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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2259031 Reads
9999 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Dejanira’s Avatar
Dejanira Apr 10, 2020 739 views

I am taking sociology in college, what are the different jobs that are available in that field?

I initially wanted to take integrated medicine but they will not transfer my credits from a previous college. So I am attending GCU of which transferred 44 credits. #Sociology is the closest thing at that college that will enable me to help people in a better way.

Jody’s Avatar
Jody Apr 10, 2020 808 views

Improve academic writing

Hi, I am currently a University student studying something related to social sciences. The course mostly requires me to write a lot of academic essays which I have a lot of trouble in. The main problem with my essays relate to being clear and coherent, and critical writing. Although I spoke...

N.’s Avatar
N. Apr 07, 2020 868 views

What medical job is right for me?

I want to go to the medical field, but I do not know what is right for me. I have two years of high school left. I have been looking for careers since the beginning of middle school but I am scared if I make the wrong decision. #healthcare #medical

RACH’s Avatar
RACH Apr 03, 2020 646 views

I want to study law in the future and am exploring possible majors for my bachelors degree. Is a psychology and political science double major too difficult to complete in 4 years?

#psychology #college-major #major #doublemajor

Mehakpreet’s Avatar
Mehakpreet Apr 02, 2020 565 views

What happens if a patient doesnt want to follow your course of treatment?

#neurosurgery #healthcare

Katrina’s Avatar
Katrina Apr 01, 2020 645 views

I am in my first year of college. I am going for my bachelor's degree in criminal justice. I want to know if I have been in any kind of trouble will this for sure disqualify me?

I am 38 years old and I am a mother of 3 kids. #college #criminal-justice #degree

Claudine’s Avatar
Claudine Mar 30, 2020 473 views

Why are you interested in law and aging particularly, helping older people with physical and /or mental disabilities get out of nursing homes and other institutions.

I am a law graduate working as an intern with disability rights organization. I need help with the above question to help me apply for a fellowship.
Thank you all for your response. #law #healthcare #law

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Mar 30, 2020 895 views

Why did you end up choosing the career you are in now?

I want to become a pediatric nurse. I want to see what inspired people to go into their career. #nursing

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Mar 29, 2020 1575 views

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you became an adult?

what did u want to be when you grow up ??? #any #degree #educator #criminal-justice #college

Cecilia’s Avatar
Cecilia Mar 27, 2020 1079 views

What’s the best career decision you made?

My best career decision I’ve made was getting involved with elderly people (residents) as a cna. #career-path

Annalise’s Avatar
Annalise Mar 26, 2020 717 views

I have ptsd, anxiety, anger issues, and depression. But I would like to be in the nursing field what is the best career for me?

#nursing #nursing-education

David’s Avatar
David Mar 24, 2020 1264 views

My school district has shut down for an extra week in my area due to COVID-2019 which isn't a big deal. As a senior tho it is hard to think that they might cancel school. I've been hearing rumors and even seeing in some news articles the state of Texas might postpone school for the rest of the year 2019-2020. I'm worried about how that'll affect me not gonna lie. Whether colleges think I failed to what job I apply for in the future... Any tips or advice? Thanks in advanced!

#college-advice #student #college #school #uncertain #covid-19

Julianna’s Avatar
Julianna Mar 24, 2020 613 views

What’s the key to becoming successful in life?

I want to be able to be successful and working by the time I get out of college. #school #successful #college #advice

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 24, 2020 830 views

Can this count for my volunteer hours?

I am a grade 10 high school student attending Saint Mother Teresa. I love mathematics and is pretty good at it (87 average). My hobbies include playing board games, chess and basketball. Recently I was going to get interviewed to become a tutor but because of COVID-19, it got canceled and now I...

Erika’s Avatar
Erika Mar 23, 2020 849 views

What is the path to working in diplomacy/international affairs like?

