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Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2266577 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Zari’s Avatar
Zari Oct 30, 2018 722 views

What is the maximum amount of money I would earn in getting a career in my field of study?

Journalism #career #money

iris’s Avatar
iris Oct 30, 2018 826 views

Can I change my major in college?

#undergraduate #college #major

iris’s Avatar
iris Oct 30, 2018 872 views

Do professor cared about you being in class on time?

#professor #college #college-applications #college-major

Kandice’s Avatar
Kandice Oct 29, 2018 836 views

What is the proper way for studying for a college exam?

Please help me with studying tips to ace my college exams. #college #study #studyhabits #exam

Scott’s Avatar
Scott Oct 29, 2018 677 views

What are the job prospects for A&P mechanics in the US for the next 5 years?

An A&P mechanic is a mechanic for commercial and private planes. #aviation #mechanics

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Oct 23, 2018 847 views

If my overall GPA isn’t that good in high school isn’t that good and I’m a senior, is going to community college my first two years a good option? I don’t think I’ll get intnthe college I want to get into.

#GPA #college #college-admissions #college-advice

Darlie’s Avatar
Darlie Oct 24, 2018 774 views

What are some things that I should study for SAT in order to increase my score by 250 points

My sat grade the first time wasn’t that I’m trying to bring it up to at least a 1100 any pointers
#college-admissions #testing #sat

Darlie’s Avatar
Darlie Oct 24, 2018 771 views

My gpa is a 2.83 my dream college says if a student has a gpa of 3.3 they are automatically accepted, how do I bring up my gpa?

I’m a senior this year and my dream college early application is this December #college-admissions #gpa #college-applications

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Oct 22, 2018 673 views

What types of law are their other than criminal law?

#lawyer #criminal-justice #attorney

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Jul 13, 2018 650 views

how many spots are there in the medical filed ?

like if i wanted to be a pediatrician how many spots are there in that type of medical field. #doctor

Galicia’s Avatar
Galicia Oct 18, 2018 968 views

What is the Best College or University to go to be a Detective or a police officer?

#college #police-officer #law-enforcement #criminal-justice

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Sep 05, 2018 742 views

Is it very stressful to know that you can be called in for an emergency delivery?

My name is Olivia and I am in the 8th grade at South Ripley Junior high. I love to care for babies and kids. I like to babysit babies and kids,I am a big baby lover and a kid lover too! #obgyn

Galicia’s Avatar
Galicia Oct 16, 2018 1718 views

Do I have to go to the military for I can be able to detective?

I was wondering if going to the military will help my chances into becoming a detective.Since, to be a detective you have to become a police officer first. #law-enforcement

Cierra’s Avatar
Cierra Oct 15, 2018 826 views

In a job interview, I often hear that despite it being illegal, there are questions such as age and sexuality asked. What is a good way to get around this?

According to various sources (including personal contacts), interviewers sometimes break the law in terms of personal questioning. Of course that would make the interview difficult, and so I wonder what some tips are to help cirumvent this.

#job #interviews #career #job-search

Molly’s Avatar
Molly May 29, 2018 684 views

How are young adults supposed to gain the experience needed to get their dream job if every job along the way requires experience that the person is there to gain?

Experience is always required but what if the applicant has not been given the chance to gain such experience? #jobs #career

Jessie’s Avatar
Jessie Aug 23, 2018 667 views

What is the best major to study if I plan to work for a non-profit post graduation?

#non-profit #major

Elissa’s Avatar
Elissa Oct 15, 2018 640 views

Are there any better ways to study Bone landmarks?

The direct memorization of bone landmarks is really difficult me. Are there any good videos or study tricks that would help? Especially related to remembering the bone landmarks Names and spellings on the skull. #college #college-major #nurse #healthcare #nursing

Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Oct 14, 2018 751 views

What do I need to do to lower by student debts?

I want to come out of college as close to debt free. I am going to an out of state university. #financial-aid #finance #student-loans #money

Sahonara’s Avatar
Sahonara Oct 14, 2018 659 views

What graduate degrees provide the best job security after graduation?

#career #first-job

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Oct 13, 2018 2069 views

Should I dorm with my best friend or with someone new?

My best friend and I have been best friends since elementary school. If we end up going to the same college together, should I dorm with her or try meeting someone new? I of course would still be close with her either way, so do I try to branch out or dorm with someone I already know?...

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Oct 13, 2018 638 views

What should I study for LSATs?

My main goal is to get into law school, though I am slightly unaware as to what to study. Does anyone know what I should focus on? #law-school #college

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 13, 2018 518 views

I am presently a Masters student in Dispute Resolution and Advocacy my plan is to be a peace advocate but i realise that what makes me happy the most is music career not law career What should i do at this stage of my life?

I want to know if its wise for me to change my career plan at this Masters level #career-choice

Royal’s Avatar
Royal Oct 13, 2018 739 views

How to handle life in general

Im too busy with everything going on for college? what to do.

Hadlea’s Avatar
Hadlea Oct 12, 2018 659 views

What other career paths, besides teaching, would be a good path to go on with a Major in Spanish?

