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j’s Avatar
j May 30, 2016 1866 views

My ambition is to become a mechanical engineer, but i am not good at math. What are my steps towards achieving my goal regardless?

i want to complete my ambition without any hurdles #maths

j’s Avatar
j May 30, 2016 1174 views

i have intrest in sports and studies .what should.i prefer frist

iam intrested in two things #sports #studies

m’s Avatar
m May 30, 2016 763 views

what is the use of reading social

unable to understand social #social

k’s Avatar
k May 30, 2016 1317 views

how could i improve my writting skills in hindi

unable to write hindi #hindi #personal-development #writing

j’s Avatar
j May 30, 2016 11012 views

what are the uses of painting in our daily life

intrested in painting

Pravin’s Avatar
Pravin May 30, 2016 1145 views

What do you find most enjoyable?

please ask me answer #teaching

Jagadish’s Avatar
Jagadish May 29, 2016 828 views

how to become a architecture?

I dont know what should I want to do after completing my PU. #engineer #student #architect #engineering #it #experts #college-teaching #it-architect

k’s Avatar
k May 28, 2016 863 views

after 10th std i like to take MPC but iam week in physics what i have to prefer for this

intrest in doing engineering #maths

a’s Avatar
a May 28, 2016 926 views

what are the use of google and how can we use it

i want to know about google #general

Juan’s Avatar
Juan May 28, 2016 760 views

how much money should borrow to go to school?

i want to study something in science but my family doesnt have the money to pay for it so i was wondering how much money i should borrow #college #money

Juan’s Avatar
Juan May 28, 2016 719 views

how much money does a master degree earn?

I want to know if i should look forward a masters #college #money

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey May 27, 2016 872 views

Which city do you think is the best for a new graduate with a BFA in Film/TV production to begin her career--LA or NYC? I am interested in writing for television as well as making independent films one day.

I have been accepted to a prestigious film school within a major university in NY. I am thinking ahead to summer internships and post-graduation. I know LA is considered the entertainment capital of the world and I'd love to live there for a while. However, I heard that it is incredibly...

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey May 27, 2016 1417 views

How important is attending film school in boosting one's chance of breaking into the film/television industry? I've heard debates on both sides but am still undecided as to whether it is a good investment.

I have been accepted into a prestigious film school that will require me and my parents to take on loans in order to meet the half of the tuition/board. Would it be better to major in a more lucrative area and try to do film on the side? I already have had experience in screenwriting,...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan May 27, 2016 821 views

I want to pursue a sports related athletic training degree but I have been asked to run on the college track team. Is it wise to try to do both?

I am concerned about balancing the demands of the hands on part of my athletic training degree with the time required to train for a track and field position. I have been told it's probably best to focus on just the athletic training but I wondered if someone who had done both or seen someone...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan May 27, 2016 1111 views

Is having athletic training experience helpful if I was interested in going into Physical Theraphy?

I will be starting college in the fall and pursuing an athletic training degree. When I graduate I will be a certified athletic trainer. I also have the option to go into Physical Therapy post-grad. I am wondering if it would be good to get some experience with my athletic training degree...

mallory’s Avatar
mallory May 27, 2016 636 views

What is the best way to break into the Theater scene as an actress?

Theater is my major. #theater

mallory’s Avatar
mallory May 27, 2016 968 views

How can I find grant funding to develop a short film?

Theater is my major and I would like to combine my love for acting and travel into a short film. #film #television #theater

mallory’s Avatar
mallory May 27, 2016 637 views

How do costume designers educat themselves culturally and historically on clothing?

This will be my field study. #theater

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 27, 2016 1228 views

How hard is it to find a job as a baking and pastry expert straight out of college?

This is a career I would truly love to be apart of seeing that it is my absolute favorite, but i am afraid of the outcome and the difficulty of finding a job once out of college. #culinary #culinary-arts #baking

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 27, 2016 835 views

How prepared should I be for a college like Johnson and Whales?

I'm an aspiring culinary student who would love to be able to attend Johnson and Whales University, but i believe my high school culinary teacher isn't teaching me enough to be prepared for such a fine school. #chef #cooking #culinary #culinary-arts #baking #cooking-and-baking #culinary-skills

anil’s Avatar
anil May 27, 2016 1180 views

I am a graduate in commerce and I am pursuing my post graduation in the same field . How can I get into the corporate world?

In my circle people are giving me an option of teaching but it is not my skill. #business #corporate

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan May 27, 2016 960 views

What are some good teaching strategies for Secondary/High School students?

I am studying to be a math teacher, primarily for secondary school/High school, and want to know what some people have done to help teach difficult children and/or tips to make teaching easier. I am hoping to teach in China, but tips used in the States would be welcome as well. #teacher...

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan May 27, 2016 833 views

What is education in China like?

I am going to be studying to be a math teacher, and I am thinking about teaching in China. I would like to teach in an international school, and I would like to know what education is like there. #secondary-education

a’s Avatar
a May 27, 2016 1120 views

the best field to become CA

i want to become a CA

Hayden’s Avatar
Hayden May 27, 2016 1274 views

Are online scholarships reliable or just scams?

I am worried that with the rise of in debt college students a despicable group of companies or individuals that only seek to scam and fraud didn't come to be in response. If so who shouldn't you trust? #finance #money #scholarships #fraud

Hayden’s Avatar
Hayden May 27, 2016 932 views

How is the field of Environmental Conservation looking?

I just want to be sure that my future job field has either a decent turnover rate or a large enough demand for jobs so that I can go straight to work after I get my degree. #career #money #career-path #salary #environmental #job-market #wildlife #financial-planning

Lissy’s Avatar
Lissy May 27, 2016 1292 views

With a busy after school schedule what are some things that stand out in college applications that are not school affiliated?

It's a well known fact that colleges look for many extracurricular activities while viewing an individual's application. At my school I am involved with the drama club and due to the intense schedule of productions, whenever I have free time in the year it is at an awkward time (only December,...

Lissy’s Avatar
Lissy May 27, 2016 1370 views

In a career path as competitive as film, how do you stay unintimidated and focused?

I've had a dream to be a filmmaker for as long as I can remember, and make my own films whenever possible. It's no secret that getting into the business is extremely hard, and often times if you do not have the right networking or connections your dreams can quickly seem unreachable. For this...

brenda’s Avatar
brenda May 26, 2016 890 views

What school has the best social sciences programs?

I am interested in studying social sciences and doing that as a career. #college #college-selection #admissions #social-science

Juan’s Avatar
Juan May 26, 2016 933 views

How can I do better in the SAT?

i am really afraid of doing bad on SAT since all colleges look at them #college #college-admissions #testing

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