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Betsy’s Avatar
Betsy Sep 30, 2017 1500 views

How do I find scholarships right for me and having a high chance of getting them?

I a senior and I been trying to find scholarship but I feel like I am doing them wring because they are always just minimum chances of me getting it like sign up here and you will be entered for $1,000 worth of scholarship. this is just a small probability of me getting it since its national...

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Sep 29, 2017 1976 views

Do accountants just crunch numbers all day?

I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious and I'm pretty good with #math and numbers. #accounting

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Sep 28, 2017 961 views

When I attend college in the fall, I would like to study medicine. So as a Freshman, would it be best to major in Pre-Medicine, Biology, or Chemistry?

I am asking because I don't want to enter college unsure of what I genuinely will like to do for the rest of the school year. #college-choice #pre-med #college #doctor #biology #chemistry

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Sep 28, 2017 852 views

How do I get scholarships in nursing ?

I am really interested in becoming a nurse anesthetist. #registered-nursing #nursing #scholarships #college-selection

Tre’s Avatar
Tre Sep 01, 2017 2016 views

Can you get an associates degree at a community college and continue at a different college for a Bachelors?

Is it possible to get an associates degree at a community college, and then go to school for two more years at a different one and get your Bachelors? Or do you have to start all over?

#degree #associates-degree #community-college

Taiya’s Avatar
Taiya Sep 01, 2017 886 views

How much school do you need to complete to be an orthopedic surgeon?

I want to know how much school will it take to be an orthopedic surgeon and what major should I major in. #medicine #orthopedics #sports-and-orthopedics #orthopedic-rehabilitation #surgeon

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Sep 01, 2017 764 views

What can I actually do with my degree?

I plan on majoring in linguistics and whenever I tell someone that I always get "what kind of jobs are there for a linguist?" Honestly, I don't know. So what CAN I do with my degree? What kind of jobs are suited to my studies?
#linguist #linguistics #what-kind-of-jobs-can-i-expect.

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Sep 01, 2017 533 views

What is it really like being a teacher?

I may be interested in teaching (probably younger kids), and I was just wondering.

Lorenzo’s Avatar
Lorenzo Sep 01, 2017 547 views

Which classes in college would be best for performing music?

I've been in orchestra for almost 6 years, and I know that i want this to be a career choice of mine. I just need assistance for completing my future career. Thank you.
#orchestra #orchestral-music

Bill ’s Avatar
Bill Sep 01, 2017 1001 views

Can you still go to a university with a GPA that's in the 2.5 range

I'm about to graduate from high school and I wish to continue studying #education #technology

Auburn’s Avatar
Auburn Sep 01, 2017 726 views

A day in the life of a Full time student.?

I'm 17 graduating in 2018. My career destination at the moment would be to pursue a major as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I'm taking some classes online right now and plan is to go to college as soon as a graduate high school. However I really am curious at the state of responsibility/ chaos...

Auburn’s Avatar
Auburn Sep 01, 2017 696 views

What is it like in a day of a life as a full time student getting there pediatric nurse practitioner degree?

I'm 17 graduating in 2018. My career destination at the moment would be to pursue a major as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I'm taking some classes online right now and plan is to go to college as soon as a graduate high school. However I really am curious at the state of responsibility/ chaos...

taajera’s Avatar
taajera Sep 01, 2017 772 views

What are the steps you take in life as a fashion designer to branch out and get noticed?

I am trying to get the best advice in life before I go into this field ive been dreaming of!
#fashion #fashion-journalism #fashion-industry #fashion-photography

Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla Sep 01, 2017 962 views

I have a strong interest in majoring in marketing and minoring in graphic design? If you minor in a field, around how many courses do you need to take to successfully minor in the certain field?

#marketing #graphic-design #minor #college-major

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Sep 01, 2017 1045 views

How does the path to becoming a plastic surgeon differ from that of a general surgeon?

Recently, I've been intrigued by a fascinating and controversial career: plastic/reconstructive surgeon. How does the path toward becoming a plastic surgeon differ from someone aspiring to be a general surgeon? And what does this journey entail? It has always haunted me on whether there is...

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Aug 31, 2017 960 views

How can I apply for more scholarships?

