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Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 18, 2018 819 views

What's after college?

I don't know what to do after I obtain my degree. Finding a job would be ideal, but where do I start? Should I already be in touch with companies or should I simply apply to some? Should I find a job to keep income steady while I search for the position I desire? I have many questions such as...

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Jan 18, 2018 963 views

What stepping stones should I take in becoming a Physical Therapist?

I go back and forth in what my first steps should be in becoming a Physical a Therapist. Volunteer at hospitals and private practices or shadow athletic trainers and physical therapists.


charles’s Avatar
charles Jan 17, 2018 591 views

im interested in #photography and art and # i dont know how im gonna get to that and where to go

because im a little concerned about it, i want to do art and photography but i dont know where to start. i feel like if i can get there i already know what do do but how i even get to the #photography and art place is unknown,# im not sure where the right place for me to go is

junior’s Avatar
junior Jan 17, 2018 804 views

how can i become a athletic trainer?

because i what this for my career also i like health i like to help people with injuries #medicine #athletic-trainer #sports #athletes #physical-therapy #athletic-training

Bruno’s Avatar
Bruno Jan 17, 2018 637 views

How do I improve my guitar skills?

There are certain artists I look up to (#JimiHendrix, #TheWho, #TheDoors, #TheBeatles, etc.) that have certain techniques in their playing. Whether it's musical knowledge or just their natural ability on the instrument, these guys differ from everyone else. I already mimic them when I...

paul’s Avatar
paul Jan 17, 2018 668 views

Do I need a degree in programmig to become a video game story writer?

I've always enjoyed video games and writing stories, I wanted to know if i need to get a degree in programming in order to write the story for a video game. I'm in 12th grade and I already know what I want to do when I go to college. If a degree is needed to write a story for a video game what...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 17, 2018 1132 views

How old were you when you got your first stable job?

Im still a student but will enter the real world soon. What was it like for you to transition from school to work? What were the hardest things to get used to? What are the best parts of starting work? What advice would you give your past self if you could? #real-world #first-job #jobs...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 17, 2018 571 views

Why did you decide to go to the college that you did?

I'm not sure where I want to go yet and wanted to know how others had made thair decision.


Nicola’s Avatar
Nicola Jan 17, 2018 899 views

Which IT discipline is best if you're weak in math?

#technology #math #information-technology

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jan 17, 2018 757 views

How do I find internships (eventually a career) in a different city?

I’ve live in Southern California my entire life and I really want to move to another city after I graduate, but I’ll need a job. What are some tips on getting an internship/career in a city that’s farther away?

#internship #career-change

Nicola’s Avatar
Nicola Jan 17, 2018 720 views

What IT discipline is the most lucrative?

Full stack, date science, just to name a couple. Which discipline is the most lucrative and makes you the most hire-able as a boot-camp graduate with no professional experience?

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Jan 16, 2018 572 views

How hard is it to become a video game story writer?

I've enjoyed writing stories since the ninth grade and I enjoy playing video games. I just wanted to know how hard is it to become a story writer for video games? do i need a major in programming in it or can I just come up with a story while others do the programming part? #video-games

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 16, 2018 1900 views

What are the best P.A. schools on the west coast?

Looking for 1-2 year programs with College Algebra as highest math requirement.

#medical-education #physician-assistant #graduate-school #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 16, 2018 808 views

What would be the best curriculum for undergrad to apply for any top P.A. program?

Currently enrolled in college to start all undergrad work towards becoming a P.A.

#medicine #pediatrics #physician-assistant #oncology

Odalis’s Avatar
Odalis Jan 16, 2018 566 views

Which are the best ways to get scholarships

I want to not pay too much for college and want to find scholarship #scholarships #college #teaching

Odalis’s Avatar
Odalis Jan 16, 2018 1348 views

Which are the best schools for an education major

I asking because want to know my options for when I start applying for colleges #college #teaching

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Jan 16, 2018 689 views

Why do so many of my high level peers go straight to a 4-year university?

I’m in many high level classes with a high GPA and I feel a pressure to jump on the bandwagon to a university. But is it worth that? I am thinking about going to my local college and then transferring to a university, but is that a waste of my talents? #university #college #college-transfer...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 907 views

Can someone explain how much each person in a business earns?

