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Josh’s Avatar
Josh Feb 03 551 views

How do I find if I can I get the promotion in a business?

I have trying to find out how to do this for a year and I don't get it

Anka’s Avatar
Anka Feb 02 350 views

How easy is it to find good paying jobs from merchant mariners with your qmed and ab??

Working towards my Qmed and Ab right now.

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Feb 02 587 views

How easy is it to find work as an electrician?

Is it better to just stick with the company you did your apprenticeship with or find a union?

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Feb 02 1047 views

What determines when and where you're needed or are you contracted to a company that determines it for you as an electrician?

My goal career is journeyman.

love’s Avatar
love Feb 01 530 views

what can help get confident ? I am not that good in my study's . I want to be an singer but due to my low class porformence I am afraid to admite I want to be a singer . Only my few close friends know about my dream . But I am afraid to show my talent because I am afraid people will laugh at me when they find out I want to be a singer.

I am taking vocal lessons. My friends tells I a and amazing singer but I a afraid to share it with the world.

Lucy’s Avatar
Lucy Feb 01 869 views

Is it possible to apply for an ADN (take an online course) at the age of 17 and being a junior in highschool without a highschool diploma?

The course could be through a community college, but it needs to be online. My goal/thought process is to be able to do this and have my ADN around graduation of senior year so I can begin working in the field and gaining experience while then attaining my BSN. Is there another approach I...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Feb 02 885 views

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 01 2261 views

What classes, major, and minor should I get so I can become a Forensic Psychologist??

I am having a hard time looking for classes that would be beneficial to take in college that I would need to become a Forensic Psychologist. I also have heard many different things about what I should major and minor in at college, and it has put me through a loop. I am just looking for some...

katie’s Avatar
katie Feb 01 897 views

What is the ideal about of major classes and GE classes should I take each quarter?

GE is general education classes, also sometimes called Breadth Classes.

Chelise’s Avatar
Chelise Feb 01 532 views

How to be a Stylist for a plus size brand as a straight sized person?

I have an interview for a fashion stylist position at a plus sized brand. As someone who isn't plus sized are there any tips or knowledge I should have either on the job or for the Interview. Much Appreciated, Thank You.

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Jun 30, 2023 436 views

how is it done and is t hard to achieve success?

when it comes to being a doctor

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Jan 31 608 views

I want to go to have a major in doctors but a minor in photography would that be possible or would I have to chose one or the other?

I am in 8th grade going into 9th and I just want to think ahead

Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Jan 31 659 views

what made you decide your career? was there some life changing eye opening moment?

What was the life changing moment that made you decide right then and there this is what you wanted to do in the future?

Mehmet’s Avatar
Mehmet Jan 30 2078 views

How Can I get into Brand Management with Experience below?

I have experience in customer success account management at Amazon, Enterprise Account management at a startup and want to move into brand management. Please give me tips on how I can get a brand management role without a masters degree

Cornia’s Avatar
Cornia Jan 30 833 views

How do I know what college will fit my career choices in the future?

I want to go into culinary school.