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Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Mar 20, 2018 929 views

How can I make an impact on the world?

I have always wanted to make an impact in the world. I lived for it as a child (16 years and going in the Girl Scouts, NHS Scholar, etc), but doing it with established organizations is different than doing it on your own.
#nonprofits #social-change #career #philanthropy

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Mar 20, 2018 1014 views

How do I know that the major I am in is the best for me?

I am currently a theatre major, but I have my associates in Criminal Justice. Everyone says that the arts are not the best programs to go into since they do not "contribute anything to you in the long run." How do I know that getting this degree will not burn me in the end? #collegemajor...

Racheal’s Avatar
Racheal Mar 18, 2018 1161 views

Is a career in meteorology worth it?

#meteorology #career-counseling #post-college

Racheal’s Avatar
Racheal Mar 18, 2018 1745 views

How early is too early to apply for graduate school?

I'm currently in my junior year of college with a projected graduation date of Fall 2019. How soon should I start applying for graduate school and taking the required tests for a science program?

#science #graduate-school

Annette’s Avatar
Annette Mar 15, 2018 700 views

Can I be a doctor and be clueless in math?

I have always struggled in the math department whenever I was in school. Now as a senior and knowing that I want to pursue medicine, I feel scared to face the math requirements medical school has for prospective students. Should I give up on my dreams, suck it up and magically become better at...

Annette’s Avatar
Annette Mar 15, 2018 1450 views

What can I do as a high school student to encourage more girls to pursue STEM fields in the future?

I am currently a senior in high school and I am interested in studying STEM in college. I realize that women in the STEM field are far and few between, so what can I do as an individual to help more girls explore STEM fields in school?
#women-in-stem #math #science #engineering #technology

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Mar 13, 2018 831 views

How important are internships during college?

While researching which college to attend, it seems some colleges have mandatory internships while others don't. What are the pros and cons to internships? #ToInternOrNot #sports-management

Adele’s Avatar
Adele Mar 13, 2018 477 views

What can be done as a college student to prepare for your career? #student

What can be done as a college student to prepare for your career? #student

Adele’s Avatar
Adele Mar 13, 2018 572 views

how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking

how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 13, 2018 963 views

What are the differences between education at a public university and a private university, if any?

Many teens struggle to decide between attending a public or a private university. Should one be valued more than the other? If so, why? Personally, I believe it depends on the major one is pursuing.
#public #private #university #cost #value #major

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 13, 2018 839 views

How important is travel to becoming educated, intellectual and well- rounded?

It always seems as if the most interesting and thought- provoking people that I meet are those who have traveled the world and had many experiences. Do you think traveling is essential to becoming the most educated, influential and intellectual person one can be? #travel #education #importance...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 07, 2018 587 views

What’s the best way to prepare to have a roommate?

At home I have my own room and it is my safe haven. I’m an introvert. I love spending time with other people, but I need the time to recharge and take a break every day in order to keep myself going. In college I will have at least one roommate if not two or three. I’m doing my best to find a...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 07, 2018 705 views

Am I going to be happy with my career choice?

I’m only 18 and a senior in high school. I’m young and every day I learn more about myself and my interests, challenges, and strengths. However, this coming fall I’m going to college to pursue a degree in nursing. As much as I feel confident in this choice now, I worry that this will change....

Nads’s Avatar
Nads Feb 01, 2018 676 views

How do I balance a social life as a college student?

I'm a full time student and it's really hard to keep my school, work and social life balance. If I'm not at school then I'm at work because I need to pay for school. But how can I also make time for friends? I work 2 jobs because the school I'm attending is pretty expensive. I only have a year...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 25, 2018 650 views

How do I get over the fear of having to meet new people in college?

I am very committed to the close friends that I currently have, and I’m really scared about having to start all over with that. I don’t know how to start conversations with new people or how to make sure I don’t just lock myself away and not talk to anyone... tips? #friends

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 25, 2018 484 views

What classes can I take to learn more about Greek and Roman Mythology in college

I’ve been very interested in Greek Mythology for a few years now, and I would love to learn more about it, but I have no idea what types of classes would teach about that sort of stuff #greekmythology

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 24, 2018 656 views

Is getting scholarships hard?