I'm a new college student and unfamiliar with the business world. I'm curious about how much money a business would need to generate in order to have x amount of employees. I'm also wondering about what percentage each person of the hierarchy would earn. For businesses such as restaurants, I...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 949 views

Making money while attending college

I'm starting college soon so I wanted to know what are some ways to generate some money while attending(besides the obvious part time job). I don't want to miss any opportunities by not asking and hope to widen my perspective on what can be done. Thank you #college #college-job...

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Jan 16, 2018 625 views

Does it matter for medical schools to find school you graduated from?

I think it’s a really important question for medical students, since they have to maintain a really high GPA.
#medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #graduate-school

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Jan 16, 2018 843 views

How an engineering graduate is different from other graduates in terms of job oppurtrnities?

I got this question from one of my peers, and got interested about finding its answer.
#chemical-engineering #engineering #job-outlook

Madi’s Avatar
Madi Jan 16, 2018 1045 views

Is it really my dream job?

There are so many career options available but how do I know if I’ve chosen the right one before actually starting to work? I plan on majoring in chemistry because I’ve always loved science, but I’m worried that, even though there are lots of careers through that major, I might not love it...

Chanvichheka’s Avatar
Chanvichheka Jan 16, 2018 588 views

What if I am still unsure about what I am going to do after college?

Many people are unsure about what they are going to major in going into college; what if I am unsure about what is going to happen after college?

Chanvichheka’s Avatar
Chanvichheka Jan 16, 2018 787 views

How do i know if the college im going to is right for me?

What if the college I'm going to has programs and classes that will benefit me, but doesn't have what I need for my future?
#college-advice #college #college-choice #choosing-a-college #academic-advising

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 16, 2018 817 views

Is it better to major in non science majors as a premed student

Would like to apply to medical school . Was told medical schools look for diverse students who stand out not just science majors

#medicine #college-major #medical-school #college-admissions #graduate-school #pre-med

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 16, 2018 865 views

Is research needed in college

I want to become a doctor and apply to medical school

#medicine #college #research #medical-school #healthcare

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Jan 16, 2018 712 views

I want to become a Robotic Engineer. I already found a college to apply to for this but after college which company's are good to work for?

My dream is to become a Robotic Engineer and I want to ensure that I'll get the most out of it as a job #robotics #girl-engineer #engineering #robotics-engineer

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 16, 2018 775 views

Should I get a PH.D, and MD, or and MD/PH.D?

I don't know yet if I want to go into practice or research so I don't know what type of degree to get. can I do research with an MD so thats safer? or do I need an MD/PH.D to do both? #degrees #research #neuroscience

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 16, 2018 708 views

Should I practice as a Neurologist before I go into Neurobio research?

I've talked to multiple professionals and some say its required and others say if you want to do both always start at research. So I'm confused. Because it would change the type of education I need. #research #neuroscience #science #biology

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 16, 2018 546 views

When in my education is it best to take a gap year?

I want to serve a mission for church (I can only go once I'm 19) but I want to be able to still get a Ph.D or MD #research #LDS

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 14, 2018 749 views

Is applying for early admissions for colleges, and being tied to one school, really worth it?

I'm curious to hear what people who've applied to universities via early admissions have to say about being committed. I worry about getting a better offer, possibly with more scholarship money offered, that would've been a better choice but I won't be able to accept. #earlyadmissions #college...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 14, 2018 705 views

Is it worth studying something you love in college, or something that'll be beneficial for you in the workforce?

I really enjoy art and writing, I just don't think I could make a stable career out of either. I'm alright at computer science and programming, which has many job opportunities, especially since it's what everyone's turning to now, but it's not something I love or would enjoy learning. Do I...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 14, 2018 980 views

When deciding on what colleges to go to, what should take precedent- what you want to study or where the university is?

I've heard that college is about a lot more than the education aspect, that it's learning to live on your own and explore yourself as a person. Also, the majority of people end up switching majors anyway while still in college, so I'm wondering what should be weighed more: the university as a...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 14, 2018 660 views

What's the value of studying library science - what careers could those skills be applied to?

