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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2266715 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 18, 2019 653 views

how do become a national guard police

#police-officer #police

Bob’s Avatar
Bob Feb 28, 2019 508 views

How do you know if you're ready for college?

#college-advice #college

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Mar 15, 2019 553 views

Are the working conditions following standard protocall?

#work #career #ethic

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Mar 13, 2019 482 views

What do you enjoy the least about the job that you have?

What part of you job or task do you dislike the most? And would you change it if you could and how? #career

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Mar 12, 2019 772 views

How can I get a job in marketing?

I'm interested in #marketing

Bourdana’s Avatar
Bourdana Mar 12, 2019 377 views

what's best career for me?

my major is tourism management, but I would like to study another major.
what kind of major is good for me?

Wolfie Mae’s Avatar
Wolfie Mae Mar 11, 2019 706 views

What skills do you need to be a Veterinarian?

#veterinary #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-medicine #animals

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Mar 10, 2019 668 views

Are there any opportunities you wish you took but never did?

I am having a dilemma about whether or not to pursue music. I LOVE making music but I also am.. nervous.. about pursuing solely music. I have a great opportunity to do so, and I don't want to regret not taking it. #music #musician #music-industry #regrets #opportunities

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Mar 10, 2019 624 views

How do you cope with senioritis, because it is hitting hard?


Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Mar 08, 2019 711 views

What is it like being a lawyer and what school things do you need to learn

It would be helpful to know subjects and tests and test scores. #lawyer #testing #college-admissions

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 06, 2019 555 views

what does take to be come military police?

#military #police #National guard

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Mar 08, 2019 504 views

How does technology relate to medicine?

I know that technology plays some sort of role in the medical field, but what exactly?

#tech #medicine

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Mar 07, 2019 870 views

how do you find a job?

how are you able to get a job when you don't have one? #job-search #tech #career

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Mar 06, 2019 606 views

What can I do to prepare myself physically and mentally for US army boot camp at 14 years of age?

I am planning on being in the army. Is there anything I can do to prepare for boot camp physically? Mentally? I know I still have half of 8th grade left and all of high school but I rather be over prepared than under prepared. Any suggestions on certain workouts? Muscle building? #bootcamp...

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Mar 06, 2019 2213 views

Can I go talk to a army recruiter at 14 years old.

I have a ton of questions to ask about the army to a recruiter. I want to talk to someone about it before high school before I really make it my goal. I want to have a plan before going into a journey that half way through the starting process decide it’s not for me. I really want to talk to a...

AJ’s Avatar
AJ Mar 06, 2019 1079 views

As a woman of color going into the tech field, how can I flourish?

As a minority, I know that it'll be difficult to work in the tech field. With my different skin and different gender in an industry full of white males, how can I push back a potential toxic work environment, and shine through? #tech #technology #engineering #civil-engineering #engineer...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Mar 01, 2019 319 views

What steps/ways are there that I need to make/do to work with human trafficking?

I am a college student in Oklahoma. I am going for my Bachelors degree in rehabilitation counseling and have my associates in child development. I know I want to work with children and teens/young adults dealing with foster/adoption and human trafficking. My passion is to be there for them and...

Grecia’s Avatar
Grecia Feb 27, 2019 536 views

How do you become responsible and mature enough to be able to become independent?

#life #imscared

deonta’s Avatar
deonta Feb 13, 2019 636 views

1. How long do I have to be in this job to be a manager? 2. What is my payment? 3. Can we have headphones in while we working? 4. 5. When do we get our checks in? Can you teach me the ways to use the machine?

Thank you for agreeing to this informational interview. My name is Deonta Smith I am a good worker, and nice guy. I like to worker hard and do my best on my work or job. I’m a Job Corps student in Pine Knot KY, and I am reaching out to you because I believe I would enjoy a career in Louisville...

Jadyn’s Avatar
Jadyn Feb 19, 2019 655 views

Why do you go to work everyday?

#Why #Curious #hashtag #hello #welcometomyquestion #pleaserespond #thankyou #question

Savanna’s Avatar
Savanna Feb 19, 2019 833 views

What are some of the worst part of enlistment, specifically for the Marine Corps?

#marinecorps #military #female #enlistment

Savanna’s Avatar
Savanna Feb 19, 2019 616 views

Best way to study for the ASVAB?

#marinecorps #military #female #enlistment #ASVAB

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Feb 19, 2019 953 views

What's the hardest part of your job?

#police #police-officer #criminal-justice

michael’s Avatar
michael Feb 13, 2019 722 views

Are there related fields I might want to look into?

Thank you for agreeing to this informational interview. My name is Michael, I am 18 years old and I love math and history. I am a Job Corps student at Pine Knot KY. I am reaching out too you because I belive, I would enjoy a career in Underwater Welding. I would appreciate your perspective on...

paige’s Avatar
paige Feb 15, 2019 760 views

what do you do when you don't know what you want to do for your career?

i don't really have anything that i'm really wanting to do in life. i don't know what i'm going to do when i get out of school. #career #college #career-path

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Feb 14, 2019 582 views

What skills have you masterd, that are benifical to your job?

What skills do you have, this is perfect for your job or field?

