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Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Aug 12, 2016 3233 views

How long is a good college essay?

I need to start writing mine and I'm feeling lost #college-admissions #writing #editing

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 12, 2016 1145 views

Is Filmmaking a risky career path for minority?

The reason I ask this question is because I want to know if a minority who have an accent have a chance to be successful in this line of business. I have a accent and I been having second thought about this career choice. #business #language #film-production #film-making

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 12, 2016 1486 views

Do I choose a career that would certainly provide an acceptable income or a career that I love but may not go well?

It been 3 years since I left my island and moved to US to have more opportunity. I love filmmaking, special effect since I was a kid and I would like to have a career in filmmaking. The reason I ask this question is because I want to know if doing a job I love is more important than the risk of...

Rohith’s Avatar
Rohith Aug 12, 2016 4400 views

What would be a good double major with Computer Science?

My name is Rohith and i'm a junior at my high school and I would like to double major Computer Science with another major. What would be some good options? Please answer. #college #computer-science #computer #majors

Rohith’s Avatar
Rohith Aug 10, 2016 1939 views

What College Majors have a high demand in the future?

I'm a junior in highschool (11th grade) and as I start to look into careers and college majors, I asked myself what profession(s) will the future society rely on. I have interest in computer science and would like to pursue it in the future. #college #jobs #careers #future #choosing-a-major

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jul 30, 2016 2363 views

Am I required to have a Computer Science degree to become a Software Engineer? Do employers look more on the skill of the person than the degree? Also, do employers look down on people who do not have a Bachelor's Degree?

I'm a First year Computer Science Major. Also I'm taking a Udacity NanoDegree by Google in Android Development. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #technology #software-engineering #software-development #coding #development #personal-development #career-details #job-application

Samuel ’s Avatar
Samuel Jul 18, 2016 1889 views

What are some good ways to get involved in STEM related volunteering?

I really teaching kids about technology and how things worked. I give a lot of credit to my mentors growing who showed me the ways of model rocketry and soldering. Are there some well known STEM volunteer groups out there? Do you think it would be alright to just volunteer on the weekends...

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jul 18, 2016 1073 views

How can the Arts impact your resume?

I keep hearing that putting down that I play piano would be a good addition to my resume. It strikes me as odd that an application with the arts on it would really impact your chances of getting a job. Would a place like Goldman Sachs really care?

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 17, 2016 1424 views

New business idea in restaurant industry. What are my next steps?

I'm 19 years old. I have no experience in the restaurant industry. Yet I have an idea. I'm going to spare many details so I'm going to get to the questions: Who should I start talking to? When should I start raising capital? Finding investors? General next/ necessary steps? Any input is...

Tirsana ’s Avatar
Tirsana Jul 13, 2016 1156 views

What are some common interview questions that one can expect?

As a college student whose looking into job interviews in a couple of years, I really want to familiarize myself to the process. #business #anthropology #museums

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 12, 2016 1540 views

Action drives us to push our limits and to grow. What are a couple things that I can take action on today to challenge myself and grow?

More of a philosophy question :) There are so many quotes about this concept "action": “Never complain, never explain, just let your actions speak for themselves.” – Benjamin Disraeli “The Superior man is modest in speech but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius “There are no statues built to...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 09, 2016 1504 views

On-campus activities to exercise business-leadership skills?

Hi all,

I know every college campus is different - different clubs, organizations and communities - but what are some on-campus organizations I should look into for more business-leadership experience? #college #business #leadership #organization #clubs

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike Jul 08, 2016 5691 views

Hi, I want to be an Orthodontist but I want to first start with being a dental hygienist and move my way on up to be a orthodontist.

I have graduated from high school and will be attending a 2- year college but my plan is to be there for a year and might have to do some summer classes I believe and go to a four year college. I just want to know is this good route that I have planned for myself ? I'm also trying to find an...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jul 04, 2016 1398 views

Is there any link between Investment Managing and Programming?

Could you use computer programs to create models that enable you to make decisions on what to invest money in ? #technology #programming #investment-management

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jul 04, 2016 1470 views

What does a Masters in Education Management entail?

