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Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 17, 2016 3740 views

What are the most important skills and abilities required ?

(Creativity, Emotional Distancing, Emotional Involvement, Language/Communication, Manual Dexterity, Leadership, Physical Ability, Persistence, Social Skills, Time Management, Logic/Reasoning, #marketing #personal-development

Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 17, 2016 1723 views

Where can I write to get up-to-date information on salaries, employers and industry issues?

trying to determine what to do in life is a serious and difficult task. if there is a website and/or any other resource that has all the information necessary to help make a better more informed decision on what to do as a career choice #japan #marketing-and-advertising

stephany’s Avatar
stephany Sep 16, 2016 1158 views

What colleges have a good STEM program?

college applications coming out soon and i want an idea of where to apply #engineering #science #mathematics #women-in-stem #stem-education

stephany’s Avatar
stephany Sep 16, 2016 1142 views

Is getting a degree in computer science really a good idea?

I need information and i'm kind of hesitant on majoring in this field #computer-science

stephany’s Avatar
stephany Sep 14, 2016 2827 views

What should I know before majoring in computer science?

i'm nervous about college since I understand computer science to be a male dominated field. I don't want to be at a disadvantage due to my gender. #computer-science #computer #computer-programming

stephany’s Avatar
stephany Sep 14, 2016 1195 views

what program language should i learn next already experienced with java and python

i have no one who has experience in computer science #computer-security

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Sep 09, 2016 983 views

Is ROP or Academic Decathlon Team awesome for colleges?

Hey there! So I'm a freshman in highschool right now and I'm planning on joining the Academic Decathlon Team during the Spring. I'm really eager to join because I just adore academic competitions. Do you think this will give me a boost for college since I'm not on a sports team or band? I'm...

David’s Avatar
David Sep 08, 2016 1286 views

Army guy looking for educational help, career wise.

Hey guys, I've lurked on this site for all of 3 hours before realizing actual professionals respond on here, which is what I'm looking for. Anyways, I'm David. I've been in the Army since I was 17(got parents consent/signature). I'm 21 now and currently serving in the National Guard. I have...

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Sep 07, 2016 1557 views

What is the most important factor when looking into a buying a laptop for school?

My name is Briana, and I am currently a freshman in college. Throughout the summer, I had received a check for a local scholarship and am very thankful. With this money, I had planned to spend more than I currently had on textbooks. As I had spent most of y middle and high school career with a...

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Sep 05, 2016 1509 views

I need help with my extracuricular activities!

Okay so highschool has started and I'm not apart of anything. I'm not in band, orchestra, sports team, theater or anything else. Club rush is coming up and I'm planning on joining a few clubs and being on the academic decathlon team. But, I feel like if I only join clubs in highschool the next...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 28, 2016 1263 views

Arduino Projects

What are some good websites for Arduino projects? My brother and I want to build a quadcopter because we saw it in a video, please help!! #engineering #arduino #do-it-yourself

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Aug 28, 2016 1292 views

What is FAFSA?

Hey there so I had a few questions about FAFSA and what it is and when I should apply? I'm a freshman in highschool but I want to get a head start but I don't know if right now is too early. #college #university #college-admissions #financial-aid #grants #fafsa

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Aug 27, 2016 7054 views

Should I take AP Biology or Regular Physics?

Hey there! So I'm at a controversy right now because I don't know if I should take AP Biology or Physics my Junior year of highschool. So I'm taking: Honors Biology- 9th grade Honors Chemistry- 10th grade AP Biology or Physics- 11th grade AP Bioogy (if I took Physics my 11th year) or AP...

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Aug 26, 2016 2200 views

Will it look bad on my transcript if I take PE instead of a sport?

Hey there! So I'm going to be a freshman in highschool and I wanted to know if not being apart of a team is gonna make me look lazy or seem like I'm not a hardworker when applying for colleges. Most of my friends are on a team, but I just thought that it's just not for me. #college #sports...

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Aug 25, 2016 1351 views

What extracuricular activities/volunteering should I do in Highschool?

Hey there! So, I'm going to become a freshman in a few days and I'm really lost on what I should do with my extracuricular activities/volunteering. I'm not apart of a sports team because I do not enjoy sports like others. And I'm not apart of a program (AVID, Theater, Sport Teams, etc.). What I...

Terran ’s Avatar
Terran Aug 23, 2016 1012 views

What advice would you have for a talented musician that wants to pursue a career in Music and law enforcement?

I am a really good drummer but I put my education over everything. I don't want waste my talent and potential to be special. I also want to work for a local police agency, the FBI or the Secret Service. What career options do I have?

Terran ’s Avatar
Terran Aug 23, 2016 1228 views

What does it take to be a successful and productive college student?

