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jonathan’s Avatar
jonathan Mar 05, 2017 1597 views

How do I make my resume perfect?

Currently I am applying for scholarships and jobs and want to have the perfect resume #college #jobs #college-recruiting #job-application

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Feb 26, 2017 935 views

Great tools / examples for first resumes

Hi everyone, I'm preparing my resume for my first intern. Mainly for HR positions in Hong Kong. I'm researching to find a simple yet standing out resumes. Do you guys have any good templates, examples, or tools for building resumes? I'd appreciate your personal examples too if you have one!...

Carlos’s Avatar
Carlos Feb 23, 2017 1328 views

How can I find an internship for business or finance?

I'm a High school junior and really want to pursue a career in business or finance. I want an internship to gain experience and show an my interest to colleges. I know I'm young but is there any hope in finding a position like that? #business #finance #business-management #financial-services...

Jodie’s Avatar
Jodie Feb 13, 2017 1472 views

What are good jobs to get you started and help you to build confidence?

I would like to soon apply for a job. I'm 17 years old and have not previously had any work, I'm also quite a quiet person so would like a job thats not overwhelming, but that still offers good experience and is of a relatively good pay for a few days a week (I need the time to relax, as well...

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Feb 07, 2017 967 views

Agencies and companies

Hi everyone, I'm doing a lot of research in career path as I'll be graduating from college soon. I wonder what are the differences between agencies and companies. I see the basics, that agencies work as intermediary between companies, consumers, and other companies. However, I don't understand...

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Feb 04, 2017 1777 views

How would you recommend I go about getting a job in Hong Kong?

Hi everyone, I am a college student currently very interested in working in Hong Kong. I am using some resources like Linkedin and stuff. I hear that it is possible to get jobs there even without sufficient Chinese(Cantonese and Mandarin alike). I'm looking for experiences in areas of: sales,...

Carlos’s Avatar
Carlos Jan 28, 2017 1783 views

How do I start an advertising campaign?

I recently came across a small cafe near my home;it's nice, comfy, and sells good Coffee. The cafe is new (4-5 months) and is having trouble bringing in business ,I offered to help them market their store and they agreed. I only have the most basic understanding of what advertising means ....

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Jan 28, 2017 1117 views

How do I find work opportunities abroad?

I'm a college student in Boston and I'm looking for work experiences abroad from United States. I major in Economics and Business, and don't have much skill with IT(except MS office) or practical(things like design or architecture) skills. Other than resources from my school and Linkedin, I'm...

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Jan 28, 2017 1610 views

What job experiences can lead to career in Human Resources?

Hi there, I'll be graduating in an year and I'm looking through my career paths and job experiences. I have lots of experiences of living abroad and willing and wanting to work anywhere in the world. I think some values of skills of HR management really fits to me; such as listening skills,...

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Nov 23, 2016 973 views

How do I transfer colleges?

I'm a current high school student. I was just curious how the process might be to transfer from a school to a better one that I might not be able to get into from high school. #college #college-admissions #college-selection #college-transfer

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Nov 03, 2016 2238 views

What questions to ask an entrepreneur panel?

I'm hosting a panel of entrepreneurs at my high school, what kind of questions should I ask them specifically pertaining to the fact they are entrepreneurs.

Marlee’s Avatar
Marlee Oct 30, 2016 998 views

As an introvert how do I prepare to live in dorm with strangers?

It is difficult to talk to new people #history #anyone #with #same

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Oct 30, 2016 1128 views

What is the most important piece of advice you would give to a future female engineer?

I am very interested in an engineering career and I want to know some great advice for a female in this industry. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #aerospace-engineering #chemical-engineering #industrial-engineering #nuclear-engineering

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Oct 30, 2016 1018 views

What is the best way to figure out which kind of engineering to go into?

I know I want to pursue a career in engineering, I'm just not sure which one is right for me and don't know the best ways to figure out which one I'd be most successful in. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #electrical-engineering #aerospace-engineering...

Ritaisha’s Avatar
Ritaisha Oct 30, 2016 689 views

What is something that you need to keep in mind when studying to become a labor and delivery nurse?

I want to be a labor and delivery nurse and I want to make sure I know everything about it and all its qualifications. #medicine #nursing #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses

Ritaisha’s Avatar
Ritaisha Oct 30, 2016 1252 views

If you could change or add something that would improve nursing, as a whole, what would it be and why?

I am asking this because I want to know the weak spots of nursing and what I need to focus more on. #medicine #nursing #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #pediatric-nursing #nursing-administration

Ritaisha’s Avatar
Ritaisha Oct 30, 2016 1627 views

What do you enjoy most about nursing and Why?