I've taken 6 years in Spanish already and I am going to major in Spanish in college. I am thinking about teaching Spanish after getting my degree, but I am also curious what other career options i could have. #career-choice

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 11, 2018 740 views

Is there anything I should know before starting college?

I'm really worried about not being prepared for college. Is there anything I should know/do that will help me before and during my college years? #college-advice #college

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Oct 10, 2018 622 views

What will i be expecting if i enter the University of College Station for Vet tech and Veterinary Medicine?

#medicine #veterinary-medicine #veterinary-medicine #veterinary #collegestation

Marie Angelica’s Avatar
Marie Angelica Oct 09, 2018 623 views

As a psychologist, how are you able to cope with the people you are working with?

#medicine #psychology #premed

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Sep 21, 2018 548 views

Should I work a job while I am a full time student

I am a full time student so I have a lot of work to do, but I also need some money. Is it a good idea to have a job on top of my class responsibilities?


Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Jan 13, 2018 2478 views

How can I kill my college interview?

I have to do an interview for a scholarship, and I am very nervous. Any advice? #interviews #interviewing-skills #advice #college-interview #scholarships #scholarship-interview #interview-questions #interview-preparation #interviewing

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Oct 08, 2018 395 views

What is the best advice you can give someone who wants to get a very specialized job?


Katy’s Avatar
Katy Oct 05, 2018 508 views

If I cannot find a job in my career field after college, what should I do?


Allie’s Avatar
Allie Oct 04, 2018 535 views

If the major that is related to your dream job is not available at your college, how would you suggest to include these studies into your college career?

I'm interested in following a path of #disabilitystudies and #law. However, most colleges in my state do not offer disability studies course. Do you have any advice on how to incorporate this into my studies?

Ashlyn’s Avatar
Ashlyn Oct 03, 2018 3893 views

I want to be a police officer or a police dispatcher but I have asthma. What one would be better to go into

#police-officer #law #law-enforcement #criminal-justice #police

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Aug 25, 2018 764 views

What are good internships for criminal justice majors ?

I am a criminal justice major aspiring to become a lawyer. What type of internships should I apply for ?#law

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Aug 27, 2018 613 views

What types of jobs are available to me if I graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice?

#law #law-school #corrections

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Mar 29, 2018 864 views

If the boss is given attitude or back talk how are they dealt with?

Toxicity in the workplace is awful, how would the boss deal with them. #management #career

Rubi’s Avatar
Rubi Sep 29, 2018 454 views

Do you have to be extremely smart to be in the medical field?

Im not the smartest, it takes a little studying to comprehend what I need. One thing I am though, is determined! I’m determined to make it to the top. I’m determined to understand the criteria. I’m determined to learn everything that is necessary. My future is important. #college #healthcare

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 27, 2018 726 views

I feel like I am not getting involved in college as much as I should. I basically go to my classes and that's it. I don't really go out or anything... I'm majoring in dietetics and want to get involved in some things related to that or just overall fun activities, but I'm not sure what or how. Any suggestions?

#college #involvement #college-advice #college-selection

Kacie’s Avatar
Kacie Aug 30, 2018 715 views

What should I do if I know what major I want to pursue, but not what profession?

I'm a high school senior #scholarships

Emem’s Avatar
Emem Sep 29, 2018 776 views

What are the chances of a female being successful in petroleum engineering?

#engineering #women

Emem’s Avatar
Emem Sep 29, 2018 721 views

Is it wise to go straight to graduate school after getting a bachelor's degree or should there be some wait time?

#graduate-school #college-advice #time-management

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Sep 28, 2018 811 views

After pursuing a degree in the field you want to be, can you go into the armed forces?

Is it too late to join the armed forces when you graduate from a University? #college #military

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Sep 28, 2018 615 views

What should I do if my professor does not tolerate opposing thoughts?

#professor #college #discussion #tolerance #differentbeliefs

alondra’s Avatar
alondra Sep 24, 2018 633 views

Is is a smart decision to take out loans?


Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Sep 19, 2018 613 views

How do you get work experience in the career you want to go into when the career requires work experience?

#education #workexperience #handsonlearning

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Sep 18, 2018 862 views

What spending habits could I use to spend less money?

#college #money #college-advice #help

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Sep 17, 2018 515 views

How hard is it to manage chronic illness in college?

Hi! I have Autism, ADHD, Depression/Anxiety, chronic pain, artificial #college #education #career #school lenses in my eyes and several other health issues. I'm wondering how hard it is to manage a college workload with these disorders?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Apr 06, 2018 598 views

I would like to earn an Agriculture Law degree, what college(s) would fit me?

I would like to attend a college with a agricultural background.

#aglaw #ariculture #law #college

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 26, 2015 1638 views

What does a good job mean if your not getting enough money?

I'm a middle school student and I want a job but can't find one that's right for me. What's a job if you work your butt off and not get enough money? if you could answer my questions that would be great thank you.

K’s Avatar
K Sep 11, 2018 1721 views

Double Major in Psychology & Nutrition?

So, I’m a senior in college & I’m now questioning all of my life decisions. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE psychology. But I’m just now realizing throughout the years I’ve always had such a strong passion for nutrition & I don’t know what to do. My original plan was to go to grad school & get my...