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Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 21, 2016 1178 views

What are some key factors that you should look for went looking for an apartment?

As a sophomore in college, I have decided to live off campus but finding an apartment is a big step in balancing my income. As any college student that is just placed into the world and told to do what adults do, what should I look for when looking for an apartment? #college #finance #job...

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 22, 2016 898 views

What does a bachelor of science in biological sciences in concentration of biomedicine mean?

I reason that I am asking this I want to know the difference between bachelor of science in biological sciences and bachelor of science in biological sciences in concentration of biomedicine. #college #career #career-counseling #degree #college-majors

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 22, 2016 3122 views

Does it look better to do an internship or to get a job on a resume?

I'm currently a senior in high school and will be attending college in the fall. I hope to become a doctor, and thus must be thinking ahead to medical school. I'm debating between getting a job and getting an internship this summer (and was also thinking about my time throughout college). I was...

Alandria ’s Avatar
Alandria May 22, 2016 1316 views

Do you feel as though money is the motive when choosing a career?

A lot of my friends talk about how much money their going to make with their careers, but I don't necessarily care about money. #money #career-path

Alandria ’s Avatar
Alandria May 22, 2016 742 views

How did you choose what career path was right for you?

I've made a career decision and was wondering if I took the correct steps to get to this point. #general

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 22, 2016 1055 views

What is it like to be a software engineer

A day in the life description could be good #software #programming

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 22, 2016 1057 views

In the opinion of many adult professionals, would you say the cost of college is worth the reward?

College has always been a given in my life. It wasn't a question on whether or not I was going, because everyone knew I was. Now that it's becoming a reality, and college is just around the corner, the cost of college is scaring me. No one in my family has ever been to college, so I just wanted...

Salome’s Avatar
Salome Jul 30, 2016 17629 views

Which careers integrate art and math/science?

Im a Junior but I've been wondering since 9th grade what to study,because originally I wanted to study Aerospacial engineering, later on Pediatric Chiropactor and right now I have no Idea what to study. I'm injterested in art beacause I've been studying Theater,dance and music(I just graduated...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 22, 2016 958 views

What types of careers can a student with an anthropology degree look into?

Looking for a job or career path to venture into with a bachelors degree in anthropology #jobs #sociology #anthropology #part-time #full-time

Usman’s Avatar
Usman May 22, 2016 991 views

What fields of engineering would be useful for jobs involving space/space technology?

With big plans for space from some companies such as SpaceX and the general awe of space itself, it would be nice to knowwhat engineering fields would be involved. #engineering #career #space

Catterina’s Avatar
Catterina Jun 20, 2016 1159 views

What is it like as a physician assistant?

I'm very interested in pursuing a career in the medical field originally as a physician in the hospital, but many people have told me that it's not worth going to medical school for such a long time, and to become a physician assistant instead. They listed a lot of reasons like having better...

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia May 22, 2016 1146 views

How do I know a school is right for me?

I want to go to The Ohio State University, but I'm not sure if I want to go because it's right for me or if it's because everyone else is telling me to go. #college #college-bound

doris’s Avatar
doris Jul 28, 2016 1066 views

how can one become successful as an aeronautical engineer from high school

Well,I want to become an aeronautical engineer so I would like to know what it takes to become one #engineering #aeronautical

Prabhash’s Avatar
Prabhash Jul 29, 2016 1410 views

What are the requirements for becoming an astronaut

I am a student and want to become an astronaut. #engineering #science #physics #astronomy #astrophysics #astronaut #astrobiology

Ummiya’s Avatar
Ummiya May 22, 2016 1042 views

What are the similarites and differences between civil engineering, architecture, and architectural engineering?

Hello, I'm currently a civil engineering student at the University of Dayton. I'm in a sort of dilemma where, like any other college student, am unsure of where I want to go degree-wise. I really thought that civil engineering would be a great stepping stone for me into architecture until I...

Sabine’s Avatar
Sabine May 23, 2016 1104 views

How do most people enter the clinical psychology profession?

What comes next after a bachelor's degree in psychology? #psychology #clinical

Julianna’s Avatar
Julianna May 22, 2016 941 views

What are the possibilities of an Anthropology degree? (Cultural and Linguistic)

I am asking this question because I plan on pursuing both a Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology degree because I love learning about both. I must admit, I have a certain passion for tribal cultures and Ancient Mesopotamia. #career-path #anthropology

Julianna’s Avatar
Julianna May 23, 2016 925 views

What are the possibilities with a Marine Biology and/or Ecology degrees?

I am going to school in Hawaii in order to pursue a Marine Biology degree and I am considering switching to an Ecology degree because I really enjoy Ecology. #career-path #marine-biology #ecologist

sam’s Avatar
sam May 23, 2016 873 views

Do medical schools look largely at what school you went to for undergraduate studies?

I wish to be a doctor and would like to know if I should worry about the "national ranking" of the school. #medicine

sam’s Avatar
sam May 23, 2016 622 views

Is it worth it to go to a less prestigious school because you know you could get nearly full tuition, even though you could get into a more prestigious school?

I am a high-achieving student and need to weigh my options. #college

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi May 23, 2016 1136 views

Is looking for a career in personal finance a good idea right now, or are there a lot of people looking for jobs like that making it hard to be successful in it?

I am #undecided in in my major and have been searching different career pathways. Personal finance seems like it could be a good fit, but a lot of people I know are majoring in it.

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 23, 2016 1060 views

What should I do if I don't know what I want to study?

I'm not sure what my passions are. #college #career

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 23, 2016 1216 views

How is IB beneficial and how does workload compare?

Is it easy to get credit for IB? Is IB harder than college? What's different between workload in college in and IB? What did IB help you with? #credit #ib

Brian’s Avatar
Brian May 23, 2016 1288 views

What is it like to be a Mechanical Engineer?

Is it a desk job? Does it require a lot of hands on work? Do you carry a lot of individual responsibility or is there a lot of teamwork? Does your income allow you to live comfortably? #engineering #career #income

Brian’s Avatar
Brian May 23, 2016 12442 views

Industrial Engineering vs Mechanical Engineering?

I have a passion for Mechanical Engineering but I'm worried about keeping that passion as I progress through my career. I have heard that Industrial has even better pay and more demand nowadays. Thoughts?

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 24, 2016 1859 views


I envision myself working in the publishing industry- my question is what is the best major, English, marketing or both ? #professor #professional #academic-publishing

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 09, 2016 668 views

Is there any advice you would give to a college student with regards to intro level, inorganic, organic and analytical chemistry?

I am considering a biology major or related major (i.e. microbiology, biochemistry) and I'm very nervous with regards to taking a chemistry course due to the fact that I struggled in chemistry during high school. I'm looking for some advice with regards to taking chemistry classes in college.

Carly’s Avatar
Carly May 23, 2016 5629 views

Being a psychology major, what are good volunteer opportunities I should join to build my resume for grad school?

It is hard to find internships for counseling and psychology, but my career adviser said that volunteer work is just as important. #psychology

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Jul 24, 2016 1479 views

what is a good place to start looking for jobs related to NGOs (non-government organizations) or Non-Profit Organizations?

I am about to graduate obtaining a B.A with an anthropology major. I wonder what is an effective way for a fresh graduate like me without much experience to look for jobs in the NGOs market. I am also an bilingual international student. #career #career-counseling #career-paths #social-work...

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jul 22, 2016 1401 views

What can I do to stand out from the competition in order to get a job?

I'm going into my junior year of high school this summer and was wondering, when trying to get a part-time, summer job as a 16 year old, what is the best way to seem distinguished and be preferable over the competition? #job-search #high-school #summer