I want to get as much scholarships as possible #college #classof2018

Trenidy’s Avatar
Trenidy May 22, 2017 1102 views

What physical and mental pain does a social worker develop?

I'm asking because i am doing research on a social worker because i want to be one. #psychology #career-details #social-work #phycologists

Lisa’s Avatar
Lisa May 21, 2017 835 views

Would this qualify has special circumstances for college app?

Hi, I'm currently applying to a university from a 2 year college and I want to know if this qualifies as special circumstance and how do I go about to explaining it. I'm applying for a bachelors program In biochemistry and I feel that my gpa which is a 3.3 is not as high as it should be. I was...

bob’s Avatar
bob May 08, 2017 992 views

how do i become a esthetician ?

i want to own my own business and want to know if i need to go to a school and get a degree and if so what are some options? what would be a good name for my business #skincare #career-details

bob’s Avatar
bob May 08, 2017 1349 views

How do I get started on being in the radio

I'm looking into it and wanted to know if i need to go to school for it. Basically just how to get started. #radio #career-details

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene May 07, 2017 1512 views

If I am interested in having a career related to space and ideally NASA, what would be the best approach be as a undergraduate rising junior?

I am already pursuing a degree in the health sciences, and I am interested in pursuing another degree, particularly one related to space. I would like some advice on the best way to pursue this interest. #astronomy #space #academic-advisor #college-professor

eyshea’s Avatar
eyshea Apr 18, 2017 1114 views

What are the best internships in Atlanta for someone who is looking into marketing?(i am in high school )

i would love to major in marketing #marketing #internships #marketing-and-advertising #social-media-marketing #marketing-communications #marketing-strategy #market-research

eyshea’s Avatar
eyshea Apr 18, 2017 1305 views

What do you do when you are in an interview and you are hit with a complicated question you may have trouble answering ?

i have a job interview coming soon and i want to be ready for anything #jobs #job-coaching #first-job #high #job-application

Caio’s Avatar
Caio Jan 24, 2017 1440 views

How do we choose between two equally good colleges?

I'm currently inconclusive whether I should apply to SCAD Atlanta or SCAD Savannah, as both schools give me equal opportunity of success. How does one decide? #college #art #design #scad

Seth’s Avatar
Seth Jan 08, 2017 1367 views

How should a prepare for a first job interview?

As not having any previous job experience how should i prepare for and execute my first interview since job experience is a big deal in getting a job? #interviews #interview-preparation #job-application

Seth’s Avatar
Seth Jan 08, 2017 1064 views

What are the requirements to get into the Naval Academy

Hi I am Seth and I am looking to get into the USMC by going through the Naval Academy. What do I need to accomplish first before I apply for a degree in weapons engineering at the Naval Academy? #united-states-navy #usmc

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Nov 14, 2016 1326 views

I am pursuing a major in Public Health for my undergraduate degree, however I am also interested in becoming a forensic scientists. How could I pursue this?

I have been interested in forensics for a while, however I have decided to pursue a public health major for my undergraduate degree due to my interest in public health as well. I am wondering if there are any recommendations for becoming a forensic scientist from a public health bachelors...

John’s Avatar
John Nov 10, 2016 1042 views

How can I take a small loan and turn it into huge investment success?

I am fresh out of high school and I want to become rich fast. I know real estate is the best way to do that and I want to know the best way to get into the real estate business. #real-estate

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 1051 views

Blushes, Shadows, and Bronzers Oh My!

What would you study in college if you wanted to make cosmetics? #engineering #biology #chemistry #stem #women-in-stem #makeup #cosmetics #mac

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 892 views

STEM Questions and Concerns

Since engineering is such a broad field of study, how would you find the type of engineering for you? #engineering #stem #stem-education

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 1237 views

Gap Years: Are they worth the hype?

The New York Times discussed Malia Obama's contribution to a 'growing and expensive' gap year trend. Is a gap year a good decision for students who want to learn what life has to offer or is it just a waste of time? Taking into account that a student would do some type of volunteering or...

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 31, 2016 932 views

What are some ways in which I can get some in-field experience while still working on my major?

I'm a high school senior and I know that, unfortunately, some graduates don't know what to do, or don't have the experience to start working in their desired field after college. So they take a part time job and just waste time because, even though they have a degree, they don't have any actual...