I have applied for so many scholarships so far and I am scared I won't get any scholarships and have to pay a huge amount of debt. #scholarships #money

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 24, 2018 1279 views

What is it like to be a surgeon?

I have wanted to become a surgeon since I was 6, how is it to save lives? DO you see new things everyday? #medicine #surgeon

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 24, 2018 659 views

What is it like being a Pediatric Surgeon?

I want to become a pediatric surgeon when I am older and I want to know how other surgeons feel about their job. If they get close to the kids and how they feel to give kids another chance and save their lives. #medicine #pediatric-surgeon

Leonardo’s Avatar
Leonardo Jan 23, 2018 722 views

Why does it matter what college you go to?

If we are getting the same degree in different colleges, whats the point of going to a state college rather than an Ivy League college? #college #career-decisions

Leonardo’s Avatar
Leonardo Jan 23, 2018 803 views

If I'm going into a major that I don't know that I really like, what should I do?

I put the major I would want on my application as Physics but I don't think it'll be the right major for me but I don't know what major is the right one for me.

#choosing-major #college-major #college-bound

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jan 22, 2018 861 views

What advice do you have for writers who do not have writing as their full-time job?

I have always loved books and stories, and writing is one of the biggest things that I want to "do" in my life. However, I know that it is not practical to assume that as soon as I graduate college, I will publish a best-selling novel and be set for life. I am definitely prepared to get a...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jan 22, 2018 894 views

What is involved in becoming a freelance editor?

I love writing, and I enjoy helping others make their writing better as well, so when I heard a talk on freelance editing, I thought "This sounds like something I could do!" However, although I feel confident that I could do the actual editing part, I don't know much about how I would get...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 22, 2018 757 views

What happens after I graduate college?

Once I graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice (concentration in crime scene investigation) what are my next steps? I either want to go into just crime scene investigation or if possible blood spatter analysis more specifically. What kind of training or other things must I accomplish once I...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 22, 2018 1774 views

How difficult will it be for me to get into blood spatter analysis?

I am currently working on my bachelors in criminal justice with a concentration in crime scene investigation. If I graduate with just this how difficult will it be to go into the field of blood spatter analysis later on? Should I work on getting anything else regarding just the education...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 859 views

what are some minor studies that would enhance biomedical engineering major?

#engineering #biomedical-engineering

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 671 views

In the Northeast, what are the top comapnies for prosthetic design?

#technology #engineering #prosthetics

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 616 views

In the field of biomedical engineering, what are th epros and cons of going straight from undergrad to a master's degee vs going out into the work force?

I go to a school with a strong coop program. I am wondering if it is fiscally responsible to go straight to master's degree, or get a job with a bachelor's degree.
#grad school

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Jan 20, 2018 1317 views

Would it be good to major in criminal justice and minor in psychology if I want to be a state trooper?

I would like to be a state trooper in the future and I would like to know if those too fields would help me succeed #criminal-justice #psycology

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Jan 20, 2018 938 views

What is the easiest way to obtain scholarships?

I’m struggling trying to find scholarships that I can apply for and I would like some expertise on it #scholarships #criminal-justice

Nimish’s Avatar
Nimish Jan 20, 2018 926 views

Exciting, High Paying Jobs

Which jobs can be exciting, which really require you to be exposed to new situations and use critical thinking skills? But be high paying as well? #money #high-paying #job-search

Nimish’s Avatar
Nimish Jan 20, 2018 780 views

Which career path won’t die (become obsolete)?

I’m concerned for the future in which it seems as if machines will take over the world. Which professions are likely to not become obsolete due to machines? #technology

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 17, 2018 1844 views

How do I grow my self confidence in order to talk to new people?

College is all about starting a new chapter in your life. You may go off to a different state or even internationally in order to get your education. Inevitably, this means leaving behind old friends in high school. As a shy person I was wondering how one may go about building up some self...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 17, 2018 742 views

How to land a good job?

Finding a job is hard in this day and age even with all this newfound technology. What are some websites you swear by?

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 17, 2018 530 views

Best study habits?

Headed to college in Fall 2018. Any tips on staying focused and studying efficiently?

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 17, 2018 738 views

First-generation scholarships?