I want to know what makes someone so excited about their job. #medicine #nursing #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education

Ritaisha’s Avatar
Ritaisha Oct 30, 2016 1048 views

What is something that you stumbled on or struggle with while studying to become a registered nurse and how has it impacted your career and life?

I am asking this so I can take it into consideration when I start studying to become a nurse. #medicine #nursing #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Oct 30, 2016 1100 views

What courses will I have to take if I major in engineering in general? and specifically what about aerospace and civil engineering?

I'm interested in studying engineering and what to know what courses I might have to take. #engineering #college-major #civil-engineering #aerospace-engineering #college-selection

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Oct 30, 2016 1025 views

What are courses I will have to take if I major in economics?

I'm interested in studying economics and what to know what courses I might have to take. #college #college-major #economics #college-majors

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Oct 30, 2016 1206 views

What are some tips for majors/careers that require lots of math for someone who doesn't like math the most?

I am a current high school student who is thinking about what I want to major in in college and also what I want to do with my career. The topics of engineering and economics interest me but they both require lots of math. Math is not my favorite subject. #college #engineering #career...

Saul’s Avatar
Saul Oct 29, 2016 1518 views

Can a doctor live a fulfilling life as a doctor and as a parent?

I am asking this because out of all the doctors I have met throughout my time, they have said that they are extremely busy and barely go home. I am curious on how doctors manage their career and family life. Since I want to have children, this always gets me thinking at times. #medicine...

Saul’s Avatar
Saul Oct 29, 2016 837 views

What is one advice that you would give Pre-Medical students as they are pursuing to go to medical school?

I am asking because the odds of adding medical school is a small ratio to students that actually take the pre-med prerequisites. With odds like this, many people refuse to take pre-med if they will not have a shot. I am curious to see what professionals think. #college #medicine #medical-school...

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Oct 28, 2016 973 views

Once training to be an orthodontist, how does one make a living while attending school for so many years?

Seems like a lot of school. How do you pay the bills during that time? Is there clinical where you earn money while learning? #orthodontist #orthodontics #medicine #college #career-counseling

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Oct 28, 2016 825 views

How many years of schooling after college are req'd to become an orthodontist?

Considering as a possible career #orthodontist #orthodontics

Lyndsay’s Avatar
Lyndsay Oct 28, 2016 973 views

Should I major in kinesiology before going on to get my doctorate in physical therapy?

I want to be a physical therapist however I am not completely sure what I should get my bachelors in beforehand. #physical-therapy

Lyndsay’s Avatar
Lyndsay Oct 27, 2016 906 views

Is getting a doctorate in physical therapy worth the debt I'll have to pay off?

I want to pursue this dream of becoming a physical therapist, however, the debt that I will have scares me since that is 7+ years of college.

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Oct 24, 2016 914 views

What type of math is used in day to day life as an architect?

I do love math, I'm not bad at it, I just want to know what to expect. #architecture #architect

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Oct 24, 2016 777 views

What's the day in the life of an architect like?

I'd like to become an architect someday. This has been my dream for a long time now and I want to know what to expect! #architecture #architect

Jenah’s Avatar
Jenah Oct 24, 2016 1242 views

How can I continue to stay creative within the workplace?

Due to my interest in engineering, I need to keep my mind in the imaginative state, and continue to be creative. How can I practice these concepts in the workplace? I am aware will have to explore this on my own, or with peers, and continue to better myself in order to prosper in the workplace...

Jenah’s Avatar
Jenah Oct 24, 2016 955 views

What are the statistics of a Chemical Engineer ending up in a leadership role within industry?

I am planning on majoring in Chemical Engineering because I am very drawn to the idea of being offered a new challenge at work every day. I am a problem solver and want to relate that skill to the real world. However, I am also very drawn to the business world, and would like to eventually end...

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 23, 2016 1459 views

If you majored in Computer Science, what is your current job title?

I want to major in computer science, but am #undecided as to what I actually want to do.

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 23, 2016 863 views

What is a day in the life of a computer programmer?

I am going into CIS but not sure exactly what I want to do after graduating with a masters degree. #computer-science #computer-programmer

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Aug 23, 2016 883 views

I want to major in psychology but I want to either double major or get a minor to have more to fall back on. Which would be more beneficial, business or management and as a major or a minor?

Trying to figure out what to do in college! #business #management

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Aug 23, 2016 844 views

What advice would you give to someone who has a passion for dance and wants to stay in that industry but not as a dancer. I wouldn't mind doing business, photography or videography but I'm not sure if I could get a job.

