restaurant do you recommend to work at?

I was thinking about being a waitress because it's a good paying job and I can still go to school while also being a waitress. #part-time-job #worker #school #engineer #jobs #waitress

Mei’s Avatar
Mei Oct 19, 2020 1107 views

Starting career

So I am almost finished with my second degree which is a Computer sciences and Software engineering and before I finished a BBA. I have some work experiences as a backend developer but miss the personal contact with people and was thinking to go into project management/consulting. However I am...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 06, 2019 609 views

What personal attributes are essential for success for the engineering field?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #career #math #science #personalitytraits #character #success

Salvin’s Avatar
Salvin May 22, 2016 1657 views

Is there any advice for someone who might want to be a Youtuber?

Ever since I came to America in 2004, I have been fascinated with the American way of life. Here people don't wait for their dream to happen, they make it happen on the spot. There are Youtubers who have been on YouTube since 2005, but these people never gave up. They kept making videos, and...

jacob’s Avatar
jacob May 19, 2016 3843 views

What are the challenges you face in college as an engineering student?

Am an 11th grader l want to study automobile engineering when l get to college. #engineering #design-engineering

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 15, 2018 708 views

Is it okay to pursue a major in an area that I'm naturally weaker in?

I love #engineering but my high school failed to adequately prepare me for most of the engineering courses I have had to take in college. Instead, I'm good at reading books and writing essays that analyze them, but I hate doing that. So, I am struggling through engineering in order to round out...

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 29, 2016 1241 views

What is one important advice do you have for an aspiring Software Engineer like me?

I am a first year Computer Science major. Also, I am taking Udacity's Android Basics by Google. #engineer #computer #software #software-engineer #android #ios-development

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 13, 2016 1453 views

I am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech starting this fall, but I am a Global Economics major. Will my major limit my options because I chose to go to a technical school? Can I still have the opportunities an engineering student would have there?

I am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech and will start as a freshman this Fall. Despite Georgia Tech being a technical school, I am interested in Global Economics. Georgia Tech is a very high ranked school and has a variety of science majors but I am afraid my options can be limited because of...

Hyunkyu’s Avatar
Hyunkyu Oct 29, 2016 1640 views

Some of the best-engineered ideas are born out of an individual’s ability to challenge, others’ ways of thinking. Tell me about a time when you were successful in do this.

I have many experiences that I overcome my challenges through my individual's ability. I want to know if someone else have same experiences as me. #computer-software #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #software-engineering #industrial-engineering

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jan 23, 2018 877 views

How will automation impact the engineering field?

I am exploring in the area of engineering and I am very afraid that automation will result in the unemployment of many laborers in the near future. Therefore, I am asking for an educated guess on the extent that automation will impact not only the working class, but specifically our beloved...

samson’s Avatar
samson Feb 22, 2017 1104 views

data analyst

so i am planning to be a data analyst after my graduation from computer engineering from the university. i am curios on what i need to do to fulfil this career dream, do i need more studies after my graduation or what path should i embark on after my studies? #engineering #graduate-school...

Roland’s Avatar
Roland Sep 06, 2019 538 views

What is the process in one work day for you ?

# engineer #engineer

kanika’s Avatar
kanika May 05, 2016 1208 views

How to become a good engineer?

I am kanika.Answer me. #engineering #teacher

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay Jan 16, 2018 871 views

Do you have to already have computer knowledge to major in computer science?

I don’t know very much about computers and technology, but I’m willing to learn. Technology is such a pivotal part of our society today and careers in that area are probably going to be in demand. I’m genuinely interested in this field, but am just lacking any prior knowledge/experience. Would...

Natalia’s Avatar
Natalia Sep 01, 2017 940 views

What can females do to more likely be accepted into STEM majors?

There is a large difference in the male to female ratio in STEM majors, and from a previous college visit a Dean of Admissions actually said that he thinks female applicants are more superficial than males. What tips do you have for females looking into going into STEM schools that can help us...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 31, 2016 1158 views

Do engineers have to be really smart?

I know that engineers are problem-solvers, but do they have to be really intelligent? #engineering