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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1151195 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 29, 2020 582 views

What is the difference between a radiologist and a radiology tech?

#medicine #career

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Aug 26, 2020 729 views

What degrees should I have for an anesthesiologist?

#anesthesiologist #doctor #medical-school

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Dec 12, 2019 647 views

What is the best way to prepare for a pre-med program?

Hello, I’m in 11th grade and I am highly interested in becoming an anesthesiologist. Of course, with this in mind I’ve been trying my best to excel in chemistry, biology and other helpful classes. I’m wondering if there are any other ways or a better approach to preparing myself for a...

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 26, 2020 823 views

About how many doctors should you shadow before going into med school?

#medical-school #doctor #premed #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 443 views

What is a radiologist?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Ni' Yah’s Avatar
Ni' Yah Sep 13, 2019 553 views

Would I have to enter this the automotive vocation having some type of knowledge about cars?

I am deciding to join the Automotive trade but I do not know anything about cars. #any

Daliah’s Avatar
Daliah Sep 06, 2019 835 views

best mcat study guides?

I want to go to medical school. #medicine #any

Tyclasia’s Avatar
Tyclasia Mar 12, 2019 829 views

Did you ever feel like quiting when situations became too much?

#medicine #any #career

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 26, 2020 534 views

Is a CAT scan similar to an MRI?

#career #medicine

Destney’s Avatar
Destney Aug 11, 2018 3414 views

Do you feel that college is necessary to have an successful career?

#career #careers #career-choice

Agustin’s Avatar
Agustin Apr 12, 2019 703 views

How many years of schooling do you need to become a electrician?

Do you need to know math, science, or reading to that job? #career

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna May 18, 2016 774 views

Are there any programs or internships that would increase my chances of getting into Medical School and help get more hands-on experience in the Nashville area?

I am going to study biology on a pre-med track at Vanderbilt next fall, and I want to do whatever I can to become the best doctor possible. I would love to find some sort of program to put me ahead of the game. #pre-med #internship #vanderbilt #medicine #hospital-and-health-care l

Alvin’s Avatar
Alvin May 18, 2016 801 views

Is focus on a specific field or exploration of many different fields better for getting into med school?

I'm interested in being either a researcher or a doctor/surgeon of some sort. #pre-med #research #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

maxim’s Avatar
maxim May 18, 2016 1055 views

does it matter what to major in college to get into a medical school?

i considering going to med school but don't know if i should major in pre-med or if it even matters #medicine #college-major #pre-med #biology #hospital-and-health-care

andrea’s Avatar
andrea May 12, 2016 3307 views

For a pre-med track, which major would be more helpful: General Biology, Human Biology or Molecular Biology?

I was considering switching from a Molecular Biology to General Biology major before selecting my schedule and was wondering if any on biology major would benefit me most. #college-major #biology #pre-med

Daija’s Avatar
Daija May 09, 2016 1167 views

How do I go about getting my college in mind do recognize me ?

I am planning ahead for my future in college and would love to learn more about the application process. #college #college-admissions #college-advice #higher-education #career

Diana’s Avatar
Diana May 04, 2016 1203 views

Is it necessary to be in a pre-medicine program during undergraduate school in order to attend medical school?

I am not enrolled for pre-medicine at my university, so I wanted to know if this would hurt my chances of getting admitted into medical school. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #pre-med

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Jun 18, 2020 882 views

How can technology affect your career in the future?

#technology #tech

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 18, 2019 1702 views

How Does One Keep Their Computer Technology Skills And Knowledge Up To Date?

Hello, my name is Alex - and I'm hoping to land a job in the Tech field after I graduate from Job Corps after my 8-12 months in trade. One thing that concerns me is how quickly computers and the pieces within them can out pace their predecessors, and how fast 'bleeding edge' can fall behind....

Kenh Mae’s Avatar
Kenh Mae Mar 14, 2019 8817 views

What is the difference between web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

#technology #tech

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Mar 05, 2019 545 views

What are the biggest technological advancements in medicine?

#tech #technology #medicine #doctor #biology

Lera’s Avatar
Lera May 04, 2016 1700 views

In what ways is technology utilized by doctors?

I'm considering becoming a doctor, and I would like to know the ways in which technology is important to people in this profession. #doctor #medicine #technology

Dinesh’s Avatar
Dinesh Jun 22, 2020 1219 views

How to approach software development early on in career?

As an intern, I see that the enterprise projects are very different from what we make at university level. The technology used requires me to go through a lot of new technologies. How should I approach this. Should I be worried for not knowing these tech stacks or Is it natural and common for a...

Balram’s Avatar
Balram Apr 28, 2016 1323 views

How do I become a Software Engineer ?

