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Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond May 13, 2016 1179 views

How does one go about looking for a programming job?

I'm guessing that I'm not gonna find a job by seeing a sign in a window somewhere. So do I look on the internet and if so do you have a suggested site? This is just for my future self. #jobs #programming #tech #websites #companies

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond May 13, 2016 1213 views

How many languages should a computer programmer learn?

As a future computer programmer and somewhat of a beginner deciding on a language can be difficult as there are so many. I believe learning multiple would be beneficial but which ones? #programming #tech #beginner

stephany’s Avatar
stephany Sep 14, 2016 2896 views

What should I know before majoring in computer science?

i'm nervous about college since I understand computer science to be a male dominated field. I don't want to be at a disadvantage due to my gender. #computer-science #computer #computer-programming

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 08, 2016 1411 views

Coding a Log In/Sign Up

Is there an easier way to code a log in without using PHP? I don't want a set log in. #computer-science #computer-software #coding #computer-networking

Jan’s Avatar
Jan Apr 02, 2015 2120 views

I do not know what career to choose. Serious help needed!

Okay,so I am in grade 10, I read a hell lot of books, I love fiction, fantasy and romance, I draw and paint really well, I can write pretty well too. Also, I am a straight A student. I was thinking about architecture or software engineering, but people said that software engineering is going to...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Dec 16, 2014 2243 views

My current high school doesn't have programming classes ?

I had a plan in my old school to take 2 years of programming but I moved. My new school has no programming classes and I don't want to go into college with no experience in the field. I want to go into the game design field and be a programmer but I am worried that I won't know anything about...

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Oct 21, 2014 2213 views

Should i chose a career path based on viability or interest?

Lets say im very interested in physics, and somewhat interested in computer science. Should i pursue a career path that i may enjoy more (i.e. physics) or one where jobs are more available and more in-demand (i.e. engineering and computer science)?

Yash’s Avatar
Yash Jul 27, 2014 2264 views

I want to join computer industry as a programmer . Is it necessary for me to have skills for more than one programming language to be a successful professional ?

by skills I mean the the complete in and out of the language . Because currently I am learning complete C(including the hardware interaction part) and I feel like if other languages are going to be this deep than it would take me my whole life to learn them . #computer #software #programming...

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Mar 17, 2014 7597 views

How long did it take for you to figure out what career you were interested in?

How long did it take for you to figure out what career you were interested in? I'm a Junior and I still don't know what I want to do after college. #career #time-management

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Apr 08, 2014 2275 views

What does a mathematician actually do?

I am interested in studying mathematics in college and would like to know what a mathematician actually does. What would they do if they worked for a bank? Or a marketing/advertising business? #mathematician

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 29, 2014 2489 views

How difficult is it to change careers?

I'm a senior in high school and upon entering college I am becoming more and more worried about my future. I don't really know what I want to study in or make into a career path, so I was wondering how locked in are you once you declare a major and begin your career path? #science #majors...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Apr 08, 2014 2672 views

what are some jobs that computer programmers get offered? how much do they get payed? Is it true that they get a lot of money?

Hi! My name is Jennifer and I was wondering much do computer programmers get make a year. Is this a carrier that as soon as i get out of college i can gets job opportunity that help play off college quickly. #computer #computer-programming #computer-engineer #computer-networking

CareerVillage ’s Avatar
CareerVillage Dec 29, 2011 6395 views

What is the career path to a successful career in technology?

I really like computers, and I that are and will be a lot of different career options in technology. I'm wondering what I should do now, starting in high school, to prepare for a successful career in technology #computer #technology #career-paths #tech

Judith’s Avatar
Judith May 06, 2014 3093 views

What kind of classes did you have to take in college?

Im asking this to know what i should expect if i decide to pursue this career. #engineer #architect #social-worker