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 31, 2016 1005 views

What is the best way to know if the major I've picked is the right major for my desired career?

I'm a senior in high school and I have a couple of different majors in the STEM field that I'm thinking of taking that look like they lead to the same general direction. However, I know that there are some key differences in these majors. How do I figure out which one to take and for the...

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 26, 2016 842 views

What is the most important thing to keep in mind when beginning a career in environmental science?

I would like to major in environmental science and enjoy hearing input from professionals in the field. #environmental-science

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 26, 2016 1123 views

What is the best advice you have for someone going into the Environmental Science field?

I would like to major in environmental science, and love hearing input from professionals about the field. #science #environmental-science #environmental-services

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 20997 views

What are the pros and cons about the engineering field?

I want to weight out my options before choosing what to major in #students #and #former #current

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1139 views

Where can I travel (in the world) with an engineering degree?

I know certain fields can only be used in the United States. Is engineering a global field? #engineering #current

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1061 views

What courses do you need to take before getting a degree in engineering

Everyone wants to know how long they're going to school for #student #former

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1442 views

What are the best engineering schools in the nation

I want to go to a school where engineering is a top priority and of a high quality #students #former

Sindhu ’s Avatar
Sindhu Oct 24, 2016 1352 views

Do you prefer working in a hospital or as a private practitioner?

I'm a high school student looking to go into neurology, and I've always wanted to work in a hospital. I currently volunteer at a hospital, and I want to know if working there is better than having your own private practice. #doctor #medical-school #hospital #neuroscience #neurology

Sindhu ’s Avatar
Sindhu Oct 24, 2016 807 views

If you were to complete medical school all over again, would you stay with the field you're in now or would you choose a different concentration?

I'm a high school student looking to go into neurology, and I wanted to know about the different options and pathways that exist in medical school. #doctor #medicine #neuroscience

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 22, 2016 1062 views

How does a clinical microbiologist move on a daily basis? Is there daily research to be done?

I have always been interested in being a clinical microbiologist because biology is my strongest point. #biology #research #microbiology

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 22, 2016 968 views

As a teacher, do you have to get certified in different areas of subjects? Or do you have to major/minor in them?

I want to become a middle school biology teacher but I would also like to teach Spanish, Georgia Studies, and math #teaching #biology #mathematics #history #spanish #middle-school

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Oct 20, 2016 709 views

What exactly will I learn with a bachelor in, let's say, mechanical engineering?

I hear the word thrown around a lot, but what really is the concrete way to explain what is taught in this major. I am preparing for college and engineering is a major pathway that I am highly considering. If I were to decide to major in mechanical engineering, what would I learn and how would...

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Oct 20, 2016 1085 views

Which pathway of engineering should I go into?

I am getting ready to go to college and I am bamboozled by the numerous sub-fields in this career path. I want to be able to work with cars in my future, so which pathway would be best for me in order to prepare myself for the automobile industry. #engineering #cars #pathway

jose’s Avatar
jose Oct 19, 2016 835 views

What is the best way to prepare for the MCAT

I want to be a doctor. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #testing #hospital-and-health-care

jose’s Avatar
jose Oct 19, 2016 785 views

What is the best major when planning to be a doctor?

I plan to go to medical school. #doctor #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #college-major

Mickie’s Avatar
Mickie Oct 18, 2016 1094 views

Logistics supervisor ,I have 20 Years background in Logistics and seem to always enjoy its association yes its phasing out But any Customer services will do?

Customer services and helping others has been a part of my career ever since i started working . Began 1983 with Mrs WInners chicken I was a cook and drive thru helper. took on another job plus school Kroger cashier,Landed a great job had it two yrs with Scientific Atlanta .This time i scored...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Sep 10, 2016 937 views

Do you have any tips or job ideas for someone who is interested in pursuing political science?

I'm a college student who is trying to find more information for different possible majors in college. #college-major #political-science

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Sep 07, 2016 956 views

Are there any courses, besides the general major/minor courses that would be helpful for combining public health, biology and environmental science?

I'm considering combining these three topics and I would like to have more information with regards to the combining of the subjects. #biology #environmental-science #public-health

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