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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Dec 26, 2016 1193 views

When choosing what you want to do, is a stable income more important than chasing after what you actually want to do?

All my life, I was constantly encouraged to follow the path of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. I never felt queasy at the sight of blood, I find the heart to be the most interesting organ in the body, and I even would watch surgery videos on YouTube from Mayo Clinic. Although this may have...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 1235 views

What are some ways to job shadow someone?

I know that at my age there are little to no volunteering opportunities or internships or the like in the field that I want to get a taste of. So I am wondering if there are any OB/GYNs who are available to job shadow or if someone knows how to ask someone if they would be willing to be...

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Dec 24, 2016 573 views

Is it possible to graduate from grad school early?

I know that it is possible to get a bachelor's degree early in undergrad but is it also possible to gets a masters degree earlier than the expected date? #college #graduate-school

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Dec 24, 2016 1198 views

Am I making the right choice with my major?

My name is Briana and I am a college freshman. I have recently finished my first semester and am confused. I had previously asked about possible major options, and had thought I was sure, but there's all types of doubts that come up with each choice. I had talked with one of the career advisors...

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Oct 30, 2016 820 views

What job opportunities are available to nuclear engineers?

I'm interested in studying nuclear engineering because (with my limited knowledge) it seems to me to be a great alternative to fossil fuel and nonrenewable energy resources when handled safely, but I feel as though the job market for nuclear engineers is small and there's a very specific niche...

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Dec 22, 2016 921 views

I am a student of linguistics in a Bachelor of Arts program. What jobs can will I qualify for after graduation?

I would like to pursue a career in technology. #programming #information-technology #linguistics

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Dec 21, 2016 931 views

How to take a small business and make it global?

Small businesses are thriving. I want to create a skin care business that uses natural methods to healing skin. As well as alternative types of healing such as binaural beats. For example selling binaural beats playlists for college students struggling with finals or day to day activities. I...

Lilian’s Avatar
Lilian Dec 20, 2016 1238 views

What career can I land with a busniess degree?

I am currently majoring in business and many people around me as well. Even though I am majoring in business, many family members and friends around me don't agree with me pursuing this major. The most common reason is "You won't find a job." #business #career-counseling #career-choice...

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Dec 19, 2016 736 views

What are some ways to improve creative problem solving skills?

It's important to be creative if you want to be accomplished in engineering and I'd like to really start developing the mindset. The other day my teacher showed me a game she used called Disruptus in which you look at cards with ideas or object and try to innovate something new based off of...

Luka’s Avatar
Luka Dec 19, 2016 1241 views

Is it beneficial to go to university outside of the country if pursuing a major in international affairs?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I was thinking about different colleges and majors. I was wondering if it is beneficial to go to university outside of country if a person wants to major in international affairs. #college #college-major #international #international-affairs

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Dec 17, 2016 1014 views

How does technology make a better employee?

At work, employees uses computers, printers, copy machines etc... How does that help the employee and our modern time efficiency? #business #computer #jobs #work-life-balance #efficiency

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Dec 17, 2016 910 views

Disqualification from college affecting chances of work!

I have been disqualified from college twice for having a low GPA. Am not proud of it, in fact, it worries me to a limit where I lose hope in myself. How is it going to affect my career? #college #business #job #graduate-school #graduate #job-search

Shimaa’s Avatar
Shimaa Nov 26, 2016 939 views

How can I improve my English skills to get Ielts or Toefl ?

I am intermediate in English (writing-listening-reading) and basic in (speaking). I am interested to learn English and be like a native speaker and I want to visit America and some European countries and get a scholarship . #english #english-grammar #academic-english

Shimaa’s Avatar
Shimaa Dec 13, 2016 1447 views

can any one tell me a website , a book or something else to help me to understand chromatography?

I am a B.student in a Faculty of science, I want to understand chromatography well. #chemistry #chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #chemicals

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Dec 12, 2016 991 views

How do you manage school, work, and extracurriculars at the same time ?

I am currently working, and I go to college full time, how can I manage all of these 3 things at the same time while also being successful in them ? #career #school #work #life #full-time

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Dec 10, 2016 702 views

What can I expect from college, and how can I prepare for it?

I will be going to college next fall, and I'm not sure what to expect. Many of my friends who are in college tell me conflicting stories. Some of them say that they are having a great time and they go out a lot. Some of them tell me that it is very hard academically and that they often spend...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 10, 2016 982 views

Does college rankings matter?