I’m a first generation college student seeking scholarships. It seems there’s been a decline in scholarships awarded for that purpose and was wondering if anybody knows a really good website for them. Thanks! #first-generation-college-students #first-generation-college-students- #college...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 17, 2018 570 views

Know any good scholarship MATCH websites?

I was just on Cappex and there’s a lot but they’re really bad when filtering with all my info. Just spent 30 min removing Hawaiian scholarships. Únigo is supposed to be good. Anyone know any others?

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jan 17, 2018 902 views

What is the most exciting job a Mechanical Engineer can have and how do I obtain it?

I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with my degree when I get out of college, but I know Mechanical Engineering is the broadest of the engineering disciplines. There are other majors at my school that I could have chosen, like Robotics Engineering or Aerospace, but I don't want to limit...

Nads’s Avatar
Nads Jan 17, 2018 802 views

How can I guarantee that my passion for social work will help find the right homes for those in need?

I’m a sociology majoring who’s concentrating is focusing on social work because I want to be a social worker. I want to help children and families find the right job and make sure they have a safe place to stay. How is my passion going to guarantee them a home? I want to fight for them, be...

Emelia’s Avatar
Emelia Jan 16, 2018 1092 views

How lopsided is the men:women ratio in STEM fields?

As a female looking to go into a STEM field, I'd like to get a little insight into how much of a minority women will be. #women-in-stem #stem

Emelia’s Avatar
Emelia Jan 16, 2018 721 views

What's the best path to take while pursuing engineering at a liberal arts school?

With dual-degree programs and different partnerships at colleges, I'd like to know more experiences in getting an engineering degree at a liberal arts college. #engineering #liberal-arts #women-in-stem

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 16, 2018 1521 views

What is credit and how do I build good credit?

Going into college you are confronted with lots of ways to pay for tuition, including loans. Typically, everyone is charged around the same interest for their loans because there tends to be little to no credit history among young individuals . I know that this may not be the case for any...

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 16, 2018 1037 views

Regarding a roomate, what would be the proper etiquette on who should bring what?

Rooming with another person is a big change, so I was curious on how to best assign duties. #dorms #college #college-advice #Roommates #Housing #On-campus

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 16, 2018 1142 views

In terms of the political science field, what should be expected in potential job opportunities?

I am going to school for political science, and I am currently curious in what options I may have following graduation. #polysci #political-science #college-major #college #politics

Eamonn’s Avatar
Eamonn Jan 15, 2018 600 views

Can anyone tell me how I can learn more about internships in coldwater fisheries?

Looking for opportunities in coldwater fisheries.

#fishing #fishery #fisheries #fisheries-science

Eamonn’s Avatar
Eamonn Jan 15, 2018 614 views

I would like to be a fisheries biologist as a career and was wondering if there were any scholarships I could apply to that is related to my career choice?

I am looking for scholarships in the environmental/conservation/coldwater fisheries genre.
#fishing #biology #scholarships #financial-aid

Tess’s Avatar
Tess Jan 14, 2018 876 views

Is it bad if I am only considering colleges that have my sport in division 1?

I love my sport and it is a huge stress reliever for me, causing me to only consider schools with great teams. Usually people make sure their major has a great program at the school and THEN sports/hobbies, but I am doing it backwards. Is that okay as long as my college has my major too? #sport...

Tess’s Avatar
Tess Jan 14, 2018 787 views

How do I know if going to college immediately after high school is the right choice for me?

I attend Lexington High School which is very academically stressful and competitive. I was one of the many students that pushed myself throughout my four years there and now it seems as though it is expected of me to continue doing so in college right away but I am afraid of becoming burnt out...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 13, 2018 1017 views

Other than samples of my writing, what is appropriate to be included in my portfolio and/or resume?

I am an adult-learner entering an entirely new field of employment. I am a paralegal student and am beginning to put together a portfolio. Samples of my writing will be included (case brief, legal memo, client letter, etc.), but I would like to know if it is appropriate for me to include...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 13, 2018 1533 views

What specific transferable skills will be beneficial for selling myself in an interview following completion of a Certificate in Paralegal Studies, but with no prior work experience in the field?

For an adult-learner with no prior work experience in the legal field, but completing a Certificate in Paralegal Studies, what specific life skills might I use as transferable skills both on my resume and during an interview? #paralegal #legal #law #women-in-law

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