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Nikolaos Zormpas’s Avatar

Nikolaos Zormpas

Global Manager – Digital Services Offerings / Technology, Software & Services Offerings Marketing
Athens, Greece
88 Answers
26595 Reads
142 Karma



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Halani’s Avatar
Halani Jun 27 155 views

Whats your best advice for the incoming freshman students?

Since im going to college its kind of scary thinking about everything. Whats some good advice you can give me to stay on my toes

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Jun 28 527 views

how can i start my online business in college?

how can i start my online business in college?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jun 27 194 views

How can I be more open to socializing with social anxiety ?

How can I be more open to socializing with social anxiety?

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Jun 28 442 views

What are some ways I could get ahead in life?

For example, what could I do to...
- have more discipline
- improve my focus and study habits
-better my money management
-stay consistent
-make intelligent choices
-get tasks done when they need to get done.
-further my education
- get more streams of income

Maryann’s Avatar
Maryann Jun 28 296 views

Why is team work important in achieving a goal?

Starting a buisness soon, wanted to share the idea with my friends, if we can team up together to start the buisness together , is it okay?

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Jun 26 274 views

What can I do to be successful and nice ?

How do I become dedicated and successful in life . I want to achieve more in life.

arely’s Avatar
arely Jun 26 209 views

Does going to a four year have benefits ?

I’m sure on going to a four year to get my business career done.

arely’s Avatar
arely Jun 26 136 views

How do I know i chose the right career?

I’m unsure if it’s truly what I want to do.

arely’s Avatar
arely Jun 26 194 views

Can I change my career in the future?

If i change my mind

J’s Avatar
J Jun 24 320 views

What does the general process look like for collaborating with a client on their website?

I'm hoping to freelance as a web designer after college. Should client(s) give me access to the backend of their website hosting platform in order to assist?

Brayan’s Avatar
Brayan Jun 26 260 views

What inexpensive device is helpful for productive work in a technology-related career?

Whether cell phone or tablet

marshall’s Avatar
marshall Jun 25 311 views

what are the benefits of eating balanced diet?

carbohydrates,protein,fats and oil,minerals,vitamins and water

Airona’s Avatar
Airona Jun 26 232 views

How do i know if me in a right path for your good career goal?

How do i know if me in a right path for your good career goal?

yasmine’s Avatar
yasmine Jun 25 402 views

best way to road map about new skills like programming ?

best way to road map about new skills like programming ?

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jun 26 187 views

How can I choose my carry?

How can I choose my carrier?