I remembered back in high school, rankings was a big thing to me. I would constantly check usnews and other websites to see where a certain school ranked before applying to it. However, now that I'm in a college that is averagely ranked, I am wondering if ranking of a college really does...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 29, 2016 1004 views

How did you narrow down your options of what you would study after high school?

I am a senior in high school, and I am trying to narrow down my options of what field I would like to study when I go to college next fall. I enjoy math and science. I had always viewed my options as going into the medical field or becoming a math or P.E. teacher. I am involved in sports and...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Dec 09, 2016 1100 views

What are the merits of studying abroad?

I am a second year student in college, and I was thinking about studying abroad after one of my friends told me she was planning on doing so the next year. I would love to find out more information about the program, but I'm not sure if it is the right decision. Are their specific majors that...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Dec 09, 2016 872 views

Which colleges/universities should I apply to?

I live in California, and I am reluctant to go too far for college. I would like to stay relatively close to home, so I can visit my parents and come back home without having to travel too far. I'm interested in computer science and psychology, and I would like to do something in one of those...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Dec 09, 2016 941 views

How do you balance your schoolwork and your social life?

I've been in college for one year, and I'm currently in my second year. College has been much harder on me than I expected it to be, and I often find myself spending the majority of my time studying for my classes. I want to go out and have fun, but I see my friends and classmates studying and...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Dec 08, 2016 1061 views

Double major dilemma

As of right now, I am currently an English major finishing up my first semester in college. I really love my major(it was changed from marine science) and I'm so excited to continue on with it and see where it takes me. That being said, I am a little worried about being able to pay off my...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Dec 07, 2016 872 views

What majors do you recommend in order to be an ethnomusicologist?

I am currently enrolled in a World Musics class at my university, and I find the field of ethnomusicology fascinating. However, I'm curious what majors lead to this. There's music, obviously, but this doesn't prepare one for understanding other cultures. It seems that sociology would be equally...

Deana’s Avatar
Deana Dec 07, 2016 1601 views

What does a first job represent?

I'm a high school senior looking for a part time position as my first job. Should a first job like this be focused on whatever is available, or should it connect to the career I want to pursue in the future. For context, I want to work as a macro social worker in the future, but there are few...

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Dec 05, 2016 889 views

Should you start your own business after graduating college?

I am currently studying Finance at a community college. I would like to know if I should start my own business after graduation? If it is not a good idea, how long should work until I start my own business? #college #business #finance #graduate #after-graduation

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Dec 05, 2016 1016 views

Is Ivy league everything?

Is attending an Ivy league school going to really help me get better jobs? Is it worth it when compared to a high ranked non-Ivy league university? #college #university #admissions #ivy #league

Dariana’s Avatar
Dariana Nov 01, 2016 2070 views

How many years of college does it take to be a biochemist?

I'm asking this because I want to be a biochemist and want to know how long it takes to plan my future steps. #college #biochemistry

Nomar’s Avatar
Nomar Oct 30, 2016 1505 views

What's the day-to-day routine of a Chemical Engineer actually like?

I want to get my Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, but I want to know what problems they deal with everyday rather than generic "Some chemical engineers make designs and invent new processes. Some construct instruments and facilities. Some plan and operate facilities. Chemical...

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Dec 03, 2016 1010 views

How do decide what major to take in college???

I would like to go to UGA and I am not sure what I would like to major in. It seems like something to really commit to and I am ready to that but It just always pains me to think that I might not find what I could be interested in doing. #college #college-major

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Dec 02, 2016 1438 views

What types of questions should I expect in an interview?

I am a sophomore accounting major wondering how I should prepare for an interview. What types of questions do interviewers normally ask? Also, should I prepare questions to ask them about the business? #college #business #internships #interviews #job-application

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 02, 2016 980 views

Can you share your experience on how you determine what type of accounting you want to focus on?

Today while conversing with my school adviser, she asked me what type of accounting I wanted to focus on. It was until that moment that I learned that accounting has three focus: taxation, auditing, and financing. I did a lot of research over the past few days because she wanted me to get back...

Christine ’s Avatar
Christine Dec 01, 2016 755 views

Is it difficult to get a job as an asthma specialist?

I'm considering studying that once I get to medical school but I'm wondering if it's worth it. Will there be enough jobs open or should I think of another field to go into to? #college #medicine #school #astthma

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Oct 30, 2016 1339 views

What industries are chemical engineers the most successful in?