I love dance but I don't think I'd make it in the big leagues! #dance

Araba’s Avatar
Araba Aug 22, 2016 1144 views

I am starting nursing school and I need some advice.

I am a college student. I was in a community college, doing my prerequisites for the nursing degree. I am done with most of them so I transferred to a 4 year college. I have 3 more years and I am done with BSN. I am starting the nursing classes just this fall semester. If you were giving the...

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Aug 18, 2016 920 views

How useful/beneficial is a private college counselor?

I had never heard of anyone using a private counselor but upon moving to the northeast, it seems its a relatively common thing among my friends. #college #college-admissions #guidance-counselor

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Aug 12, 2016 2730 views

What job options do I have to work in a 'behind the scenes' role in broadcast media?

It would be so cool to work in this industry, but I have no interest in doing a job like a sports broadcaster. I'd rather work behind the scenes, not with equipment though. I'm a pretty good writer and people say i'm creative. I really want to find out what my options are! Thank you! #media...

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Aug 12, 2016 4872 views

What do you love most about your job in broadcast media?

I have always been interested in a career in broadcast media. I find the industry so exciting! I'm planning on going to school for broadcast media, but as of now i'm open to what exactly I do. I would like to know what you do in broadcast media and what like most about your job to help me get a...

Silas’s Avatar
Silas Aug 03, 2016 1078 views

Is a better choice to graduate in a school with a biotechnology program or a school that has just a biology major and concentration in Biotech

Am a junior college student majoring in Biotechnology. Am asking my question because I want to make a better choice for my degree #tech #marine-biology #biotechnology #laboratory #forensic-analysis

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jul 28, 2016 1262 views

What is a gap year and is it for me?

I have heard that more and more students are taking gap year after high school and before their college studies. I know the general gist but what exactly is a gap year and why might I want or not want to take one? #college

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 31, 2016 942 views

What kinds of summer jobs should I be looking for?

I am working on getting a job for this summer and I have been applying to every single place I can think of. The problem i have right now is that I just finished my freshman year of college and the place I worked in high school recently shut down. No business wants to hire and train someone to...

Tatyana’s Avatar
Tatyana May 28, 2016 1754 views

How do I stand out more to get in a pharmacy school?

Currently, I have my associates of science/arts, and I am hoping to get my bachelor in biology in the next two years! Then my goal is to apply for Pharmacy school! I need help on how I should stand out more! #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmacist

Tatyana’s Avatar
Tatyana May 28, 2016 4727 views

Should I go into Pharmacy or Dentistry?

Currently, I am enrolled in a community college, and hopefully, by next year, I will be done with my associates. Then I will transfer to a university to finish my biology degree, and after that I'm not sure the pros or cons of either going into the pharmacy or dentistry program? #dentistry...

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey May 27, 2016 872 views

Which city do you think is the best for a new graduate with a BFA in Film/TV production to begin her career--LA or NYC? I am interested in writing for television as well as making independent films one day.

I have been accepted to a prestigious film school within a major university in NY. I am thinking ahead to summer internships and post-graduation. I know LA is considered the entertainment capital of the world and I'd love to live there for a while. However, I heard that it is incredibly...

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey May 27, 2016 1421 views

How important is attending film school in boosting one's chance of breaking into the film/television industry? I've heard debates on both sides but am still undecided as to whether it is a good investment.

I have been accepted into a prestigious film school that will require me and my parents to take on loans in order to meet the half of the tuition/board. Would it be better to major in a more lucrative area and try to do film on the side? I already have had experience in screenwriting,...

Gisela’s Avatar
Gisela May 27, 2016 687 views

On average, how much time do the Chemical Engineering students at the University of Texas at Austin spend studying/

I will become a UT Chemical Engineering student in the fall and I wanted to know the best way to budget my time. #chemical-engineering #university-of-texas

Gisela’s Avatar
Gisela May 27, 2016 859 views

What are the best options for financial aid so late in the year?

It is already may and I still have yet to receive a single dollar that I can put towards my tuition. I was so focused on taking my IB tests that I did not want to mess with scholarships and now I can't afford college. I start at UT in the fall, and I'm terrified that I won't be able to pay for...

Osmanee ’s Avatar
Osmanee May 23, 2016 1235 views

What are different types of jobs that count as being a tech career?

I haven't really heard about various types of tech careers that are available. #expertise

emma’s Avatar
emma May 23, 2016 604 views

what do i need to look for in deciding what college i go to?

just so I can explore my options.

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