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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian & Software Developer since 1972 => Nutrition Education => Health & Longevity => Self-Actualization.
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
5872 Answers
4390724 Reads
3772 Karma


Civic Duty
Bhavan’s Avatar
Bhavan May 13, 2016 1133 views

what is the best way to become a researcher?

I want to be a scientist #scientist #researcher

Winifred’s Avatar
Winifred Aug 10, 2018 817 views

Have you ever had a job doing some kind of scientific research, if so what was it like?

#research #researcher #scientist

Ney’s Avatar
Ney Jun 28, 2018 825 views

Do you have any suggestion on what my qualitative research about financial literacy would be about?

I'm having a hard time looking for good thesis statement, and you may have your past research that you could share to me.

#research # #researcher #highschool #financial-literacy #management #finance #research

joseph’s Avatar
joseph Apr 11 344 views

how to do reaserch in school?

ask different people questions

landon’s Avatar
landon Mar 22 366 views

How much knowledge does an electrical engineer need to know about designing new ways to use electrical power to develop products?

Been interested in electrical engineering for a while, just wondering how much knowledge does an electrical engineer need to know about designing new ways to use electrical power to develop products?

Colden’s Avatar
Colden Nov 15, 2018 1564 views

Advancing as a Electrition

I am currently working on my certificate in electrical, what are some careers I can go in to if choose to further my education such as AA Degree or Bachelors and what do you recommend?
#electrical-engineering #Electrical #Engineering

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 16, 2018 3355 views

what is the hardest thing about learning electrical engineering?

Hi, I was wondering what is the biggest hurdle in learning history? #engineering #electrical-engineering #electrical

Darius’s Avatar
Darius Apr 12 534 views

How can I expand on electrical engineer at a young age ?

I want to become an Electrical Engineer but I don’t know what step I should take to get there early on. I am currently a sophomore at a New York high school.

Ninoy’s Avatar
Ninoy Oct 04, 2023 2534 views

How long is it to get your promotions up in Engineer.?

I'm a freshman in high school and I am in interested in Engineering.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Oct 05, 2022 1132 views

As an Industrial Machinery Mechanic, what are 3 important things I should know about this job?

I am just a lone 19 year-old looking for information on a job interest.

yamilie’s Avatar
yamilie Sep 24, 2023 637 views

What are the first steps I can take for a career in astrophysics?

What extracurriculars would be best to do during high-school that relate to astrophysics that I can do? Are there any specific programs or courses I can take out of school that are recommended?

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Apr 04, 2023 494 views

Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role?

I would love to know a "day in a life" of a medical assistant so I can prepare myself.

Charles’s Avatar
Charles Nov 24, 2014 8690 views

What majors should I look into if I am interested in working with building and designing cars?

I am a junior and, ever since I was a little kid, I have always had an interest in cars. Not only in looking at them and observing the differences, but also customizing and building them so that they are my own. I wanted to know what majors would be best to look in. #design

ritika’s Avatar
ritika Apr 08 695 views

how can i start up?

how can i start up

Shane’s Avatar
Shane May 14, 2019 1183 views

Can I Get Into The Culinary Arts If I Test At A 9th Grade Level?

#chef #chef #culinary #culinary-arts #food #cooking