I'm preparing for college and I'm just curious about what challenges college throws at you. How can these challenges be avoided. #career-counseling #college-bound #mentoring #academic-advising

English’s Avatar
English Aug 22, 2016 992 views

Is sports broadcasting or entertainment easy?

I know it sounds like a dumb question, but really how challenging is this major? I've loved playing sports my whole life and have always dreamed of being a sports announcer. But unfortunately I'm worried the major will be to difficult to complete and I'll be forced to give up the dream. Is...

English’s Avatar
English Aug 22, 2016 918 views

Would a science and engineering based college be right for me if I want to go into sports broadcasting?

I've played at least three sports year round my entire life, and so I know I want a career in the sports and entertainment area. But my dream school isn't one known for this major. Do I need to just go away from my life long dream of going to my perfect school? Should I go a school with the...

Khalah’s Avatar
Khalah Aug 22, 2016 1127 views

How i do become sucessful in the entertainement industry?

I'm a senior, i got to school in Hollywood i love broad casting and social media and i would love to work in the entertainment industry. How do i become successful and what do i major in? #acting #theatre #director #broadcast-media #film-production

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Aug 21, 2016 1307 views

What does marketing and sales have to do with the sports entertainment industry?

What relation or career job connects marketing/sales with the sports entertainment industry? #sports #marketing #sales #sports-marketing

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Aug 21, 2016 1209 views

What is the work enviornment like as a sports entertainment broadcaster?

Is this career exciting on an everyday basis? #sports-media

Miriam ’s Avatar
Miriam Aug 15, 2016 1753 views

Where can i start my entertainment career?

I am in a tight spot but its always been a dream of mine to start being a music producer, and photographer while doing dance, personal training and culinary arts. I really want to start my music, photography and personal training mostly since i feel like it would have more meaning to me. I need...

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Aug 13, 2016 1271 views

What are the odds of getting into veterinary school if you don't attend a top level college?

I would like to become a marine mammal veterinarian but the odds of getting into veterinary school are very small. There are only 28 vet schools in the USA. So is it better to attend a top flight undergraduate college where it's also very difficult to get in or go to what is considered an...

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Aug 13, 2016 1110 views

What type of degree is recommended for a career in sports broadcasting

I see a lot of ex-athletes in sports broadcasting. Do they all have college degrees? Some of them have degrees because they talk about them. But after speaking to my parents, it's possible many went to college but didn't finish. So do you really need a degree or do you just need to be one...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 13, 2016 877 views

Stereoscopic Ciruit

is it possible to build a circuit that will only have one potentiometer to control the volume of two speakers with the following materials ... LM386 Operation Amplifier, 10K POTENTIOMETER, SPEAKER (2), Headphone Jack (1), Arduino Uno Microcontroller, Resistors (no specific value), and...

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene Aug 12, 2016 2007 views

What colleges have good Fashion Design programs

My daughter is a high school student that's very optimistic about becoming a Fashion Designer #career-counseling #fashion-design #university-applications #universal-design

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 10, 2016 1091 views

Robotics Engineering

Many times i have looked and worked with FRC robots at school and thought i like all the aspects of making a robots. I believe i want to be a robotics engineer, but what do i need ? What is the difference between a robotics engineer and a double major in electrical and mechanical engineers? Are...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 08, 2016 1364 views

Coding a Log In/Sign Up

Is there an easier way to code a log in without using PHP? I don't want a set log in. #computer-science #computer-software #coding #computer-networking

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 07, 2016 1048 views

CalTech-Dream School

My dream school is CalTech i want to become a robotics or electrical engineer. Im an incoming Junior what are some tips to begin preparing or some things that i should look out for? #university #electrical-engineering #university-applications #robotics-engineer #school-counseling

David Ohta’s Avatar
David Aug 02, 2016 2694 views

Where/what companies should a second year college student look to in order to find summer internships in consulting?

I'm a second year student majoring in English/Economics at Stanford University, and I'm interested in learning more about consulting/figuring out if its a good professional fit for me. #business #consulting #business-analysis #management-consulting

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Jul 21, 2016 3874 views

What companies similar to Boeing offer High School Student Internships?

I plan to persue a career in Robotics Engineering and I want to apply for an Internship at some places like Google, JPL, or any company that deals with machine learning or robotics. The only problem I face is that I am a high school student and all I find are opportunities for university...

Felicia’s Avatar
Felicia Jul 20, 2016 980 views

What is the best way to get me to stop telling myself that I'm not 'good enough' for a certain college?

I'm asking this question because I'm a high schooler who will be going through the college admissions process in a year a so, and I know many high schoolers are angry, frustrated, and stressed out over getting into a 'good' college. So I wanted to know how we can tell ourselves that life isn't...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jul 13, 2016 888 views

How do you get an internship that relates to your interests?