I’m now a college freshman majoring in global studies, which I’m starting to realize is a bit different from the standard international relations degree (my school doesn’t offer this). I’m still interested working in world affairs (dream would be becoming a diplomat or working in an embassy),...

John’s Avatar
John Mar 22, 2020 613 views

How do I create a client contract form?

I am wandering how I should create my client contract form for when I get clients for my hobby-like business(when i do get it started). #small-business #business #marketing #entrepreneur #business-management

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Mar 18, 2020 603 views

Tips for applying to law school

Undergrad in social work with a minor in political science. The goal is to obtain my msw and attending law school later down the road. #lawyer #law-school #law-practice

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Mar 21, 2020 1096 views

How has COVID-19 impacted the hiring of new grads graduating in May 2020 at your place of employment?

#tech #technology #first-job #covid19 #computer #information-technology #computer-science #engineering #stem #compsci #graduates

Nahla’s Avatar
Nahla Mar 20, 2020 871 views

How do you gain experience in the legal field as a high school student?

I've been interested in pursuing a career as a lawyer for a while now, but given that it is a fairly expensive and lengthy process, I want to gain exposure to the field to ensure that it is actually something I'm committed to pursuing. I'm especially interested in becoming a public interest...

Kris’s Avatar
Kris Mar 18, 2020 1028 views

Is taking 17 credits during one semester too much?

I am an international student who want to complete an bachelor degree major in biology. I live in Vancouver, Canada #biology #college #degree I am taking 4 academic courses in the first semester in college ( Associate of Science Degree for first 2 year) then I will transfer my credits to...

bryant’s Avatar
bryant Mar 16, 2020 510 views

in the field of police detective you must understand that you are on your toes how likely is it for my career choice to involve me relocating

i am student of job corps #law #criminal-justice #law-practice #lawyer #police

Sinay’s Avatar
Sinay Mar 19, 2020 517 views

What will happen with the graduation of the seniors?

Do everything possible to achieve my goals #college #college

Matti’s Avatar
Matti Mar 18, 2020 1017 views

How will COVID-19 affect the overall job market?

#COVID-19 #job #career #job-market

cedrick’s Avatar
cedrick Mar 16, 2020 724 views

How do you interview for a welding position?

#interviews #welding #welder #interviewing-skills

bryant’s Avatar
bryant Mar 16, 2020 669 views

as a police detective the world sees it as shooting guns and breaking down doors but what is the realty of the career ?

student in job corps #criminal-justice #police #career #law-enforcement

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 16, 2020 1053 views

Does this recession mean I might not be able to get a job when I graduate?

I am currently an architecture student with a planned graduation in 2022, what does the #COVID19 recession mean for the job market in regards to architecture? I was intending to practice for a few years before going to grad school, but does this mean I should start considering/planning to go to...

Luigi’s Avatar
Luigi Mar 13, 2020 536 views

How many years to get a retirement check

1.Honest and 2.Persistent
There’s not allot about me except when there’s something difficult that i must accomplish And i actually enjoy the activity, i would use all the options i have to accomplished.
Highly motivated in something i like
#Coastguard #Army

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Mar 11, 2020 621 views

How long did it take to get the experience needed for being a Court Reporter?

Hi! I'm going into the Office Administration program at Job Corps in Tongue Point, and my ultimate career goal for the program is to get in either as a general administrative assistant or get a foot in the door for court reporting. I'm already able to type 50 words per minute with minimal...

Addison’s Avatar
Addison Mar 09, 2020 715 views

Can I get veterinarian experience at my age?


Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 08, 2020 953 views

How do I choose between two careers?

I'm a community college student, who will be transferring soon. I have wanted to make movies ever since I was a small child. It's the only thing I have ever been good at. I make short films in my free time with my friends, I go to the movies twice a week. I analyze the box office, and the...

charlotte’s Avatar
charlotte Mar 07, 2020 903 views

How to figure out if Law School might be right for me?

