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Karin P.’s Avatar

Karin P.

Lecturer, Student Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
469 Answers
1647285 Reads
1525 Karma


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teja’s Avatar
teja 16 hours ago 589 views

Which programming language is better for Data Science: Python or R?

Which programming language is better for Data Science: Python or R?

zoey’s Avatar
zoey Mar 21 1784 views

does anyone know if its possible to contact a UF principal if im in 9th grade?

I'm trying to contact them to understand the school better and see if its possible for me to transfer credits.

Swathi’s Avatar
Swathi Mar 23 1809 views

What are some good online/remote civil engineering or architecture related volunteering that I can do as a 15-16 year old??

I want to learn about architecture and civil engineering and have something to add onto my college application to show my interest and dedication :)

Laura’s Avatar
Laura Mar 20 2841 views

What are the most important skills to stand out in Obstetrics?

Why are you interested in this particular career?

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 21 1511 views

Advice for medial career.?

How do I know what medical career I want? I'm in an early college high school and I have to decide by July. Any advice?

medha’s Avatar
medha Mar 23 583 views

How can I applied in Europe with state board syllabus ?

I m currently doing Andhra Pradesh state board. I want to apply in Europe but I don't know how to do it

John’s Avatar
John Mar 23 451 views

How am I going to study biology in shs because I want to become a neurologist ?

I can't study

Kaileigh’s Avatar
Kaileigh Mar 23 1883 views

What advice would you suggest for getting into a more competitive school for neurosurgery?

I have a 4.25 GPA, 1532 SAT, and a 34 ACT. I am taking 6 AP classes, in 2 honor societies, participate in sports, and very involved music.

Chenoa’s Avatar
Chenoa Mar 21 231 views

How do I become a Geologist and do I have to go to college?

What are the different types of geologists?

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 19 1340 views

Do you recommend to take stem in Highschool to be a pediatrician?

Hi I’m in 9th grade and I’m wondering if stem would be helpful to become a pediatrician.

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Mar 19 455 views

What editing softwares are easiest to use and free to access, and will they have the same effect on my videos like premiere pro?

In a class of mine, I have to edit videos from shots I take myself for assignments. However, the software is quite advanced and not beginner friendly (exactly). Are there any beginner friendly softwares?

Tiger’s Avatar
Tiger Mar 08 682 views

Hello good sirs and madams, I am having question. If I am traveling all world, can I be using YouTube for making money and sharing my journey?

I am knowing what to do, but not knowing how to start. What is first step for making travel YouTube channel successful? Thank you very much for help!

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Mar 08 2069 views

Job possibilities ?

I am wanting to be an event planner but I know that that requires weekends and nights. I don’t mind that right now, but if I would like to have a family one day I would want a 9-5 job. What are some jobs that would be of similar interest that I could possibly get a degree in? I was thinking...

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 1331 views

People who chose medicine over a career in art, how are you?

This is specific and just mostly out of curiosity. I have a strong passion for art, drawing, and literature, but I enjoy learning about health and medicine. In a world without money, I would doodle and read all day, however, I know that if I had to make a living out of it, it would probably...

Tiger’s Avatar
Tiger Mar 08 1560 views

Hello good sirs and madams, I am wanting to ask, what are some careers that are with much traveling?

I am much enjoying seeing new places and thinking maybe job with travel is good for me. Please telling me what jobs have much travel, thank you very much!

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 28 1518 views

Which job is right for me to have to gain experience but mainly just to earn a steady income for a year?

Hi! I am doing community college for a year before transferring to a university (the goal is to save up money). If i want to be an event planner (preferably in the entertainment area), what is a good job for me to have this next year in order to possibly gain experience but also just have a...

Thabiso’s Avatar
Thabiso Mar 01 2123 views

which career path can i follow?

At school I take Physics, Chem, Computer Applications and Engineering Graphics and Design.

Eshita’s Avatar
Eshita Feb 10 1678 views

How do I find labs to shadow as a junior in high school and how do I reach out to them to say I'm interested?

Hi! I am a junior in high school, and I am interested in chemistry. However, to solidify if I want to go into research, I want to get lab experience and shadow someone in a lab. I have already taken all of the advanced chemistry courses my high school offers, scored high, and enjoyed the...

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Feb 26 1331 views

why do you work what do you do it for?

Why do you work at all? isnt money just a concept so why do it at all?

Honorine’s Avatar
Honorine Feb 25 663 views

Can I work, do full-time college, and play volleyball simultaneously during college?

I've heard that you can work and attend college full-time, but I don't know if you can also play volleyball. College volleyball requires a lot of time commitment, so I don't think I would be able to do this. Could someone help?

McKenna’s Avatar
McKenna Feb 25 723 views

Should I do the career I want even if everyone says I wouldn't like it?

I want to be a teacher, but my mom and cousin were teachers and say it sucks, but I want to try it and see if I'd do it well because I'm passionate about it, but should I just find something else then?

aiden’s Avatar
aiden Feb 24 722 views

why is the death rate for underwater welders 15%?

I'm doing a school project and i need to know why it's so high to help add info to my essay.

Cherry’s Avatar
Cherry Feb 23 1441 views

How do I start shadowing?

Hello! I’m a freshman in high school and really interested in the medical field. I’m already planning to take health-related courses like sports- medicine and anatomy, and I also hope to earn certifications in the future. However, I want to start shadowing a doctor but have no idea where to...

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 22 1586 views

If I go into the culinary field, do I still have to learn all the science-y stuff, or can I just focus on making the best food ever ?

I just need to know… if I go into the culinary field, do I still have to learn all the science-y stuff… or can I just focus on making the best food ever…? Because if I have to do chemistry and all that… I fear I may not make it… my soul is weak… my spirit fading… my dreams slipping away like a...

Jieun’s Avatar
Jieun Feb 21 1615 views

What to do to be a Psychiatrist? I'm on 12th grade...6 months and I'll finish high school...I wanted to be a Psychiatrist! But kinda confused...what to do..which college I should choose etc etc...can someone tell me step by step? Please Also suggest me some books about psychology

Career. College . Psychology

William’s Avatar
William Feb 20 678 views

How should I decide between two routes of job choices when I can only do one?

I am a sophomore and I want to join the military, or start a business. How should I decide?

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Feb 20 821 views

How should I decide on one college major/future career when I have multiple in mind?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to major in something along the lines of engineering and welding. Some careers I'm interested in include auto body welder, powertrain engineer, and aeronautical engineer. How should I decide on which one would be the most supportive for me financially...

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 22 415 views

What's the weirdest food combination that actually tastes amazing ?

Would appreciate anyones responsss

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Feb 21 3627 views

What are some good internships or experiences to try and apply for/ gain as an International Development studies major?

I am slightly worried about what internships or other experiences I should try to apply for as a second year International Development studies major at UCLA. I am very interested in international relations and, until recently, really wanted to work for the state department. I also love research...

David’s Avatar
David Feb 20 494 views

To become an anesthesiologist, will it take more or less than 12 years?

I was wondering about this certain thing because after doing some research it says that it would take around 12 years. Does this mean that I am able to finish all of my college in less than 12 years or will it take me more?