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Jan 22, 2019 514 views

Being a entry level employ, what is the minimum salary i will make?


aliza’s Avatar
aliza Feb 06, 2019 579 views

Do doctors get fired if a baby or mother dies?

I'm also curious what doctors usually do?
#medicine #doctor #surgery #healthcare

(This question was slightly edited by an admin for clarity)

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Feb 09, 2019 568 views

How do I get a job to start with

I have no work experience no job skills and in have a fear of the unknown about work

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Feb 12, 2019 695 views

What's the hardest thing for you about this job?

#construction #career #construction-worker

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Feb 12, 2019 722 views

What is a good career path for someone who enjoys deliberating in meetings?

Most people hate sitting in meetings all day, but I enjoy it. I am involved in Student Government, and think Higher Education Administration might be a good fit. What are some other good career path for someone like me? #career #meetings #higher-ed #business #administration #college

michael’s Avatar
michael Jan 31, 2019 714 views

what kindsof work samples should my prolfolio have

what kinds of work samples should my portfolio have in it #job

niyeh’s Avatar
niyeh Feb 06, 2019 556 views

How much do people that work in the field of human services get paid?

social work being an example of human services #helpothers #social-work #human-services

Clifford Khent’s Avatar
Clifford Khent Mar 06, 2018 846 views

What should I minor in with my Psychology degree?

Hello! I have been considering in Minoring in something lately. Of course, I'd like to minor in something beneficial to my major. I'd eventually like to pursue Applied Behavioral Analysis or Clinical Psychology in Grad school. Any tips? #college-minor #college #college-major #psychology...

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Jan 08, 2019 906 views

How long does it take to become a Detective?

#law #criminal-justice #lawyer #police #law-enforcement

Lawson’s Avatar
Lawson Dec 16, 2018 606 views

Should I become a Junior emt?

I have been wanting and studying pediatrics in high school and I was told that if I got my credits early and would be able to graduate at the end of the first semester my senior year, should I study to receive this job and would it look good on a med school record?#children

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Dec 14, 2018 648 views

What do you need educational wise to become a cop?




sarah’s Avatar
sarah Dec 12, 2018 1760 views

how can I find a pilot to job shadow?

#martin-cameron #pilot #airline-industry #aviation

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Nov 30, 2018 544 views

What is a typical day of work like for you? (Police Officer)

What are some of the things you do for work? How do you feel most of the time at work (excited, drained, happy, frustrated, etc.)? Are you constantly in danger everyday? #law

Camdyn’s Avatar
Camdyn Aug 03, 2018 559 views

My goal, after I achieve a Bachelor's degree, is to continue and earn my Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy. How do I handle couples who are in a toxic relationship?

What is the best way to tell them that it is time to go their separate ways?

Camdyn’s Avatar
Camdyn Aug 03, 2018 722 views

My goal is to become a parent / family life educator. How do I maintain peace in my life when helping children daily who are hurting in their life? How do I keep work, at work?

I'm concerned that I will be worried about kids on a daily basis and need to learn techniques to help children, but maintain my sanity
#helpingothers #children

Naysa’s Avatar
Naysa Nov 28, 2018 1427 views

Applying for jobs

Should you apply for jobs if you don't have all the recommended skills needed? Can you learn them when you get there? #job-search #resume #job-application

sean’s Avatar
sean Nov 27, 2018 560 views

why do you like being a police offier

is being a police officer rewarding #police-officer

Carlos’s Avatar
Carlos Nov 27, 2018 706 views

Can i be a police officer

#police #police-officer #criminal-justice do I have the qualification to be in the law

mustafa’s Avatar
mustafa Nov 20, 2018 592 views

i am not a biology student, how can i get to work with animals?

i am a computer science student but i regret not choosing biology as i love animals. i just want work like coyote Peterson. please advise me about some careers in which i can work with animals without studying biology
#biology #animals

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Nov 12, 2018 860 views

How to Structure and Write a great Statement of Purpose for Graduate School?

Hi, I am a mechanical engineering senior interested in applying for grad school for next fall. I understand that schools want a statement of purpose/essay detailing why I want to apply for the program, my interests, my experience, etc. I'm interested in design and manufacturing engineering and...

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Nov 08, 2018 703 views

How can I work as a lawyer to help human trafficking victims?

I have recently decided to go to law school after undergrad. I am currently a sophomore at East Tennessee State. I figured I would major in Political Science and minor in English and Social Work. I want to do something large and make a difference for those who are incapable. I also am not...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Nov 07, 2018 715 views

What can I do with my Criminal Justice degree

Recent graduate with a bachelor's in Criminal Justice. I've been job searching but have had no luck so far. #jobsearching #criminal-justice #jobsearching #criminology

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Nov 05, 2018 1121 views

How much should I consider salary when choosing a major or career?

College debt is such a big issue and I don’t want to spend years working towards a degree that won’t get me a good career. I don’t have a strong passion for a certain field yet (but I do enjoy STEM), and I feel bad making a huge life decision based mostly off of money. #college #career...

Ty’s Avatar
Ty Nov 05, 2018 887 views

What online classes can I take during high school to learn about business?

I'm currently in 10th grade and planning on getting a business degree and minoring in film and music production. Im from Texas and am planning on staying in the state for college for its possible. I'm trying to find an intro business class or some sort of class that has something to do with...