I'm a junior studying Philosophy and have an interest in pursuing a career in law. The only summer internships available with firms are limited to 1L and 2L students with no opportunities for undergraduates. How might I be able to get some perspective into the field and see if it might be the...

charlotte’s Avatar
charlotte Mar 07, 2020 1415 views

What's the most important part of a resume?

Which aspect of my resume should I highlight or refer to in my cover letter to have the most impactful and effective application? #job-application #resume #job-search #interviews

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 06, 2020 1126 views

On your resume, how should you tailor your objective statement when applying to jobs in different subjects?

#resume #job #job-search # #job-application #career-objective

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Mar 04, 2020 1389 views

Will I be able to become a police detective with a psychology degree?

#psychology #police #law-enforcement

lexie’s Avatar
lexie Mar 05, 2020 603 views

Hi, Id like to know how you can apply for a government job

#education #teaching

Abdiel’s Avatar
Abdiel Mar 04, 2020 544 views

How difficult is it for a recent high school grad to get hired for a job?

Let's say I just graduated and never had a job before, will it be possible to get a job? #graduate-school #first-job

anabel’s Avatar
anabel Mar 03, 2020 798 views

What is the best way to study for the ACT?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am fixing to take the ACT. I have to make at least a 21 in order to do duel enrollment. #studying-tips #act #college

Kim’s Avatar
Kim Mar 03, 2020 3339 views

How do you prepare for an interview?

#college #college-admissions #extracurricular

Sergio’s Avatar
Sergio Mar 02, 2020 2355 views

4. Describe a time when you felt as if you were in physical danger on the job. How did you handle the situation?

#Protective-Services #social-services

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Feb 28, 2020 565 views

What is the most useful undergraduate major for law school? Are there any parts of law school that I would be better prepared for with a particular undergraduate major?

I am a senior in high school and my interests are fairly wide-ranging. I plan on eventually attending law school, but I am undecided on school I will attend and undergraduate major.
#college #law

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Feb 29, 2020 837 views

Taking classes for fun?

Have you ever taken any classes for fun that do not fit any requirements? How was you experience? #student #university #college

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Feb 29, 2020 579 views

Do you avoid badly rated professors?

I recently started researching professors in upcoming classes on websites like ratemyprofessor before committing to a class. Have you ever attempted to take a badly rated professor's class anyway because that was the only class that worked for you? If so how did it work out? Was it not as bad...

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Feb 29, 2020 2168 views

How do you stay focused in 3+ hour long night classes?

I took a class last semester that was 3+ hours long twice a week at night and it seriously burned me out. I would go right after work so I was tired and had a hard time focusing. Curious if others had a similar issue and how you went about staying focused? Our professor let us record the...

Kabba’s Avatar
Kabba Feb 29, 2020 618 views

How do you know if becoming a civil rights lawyer for you?

#civilrightslawyer #law #law-practice #lawyer #civil rights

Desiree’s Avatar
Desiree Feb 27, 2020 556 views

I am always overwhelmed I need help with being calm. What can I do to calm myself

I am a first year college student trying to move out since my home environment isn’t always the best it just adds to my anxiety. It’s quite difficult since I can only have a part time job. #college #adulting

Tamra’s Avatar
Tamra Feb 26, 2020 1347 views

test about personality

I heard there was a free test to take about your personality and interests to help you decide upon a career but I don't know the name. #undecided #career-exploration #career-counseling

Naupaka’s Avatar
Naupaka Feb 24, 2020 848 views

what makes your job stressful?

Im in job corps and i would like to know more about your job. #job-search #job #any

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Feb 25, 2020 605 views

What is the test you need to take to be a TSA agent?

#TSA #security

Aaliya’s Avatar
Aaliya Feb 26, 2020 903 views

What are tips to having good mental health?


Justin’s Avatar
Justin Feb 21, 2020 1208 views

What is the hardest part on the job Transportation security screeners

#TSA #Security