I plan to major in chemical engineering when I go to college next year, and I've often wondered about which chemical industry to pursue. Chemistry is a very broad topic applicable to many aspects of our lives, and I would like to know which industry is on the rise. Do you suggest food, fuel,...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Oct 25, 2016 752 views

What are some techniques/advice I can use to promote myself even more during a job interview?

I have just landed a job interview for a position as a secretary, but I lack the past office job experiences that they prefer. In the past, I have mainly worked as a camp counselor as well as volunteered at a couple of shelters. Are there any techniques or just advice that can help me make...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 27, 2016 5136 views

Is taking a semester off for an internship a good choice?

As part of my school's Accounting and Taxation Honor Program, there is a requirement to take the winter semester of our senior year off for an internship. This internship will give me an insight into the accounting field as well as possibly landing me a job after college. All my financial aid...

Jose ’s Avatar
Jose Oct 30, 2016 879 views

What college courses should someone wanting to pursue robotics engineering take so that they are well prepared for the future

I will be beginning college in a few months giving the fact that I am completing my last year of high school and I would like to pursue a job in the robotics engineering line of work and I was wondering what classes I should take so that I will be best prepared for my future to come. #robotics...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Oct 30, 2016 860 views

Is it worth the extra year to find a Co-op?

Every college I have visited has talked about the amazing Co-op program they offer for engineering students. Co-op programs seem to have greater success for the student as opposed to internships that only last the summer. If I decide to do a Co-op, will that affect my cost to attend that...

Tiffany’s Avatar
Tiffany Oct 31, 2016 2857 views

What do "Universal Studies" Consist of in a List of Majors?

I've applied to a few colleges and universities that offer Universal Studies as one of their major topics! When speaking to a professor from ECU, he told me that Universal Studies holds a group of many different topics- one of them being forensic science, which is what I want to major in....

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Oct 31, 2016 799 views

What are things an electrical engineer does on a day to day basis?

I'm planning in majoring in electrical engineering at the University of Arizona. #electrical-engineering

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 31, 2016 1014 views

What is the typical day like for an engineer?

I want to be an electrical engineer because I love hands-on experience. However, I don't really know detail on what an engineer's day is like. #engineering #electrical-engineering

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Oct 18, 2016 912 views

How to finalize your choice of major before college?

I am trying to decided between to passions of science and art. I had decided on web design, for having computer science and art but I am having other choices on my passion for animation. Can I do both or would that be hard? #college #college-major #highschool

Duaa’s Avatar
Duaa Oct 18, 2016 907 views

How to begin to shadow?

Hello, I am a pre-med student (freshman in college) and I am really worried about not being able to gain shadowing experience because whenever I ask someone how they shadowed they're like "My parents know doctors" and my family don't really know doctors and I feel like that's the only way...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Oct 18, 2016 732 views

How can I find a job that I know I will enjoy in the future?

I am a junior in High school, and have always been interested in mathematics and possibly going into health professions. How do i know i am making the right choice for my future? #science #health #math #professions

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Nov 23, 2016 973 views

How do I transfer colleges?

I'm a current high school student. I was just curious how the process might be to transfer from a school to a better one that I might not be able to get into from high school. #college #college-admissions #college-selection #college-transfer

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 892 views

STEM Questions and Concerns

Since engineering is such a broad field of study, how would you find the type of engineering for you? #engineering #stem #stem-education

Tiffany’s Avatar
Tiffany Nov 01, 2016 984 views

Will Living in a Rural Community Decrease Chances for Success?

I live in a very rural community. Some people have said that they couldn't go to certain schools and colleges because people looked down on the school I went to. Others said that since my school has a lack of teachers and some of our classes are online, colleges don't like that either. However,...

Mitra ’s Avatar
Mitra Nov 12, 2016 958 views

What types of jobs do people with international relations majors do?

I am trying to figure out what to major in and want to hear from someone who majored in international relations. #college #international #relations

Mitra ’s Avatar
Mitra Nov 12, 2016 1456 views

Do you have to major in business/ economics to go to business school and get an MBA?

Will I have trouble in business graduate school if I don't major in business #college #business #school #grad

Mitra ’s Avatar
Mitra Nov 12, 2016 1087 views

What’s the best way to find internships while in college?

I want to find a good internship during college that can help me once I graduate. #college #internships

Samantha ’s Avatar
Samantha Nov 15, 2016 898 views

How do I find the perfect career?

Even though I am a freshman in High School, I want to start thinking of a future career, but I do not know where to start off. #college #career #university