What is the Master all about and what career options do I have upon graduation? #career #education #higher-education #masters #education-management

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jul 03, 2016 2124 views

How can I get a job at CareerVillage??

I see career village is hiring...what makes you choose the best candidates? #career #technology #education #career-counseling #hiring #student-development

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jul 03, 2016 1326 views

How can I improve my English writing skills while I want to focus on my Computer Science Major?

I know I am interested in technology, but I do want to be able to write articles that get featured in magazine....I don't just want to code. #computer-science #technology #marketing #writing #personal-development

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 01, 2016 1022 views

I want to be financially independent in 3 years. Tips?

What steps should I take if I want to make this a gradual process?
I am in University going into my sophomore year.

Books to read? People to talk to? etc.

Thanks y'all! #finance #management #university #advice #money-management

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 01, 2016 2260 views

What are habits for success?

What do you do every morning to be productive during the day? At night?

Any tips are more than appreciated! :) #help #advice #success #fitness #exercise #routine #habits

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 30, 2016 1477 views

How to find a mentor in University?

Hi all. Over the past year I have been reading books, watching youtube videos, and talking with various people on the topics of self-development, entrepreneurship, leadership, etc. However, I'm missing a mentor figure in my life. How do you recommend finding a mentor, whether it be a professor...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 30, 2016 2588 views

Favorite podcasts for self-development?

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated! #philosophy #growth #podcasts

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 29, 2016 1242 views

What is one important advice do you have for an aspiring Software Engineer like me?

I am a first year Computer Science major. Also, I am taking Udacity's Android Basics by Google. #engineer #computer #software #software-engineer #android #ios-development

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 29, 2016 1140 views

What are good undergraduate business majors for an entrepreneurship track?

I'm a business student entering his second year of university. While I still am taking prerequisite classes, I want to declare my major first. My ultimate goal is to own my own business, yet I'm realistic and realize that'll be difficult right out of college. Therefore, what are good business...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 29, 2016 2135 views

As an aspiring leader and entrepreneur, what are three books I must read?

I am 19 years old at university. This summer I've immersed myself in a variety of texts ranging from philosophy to leadership advice. I still am, however, looking for that one book to spark a certain inspiration. If you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear it. #entrepreneurship...

Danish’s Avatar
Danish Jun 29, 2016 1228 views

What salary should I ask for my first full time job?

I do not want to ask for too high of a salary because then there is a chance they won't hire me. But, I also do not want to earn less than what I deserve. Should I just take the offered amount or can I ask for a higher price? If so, what are good ways to negotiate a fitting salary? #interviews...

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 24, 2016 1632 views

What is the best laptop for a student pursuing to be a software engineer

I am a first year Computer Science Major. And I am also taking the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google. #computer-science #computer #software #programming #software-development #software-engineer #google

B. Eni’s Avatar
B. Eni Jun 10, 2016 1358 views

What college majors should I apply to in order to be a diplomat?

I want to be a diplomat or even work for the U.N, but I am unsure what I should major in. I am currently leaning towards Economics, Journalism, and probably will go to law school. Any other suggestions? #international-affairs #united-nations #diplomacy

Harrison’s Avatar
Harrison Jun 09, 2016 3343 views

I just turned 40 years old and still want to become a dentist. Can i first become a dental hygienist then move on to dental school to become a dentist? Would really apreciate your advice given the urgency to me.

Am a citizen of the United States originally from Cameroon(West Africa). I studied Dentistry in the Ukraine(Eastern Europe) and graduated as a dentist before immigrating to the United States to become a citizen. Upon my arrival in the U.S, I made some early attempts...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jun 07, 2016 951 views

How does one start working for the U.N.?

I am interested in working for the U.N. to make the world a better place by working on issues like reducing pollution, stopping wars and eradicating can I go about achieving all this ? #economics #united-nations #social-change #foreign-policy

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 06, 2016 1922 views

Is it important to learn Git and Github for the software industry?

I'm a first year Computer Science major.

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