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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1694 Answers
2255570 Reads
9999 Karma


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Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley May 12, 2018 527 views

What are a few ways to get in state tuition if you don't happen to live in the state at the moment?

So I live in Illinois where colleges are super expensive. I am all in for going out of my way to save money, but I am not sure what the best way to do it would be. I've heard that if my house was under my dad's name, then I could rent a place in North Carolina and have the apartment under my...

Brittney’s Avatar
Brittney May 10, 2018 708 views

What advice would you give someone thats been out of school for ten years?

Do you think its a good idea for someone to wait so many years to return to college?

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 08, 2018 973 views

When feeling discouraged, how do you find a way to motivate and inspire yourself?

I am a high school junior and a college sophomore. I have spent many hours looking at how I can transfer my college credits to other colleges and find scholarships to help pay for college. After looking at many scholarships, emailing schools, trying to find references, I feel I might not...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis May 07, 2018 1174 views

What is it like getting out of law school and trying to get a job?

I am interested in becoming a lawyer, and have heard from some that getting a job out of law school is hard. I also am wondering if being a lawyer is actually what I want to do. #lawschool #lawyer #law #law-practice

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline May 06, 2018 593 views

What are the most important qualities employers look for in interviewees?

I have many interviews coming up for internships and potential jobs, and I want to know how to "wow" everyone I interview with. #employment-opportunities #bethebest

Aleisha’s Avatar
Aleisha May 06, 2018 545 views

Bar exam length

How long is the bar exam, is it a few days, a few hours. I know in California it can be as long as a few days. How long is the bar exam in the state of Indiana #bar-exam

Aleisha’s Avatar
Aleisha May 05, 2018 541 views

How long does it usually take to become a lawyer with expertise in a particular field?

I have searched and searched and I cannot find a specific answer they are all different! How long does it take to become a lawyer, and have expertise in a particular field like Family law? Does it vary, or is it the same for all? #Comeon !

Aleisha’s Avatar
Aleisha May 05, 2018 621 views

How long does it take to become an expert in the field of legal study?

I am asking this question because everyone keeps asking me how long is it going to take to become a lawyer, and then become an expert in your field of law! I am also wondering because it gets discouraging when I think I might be studying for 10 years, and then not pass the bar exam. #law-school

Aleisha’s Avatar
Aleisha May 05, 2018 734 views

Is there still lots of discrimination in the legal workplace towards females?

I am asking because this has always bothered me, and especially if I am going to be a lawyer, the men will probably think they are smarter than me, but I am hoping to prove them wrong. #female-lawyer

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Apr 29, 2018 1015 views

How do you keep people happy in bad conditions?

I am in the marching band at my school. We practice for 6 months in hot South Florida and sometimes people decide to just give up. As a section leader and leader in the band I have a responsibility to keep spirits high when we spend hours outside running around in 100+ degree weather. How do...

Curtis’s Avatar
Curtis Apr 19, 2018 694 views

how much does a beginning police officer make

in the future i would like to become a police officer and i would like to learn the ways of one who's experienced in this field so that it would prepared of the difficulty's that can occur within this profession. #police-and-law-enforcement

Camille’s Avatar
Camille Apr 22, 2018 5951 views

What are the Pros and Cons of being a Prosecutor?

My dream is to be a Prosecutor, but I’ve only heard good things about the job (well except the giant student loan you must pay because of law school) .I want to know the bad things about the job so I can be prepared too. #criminal-justice #law #prosecutor #attorney #criminal-justice #lawyer

Mahpara’s Avatar
Mahpara Apr 27, 2018 788 views

Will the stress I have now accompany my future?

I feel like my life is under pressure right now and there is no way out of the circumstances I'm in. I'm stressed right now due to studies and work and I'm hoping I'm not so stressed in the future. #stress

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Apr 26, 2018 621 views

Do you have safety ideas for walking alone at night on campus.

I have to walk from the bus stop. #walksafely

Valerie’s Avatar
Valerie Apr 25, 2018 696 views

Are there any grants available for dislocated homemakers?

I am recently divorced after 23 years and never worked a day in my adult life. I am going to school but have limited funds. #college #financial-aid #grant-writing #college-tuition

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Apr 22, 2018 499 views

How can I afford to attend my dream school?

My dream school, University of Texas-Austin, is $50,000 per year for cost of attendance. I want to attend, but it's out of my price range. What are my options?
#BigLeapForABigPrice #Cuttingthecost

INGRID’s Avatar
INGRID Jan 16, 2018 1012 views

How can we have a professional yet diverse Resume to apply to jobs and be eye catching without having to create different resumes?