I am in 10th Class and i love to work on diffrent Projects releted to computers. I have design Websites, Blogs, Youtube Channel and Mobile App.
#engineer #software-engineering #computer-software #software

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Dec 05, 2018 1192 views

What major did you study in college and was it useful in your career?

I'm considering being a computer software developer and I want to know what degree would get me there. What colleges would you recommend for this career?

#computer-software #software-engineer #college-major

AZIZ’s Avatar
AZIZ Apr 28, 2016 1109 views

What are the advantages I would get from college?

My goal is to become a software engineer. #college #software #software-engineering #software-engineer #college-advice #college-major

Chrissy101’s Avatar
Chrissy101 Jun 27, 2015 6356 views

Do I absolutely need to take bio,Chem and physics in high school to become a doctor?

I'm currently in grade 10 but in September I will be in grade 11. I was wondering if I absolutely need to take bio,Chem and physics in high school to become a doctor? Can I just take science 20? Will I not become a doctor if I don't take these courses in high school? #doctor #medicine #science...

Darlyn’s Avatar
Darlyn May 04, 2015 1663 views

What classes or requirements must be met to get into medical school ?

I am a high school senior and am quite interested in studying medicine. #medicine #pre-med #premed

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Mar 17, 2015 999 views

Is it fine to pursue a degree outside of medicine if you want to have a career in medicine?

My name is Anthony, and I am a senior in high school. I initially thought I wanted to study biomedical engineering because most of the courses fulfill medical school requirement, but now, I have found other majors that peak my interests, such as Biological Sciences, Anthropology and Africana...

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 759 views

Whats some advice on how to deal with stress?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 995 views

Are AP classes really worth taking?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 793 views

Whats the most important thing to learn as a doctor?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Aug 20, 2020 649 views

what is the hardest part to being a professional at technology at the university

I am 14 years old ,I go to school at maricopa high school and I am in 9th grade and i love to read and play video games and I love to build tech with my hands. and my name is jonathan #tech #high-school #fun

Sinit’s Avatar
Sinit Jun 27, 2018 1256 views

How can I play soccer and how can I be a good player?

#soccer #sports #professional-athlete #professional-sports #athletics

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 21, 2020 409 views

How does the school assist students who do not pass the National Board Examinations?

#passing #failing

Diljot’s Avatar
Diljot Mar 07, 2017 1112 views

French all 4 years?

Is it good to take french all 4 years in highschool #high-school-classes

Kadidiatou Toure’s Avatar
Kadidiatou Toure Sep 04, 2020 379 views

How is it like being an OB? How long I have to stay at school?


AustinNFTEFoodFin’s Avatar
AustinNFTEFoodFin Jan 13, 2012 2136 views

how do you handle defending a person when you know that they did the crime?

i find it hard to defend a person when i know that they've done something wrong. #law #lawyer

Najae’s Avatar
Najae Sep 05, 2020 760 views

What should I do to take that next step now that were in a pandemic?

I'm currently in 11th grade, and as of right now, I'm a little lost on the next steps I should take that would be beneficial to my career in the future. I want to become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner or a Nicu nurse. #nurse #health #career #career-paths

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 423 views

Whats a medical profession that gives you enough time in your personal life?

#professional #medical-profession #medicine #high-school

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 474 views

What is your most memorable moment in college?

#experienced #highschool #medical #medicine

Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Sep 03, 2020 813 views

For those in the medical field, how does your affect your lifestyle?

Also, how did your job affect your lifestyle when you first started out in this field? #APN #APRN #RN #Nurse #LPN #CNA #MD #Doctor #Physician #medicalfield #anesthetist

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 509 views

Is there anything that made you become a doctor?

#surgeon #doctor #doctors #scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 536 views

Who or what inspired you to go into the medical field?

#scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 558 views

How do you choose when to have free time and when to focus on your studies?

#scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 595 views

Did you ever have doubts in joining the medical field?

#scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Songio’s Avatar
Songio Aug 03, 2018 450 views

How longs does it take to be a specialist doctor??

How many years does it take to be a specialist doctor #doctor # #surgeon

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Mar 27, 2018 1260 views

What exactly does it mean to be a board-certified surgeon?

Why is it that board-certified physicians/surgeons are held to a higher standard than others? What exactly does it mean to be board-certified? Just more certificates from exams? How does one become board-certified? #boardcertified #surgeon #physician #doctor #certified

Kryston’s Avatar
Kryston Sep 04, 2020 865 views

What colleges do i have to go through by a doctor that delivery babies ?

I'm in the 10th grade i wants to go to college by being a doctor. #doctor #surgeon #physician #doctor #surgeon

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 540 views

Do you have time for yourself when your a doctor?

#pre-med #medical-school #premed #doctors #doctor