I am looking for an internship, but everything I can get doesn't interest me. #career-counseling #internships

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jun 28, 2016 1280 views

Is it more important to go to a prestigious college/uni or to go to another college/uni that is more unknown, but cheaper?

What are the pros and cons of going to a prestigious college/uni (ie Ivy League)? Is it worth it? Will I be able to have the same quality of education elsewhere? #college #education #university #colleges #ivy-league

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jun 28, 2016 2112 views

What are some examples of questions asked in an interview?

Can you offer any examples of commonly asked questions in a job interview? Thank you! #job #interviews

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jun 25, 2016 806 views

I enjoy kids, and would love to work with children although I also enjoy makeup but have no clue where I should start.

I'm an upcoming senior with absolutely no clue on what I will do after high school. I have in mind some careers I'd like to persue but don't know exactly how to decide or where and how to start. #psychology #teaching #teacher

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Jun 24, 2016 1367 views

What do I do if I suspect that one of my parents is unsupportive of me going to college?

As a current high school graduate, I'm looking forward to starting off at my community college this fall. I finished registration and got my financial aid straightened out, and FAFSA looks like It could really help me. During my spare time< I scroll online for any scholarships that could...

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jun 22, 2016 860 views

What are some important things to do post-internship?

Now that an internship is over, what can I do to make sure I make the most out of it? How do I keep contact with my employers to make sure they are still in my "network"? #high-school #internship #employer

Delilah’s Avatar
Delilah Jun 11, 2016 1318 views

Does the highschool you go to matter in the end?

I am moving to a new house and have the option of staying at the same school I have gone to for two years but I also have the chance of getting to change to go to a different school. The school I currently go to does not give me the option of taking the AP classes I want for my junior year...

Delilah’s Avatar
Delilah Jun 10, 2016 1599 views

What should I do, how do I become more aware of what I want to do?

I'm a High School Student and am about to enter my junior year which I have heard is the most important life changing year... ever. I am stuck in between wanting to be a Film Director or go into the Engineering field. I have no experience in either and my father gave me advice to look for...

Kevin ’s Avatar
Kevin Jun 08, 2016 1002 views

I finished my bachelor degree in math, however I really want to go to grad school for automotive engineering. But the problem is so many programs here in US do not consider applicants without engineering background, what can I do?

I finished my bachelor degree in math, however I really want to go to grad school for automotive engineering. But the problem is so many programs here in US do not consider applicants without engineering background, what can I do? Also what can I do to gain some experience in the auto...

nora’s Avatar
nora Jun 08, 2016 1167 views

A.A in Journalism, B.A in Comm?

Hello, I am currently completing my general education classes in city college and I was planning to take additional classes to complete the Communications program as well, however, I've always had an interest for writing. My ultimate career goal is to work in editing. I have done my research...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jun 07, 2016 1346 views

How do you prepare yourself for other career options that are not directly related to your college Major?

I don't think students usually end up going into their field of studies and just work as one fixed position permanently. There are so many opportunities out there, whether be on a national or international level. Therefore, I think it's very important to have several alternatives in mind and...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jun 07, 2016 5957 views

As a full-time college student with a part-time job, how do you manage time productively?

I'm asking this question because generally full-time students tend to find it difficult to balance well between school and work. #college #jobs #student #time-management #productivity

Camille ’s Avatar
Camille Jun 03, 2016 836 views

If I plan to go to law school a few years after graduation and I am a rising senior now, what should I be doing now to prepare for applying?

I want to take a break and get work experience before I apply. I am a little worried about recommendations and whether waiting a couple years is fine. #attorney

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Jun 01, 2016 16449 views

Will an engineer be able to afford a 100 k dollar car?

Im a chemical engineer in my senior year and I've dreaming of owning a nissan gtr. Ive been wanting to ask this question since i started this major lol How soon will i be able to get or will i be able to get at all?

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Jun 01, 2016 1956 views

How difficult is it now for an engineer to get a job than in the 90s?

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year and it seems that technology and businesses are growing outstandingly but at the same time social media says that right now there are no jobs out there. It will be really helpful to get intel from a real professional.

Briana’s Avatar
Briana May 29, 2016 5731 views

What would I need to major in if I'm interested in both math and art?

As a currently graduating senior in high school, I will be going to a community college to complete my prerequisites and the transfer to a four year university. Although I'm a little shaky on choosing a major, One of my long time interests is art; I've been drawing and experimenting since I was...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 27, 2016 1096 views

When applying for a job, is it necessary to have every popular social app? such as facebook or twitter

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year and i have every social but Facebook and twitter are the least i use. Im very active on snapchat, instagram, and linked in. Will a "recruiter", not sure what they are called, be asking for any social app? #college #engineering #engineer #job...

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