I have applied to numerous jobs in the past. It seems that for each job, My resume does not seem to target that specific job's experience requirements. I do possess experience in diverse things, which and it is difficult to creat a resume that would be professional, yet would be eye catching...

Regan’s Avatar
Regan Jan 16, 2018 16614 views

Is being a lawyer fun or it is mostly like doing paperwork all the time?

My parents want me to become a lawyer, but I’m not sure. #undecided #lawyer #law #legal #legal-services

Giovanna’s Avatar
Giovanna Apr 20, 2018 2155 views

Does anyone that become a police officer regret becoming one?

With some of the recent incidents of officers killing people have you ever regretted joining because of how people view you now. I mean I know that there is bad cops and good cops but how do you feel about it? I want to study criminal justice and law enforcement #police-and-law-enforcement...

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah Apr 21, 2018 914 views

How does not having a #credit score effect one's significant #financial #decisions in life?

I've recently been viewing seminars by #Dave #Ramsey. He spoke of being #debt free and that having a #credit card is not necessary for #life. However, I know that some transactions request a credit score. Also, when shopping online or #traveling abroad I've always thought it was safer to have a...

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Apr 14, 2018 801 views

Hardships to expect being transgender in the workplace?

I'm considering a career in #law-enforcement but I'm nervous that being #transgender or #lgbtqa will effect my chances at getting a decent job within this field. Is there anything I should know about?

Aubrey’s Avatar
Aubrey Apr 17, 2018 386 views

Why is it that teens are so reluctant to take eight am classes in college when in reality they'll probably end up working at a job that starts at eight am for the next twenty years?

As a perspective college student I have been advised by numerous college students and admissions officers that I won't have to take early classes when it comes to starting college, when college is meant to be for preparing students for starting rigorous and time structured jobs. #8amclasses

christian’s Avatar
christian Apr 16, 2018 957 views

How do I prepare for an interview?

in the interview, i think i'm not ready.They ask me things that i do not know. I need help help to organize ideas #ideas #interview-preparation #interviews

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Apr 16, 2018 807 views

How do i find a Vet clinic looking for an inexperienced vet tech?

My vet teacher said some clinics are willing to train a vet tech in the clinic but when I do job searches no one in my state is looking. I don't know where to look or who to call. I'm wanting to train in the clinic and work the job as I'm in college/university to become a Vet....

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Apr 15, 2018 479 views

How do I keep my stress down

During school in the winter time, I have incredible amounts of stress because I play basketball. I don't want this to continue. How do I lower my stress? #stressedout

Griffin’s Avatar
Griffin Apr 15, 2018 463 views

I would truly like to have answer as to how the average person is supposed to pay for a basic college education without being in debt for the rest of their lives.

The cost of colleges these days is astronomical and frightens me. I watch my mom stressing over this ever since my dad died a year and a half ago. I know she doesn’t want to let me down. So I fill out every scholarship I can, I’ll work this summer when I get out of high school and work during...

Raabia’s Avatar
Raabia Apr 13, 2018 833 views

What is the relative success rate of individuals of finding a good job as a legal consultant?

I appreciate law and am very interested in the fields of both political science and business. I intend to pursue both as an undergrad in a double major. I also attend to go to law school, however am not sure that I would practice as a true lawyer.

#lawschool #legal-services

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 634 views

How do you write a good cover letter?

There are millions of formats online for a cover letter. Some are longer and more specific. Others are short and don't provide much information (i.e., bragging points) about the writer. Some are double-spaced and others are single-spaced. Some are twelve-point and others are ten-point. Does the...

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Mar 23, 2018 719 views

I want to know how exactly we can get more women in more male dominated careers, such as police, forensics, or first responders?

#career #women #women-in-business #law-enforcement

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Apr 11, 2018 583 views

Should I attend a private school such as Baylor University instead of a public school even though it is more expensive?

I know #Baylor is a better school for my career goals in the #medical-field than a public school, however it is very #expensive and I don't know if I should take the chance and take out student loans to get ahead, or stick with a school that is alright and save money.

Lilli’s Avatar
Lilli Apr 06, 2018 728 views

What is the average yearly salary for a district attorney/lawyer?

I have been considering going into the law field for quiet some time now, I was curious how much some makes. Is it enough to financially support a family and also have enough for bills? #law-practice

Anesa’s Avatar
Anesa Apr 06, 2018 695 views

What are some good ways to study, other than rereading notes?