I was recently told by my parents that a degree in library science would be vastly impressive in the workforce, but I'm still not sure if it's something that I'd want to spend money on studying in college.
#libraryscience #college #gradschool

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jan 13, 2018 574 views

how do business majors help economically ?

i want to know the differences of choosing a regular major to business #business

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jan 13, 2018 782 views

how will my future be like if i choose criminology as my major?

i want to know how it would change my lifestyle #criminology #forensics #college-major #college #academic-advising

Esmeradla’s Avatar
Esmeradla Jan 12, 2018 588 views

Do I need to send my SAT and ACT scores to all the Cal States I am applying to?

One of my friends said that I only need to send in my scores to one cal state. I am unsure if this is true. #school #education #stressed

Esmeradla’s Avatar
Esmeradla Jan 12, 2018 726 views

How does work-study work?

I am applying to several colleges and want to know if work-study or getting a job off campus is better. #education #workstudy #financial-aid #college #federal-work-study

Aileen’s Avatar
Aileen Oct 25, 2017 820 views

What kind of classes or internships would be helpful to take if I want to do PR in the music industry?

It took me a few years to find out what I wanted to study in college while I was at a community college, taking a lot of different classes to see what interests me the most. I really liked mass communication classes and found out about public relations and think it would be a fun career path....

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Oct 22, 2017 1037 views

Which are the best long term careers that would allow me to travel the globe year-round?

I LOVE people, as a humanitarian at heart. I also have a complete passion for seeing the world and to continue to dive into new and diverse cultures. #People #Travel #humanitarian #passion #traveling #helping-people #careers-in-helping-people #meeting-new-people #business-travel...

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Sep 29, 2017 2180 views

What is the best way to get a summer internship with a major league baseball team?

My career goal is to be on the operations side of a MLB team, with the ultimate of being the president of the organization. I love baseball! #baseball #sports #sports-management #internships

Yesenia’s Avatar
Yesenia Sep 28, 2017 701 views

Do you have to specialize in emergency/trauma to become an RN in the ER?

I want to become an ER nurse. #futurenurse #nursing #medicine

Kenneth’s Avatar
Kenneth Sep 28, 2017 1172 views

What is the base pay of an accountant?

I am asking because Ive always been curious how much the salary of an accountant is.
#income #accounting

Aron’s Avatar
Aron Sep 28, 2017 739 views

Why is accounting a useful skill that needs to be learned?

I am interested in becoming a civil engineer or an engineer in general. I also see myself starting my own company/business in order to build certain projects through my company. I am aware that knowing how money works will be a necessary skill. How will minoring in accounting be useful in my...

Amit’s Avatar
Amit Sep 28, 2017 3267 views

What's the difference between financial accounting and management accounting?

I am interested in this and am a little confused with the research I have done. #accounting

D.’s Avatar
D. Sep 25, 2017 1064 views

What type of work does an education consultant do? What does the career path into education consulting typically look like?

I have background in teaching and worked a private equity role this past summer. I'd love to find a role that combines these two interests and was thinking that education consulting could be a good fit. Any personal experiences or tips would be great to hear! #education #consulting...

Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Sep 02, 2017 903 views

What is the best college major to become an English teacher in Korea?

I am a huge Kpop fan and love the language and culture. I want to become a teacher, so I thought about combining my career goals with my love of the music. #teaching-english-as-a-second-language-tefl #college-major #english #teaching

Viola’s Avatar
Viola Sep 01, 2017 919 views

Is psychology useful?

Since I hope to become a pediatric intensivist after graduating from med school, I already know that However, I am very interested in psychology and was wondering if it would help me in my field? In addition, if it is indeed useful, then should I get a major or minor in it because my GPA must...

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Sep 01, 2017 973 views

How difficult is it to get a job as a Spanish teacher?

I'm asking because I am currently in college studying Spanish and I really want to one day teach people the language. I want to know how difficult it is to find a job. #jobs #spanish #ap-spanish #teaching

Monique’s Avatar
Monique Sep 01, 2017 917 views

What are some good study habits especially for classes like math and science?

I've never really had good study habits before and those classes are really difficult for me. #study-tips #science #math

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