#school #class #tests #studying-tips

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Apr 06, 2018 437 views

If I go to school for four years to become a teacher why does my teaching certificate expire, but other four year degree vocations do not? If the job of teachers are so critical to the rearing and education of future generations ,why is there pay minimal?

I am half way through my teaching degree, and work as a teacher's assistant. I am required to get forty hours of training per school year in order to keep my license. I wonder why I have to do this when other professions do not. Working with children is hard work, especially if they are...

Hayley’s Avatar
Hayley Apr 05, 2018 1119 views

What physical fitness requirements must I meet to enter the military and succeed in basic training? #militaryforce

So i would know how much work i will have to do even though i am willing to put all my effort in everything i do. #militaryforce

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 05, 2018 553 views

How do I take notes on a lecture?

I often get discouraged when I try to take notes on what a teacher is saying, because I can't keep up with the current information and fall behind on taking notes on what is being explained. Then I start to worry that I am missing important information when I am still working on the notes...

Clarise’s Avatar
Clarise Apr 04, 2018 1191 views

How many hours of classes should I take per semester?

I am working on enrolling, and I will be a full-time student. I want to take as many gen-ed classes as I can to get them out of the way, but how many hours would you recommend I take? I won't be living on campus, so I don't want to overload on classes, but I would like to get classes done....

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Apr 03, 2018 1036 views

If PPE is provided and I choose not to wear it, what would the punishment be?

Sometimes PPE can be a nuisance #career #construction #engineering

dalton’s Avatar
dalton Apr 03, 2018 733 views

Do you look up people on Google as a background check, if so what do you look for that says do not hire this person?

#career #employment #resume

Tim’s Avatar
Tim Apr 03, 2018 820 views

Would you hire someone with no skills for what they would be doing?

what kind of skills do I need? #interviewing-skills

Tim’s Avatar
Tim Apr 03, 2018 893 views

What are 5 skills or 5 reasons that you would hire somone?


Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Apr 03, 2018 648 views

Could you be fired for lack of PPE?

Just in case I forget anything at home, I'd like to know if any businesses have ever fired someone for lack of personal protective equipment. #career #construction #engineering

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Apr 02, 2018 695 views

Does research fulfill the need for creativity?

I'm really deep into art as a hobby, but lately, I've been thinking about it more seriously the more people compliment me. I'm not sure I want to get rid of my plan to go into Biomed or pharmaceutical research, so I thought to ask about how they would really differ in terms of creative...

Janai’s Avatar
Janai Mar 30, 2018 846 views

How does a woman make a change in the legal system ?

#law #law-practice #women-in-law

Nia’s Avatar
Nia Apr 01, 2018 616 views

How can I stop worrying about my mom.

My mother raised me and my two brothers by herself. One brother has graduated college and moved out of state. My other brother and I will both be leaving for college in August. I'm excited about going and I know my mother is excited for me. But I worry about her being by herself and having to...

Zitlali’s Avatar
Zitlali Mar 21, 2018 572 views

My strengths are communication, motivation and a lot of patience, how would this affect me in law enforcement?(liz)

#strength #lawenforcement

Ney’s Avatar
Ney Mar 31, 2018 616 views

What is a perfect job for you?

I want to know how do you define a perfect job.


Janai’s Avatar
Janai Mar 30, 2018 595 views

How do I help minorities that feel like they don"t matter in the legal system obtain a voice?

How do I help minorities/ or their families that were charged/killed for an unlawful unjust crime feel like matter as a civil right attorney? #law #civil-rights #civil-cases

Tamera’s Avatar
Tamera Mar 27, 2018 944 views

Complimentary major/minor for Sociology major?

I plan to chase after a career in international human rights law, working with NGO's like Amnesty International or the EU court of human rights. With that in mind, I've thought about minors/ double majors in subjects like Spanish or international studies, but am still undecided what subject...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 16, 2018 1509 views

Are sports an asset on a resume?

I'm a college student dedicated to academics and building a career, but I love sports. Would joining a club sport be worth my time, or should I get involved in a pre-professional group instead? I'm not sure that I would have time for both. #sports #resume

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Mar 27, 2018 867 views

Is it advisable to pay $50,000+ a year for college since the chances of making that annual salary directly after college is slim?

I have recently been accepted to one of my top choices for school, but unfortunately the annual tuition is over $50,000 a year. I would rather not have to take out loans and start my working career in debt. #tuition #education