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elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 1101 views

Blushes, Shadows, and Bronzers Oh My!

What would you study in college if you wanted to make cosmetics? #engineering #biology #chemistry #stem #women-in-stem #makeup #cosmetics #mac

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 928 views

STEM Questions and Concerns

Since engineering is such a broad field of study, how would you find the type of engineering for you? #engineering #stem #stem-education

elissa’s Avatar
elissa Oct 31, 2016 1274 views

Gap Years: Are they worth the hype?

The New York Times discussed Malia Obama's contribution to a 'growing and expensive' gap year trend. Is a gap year a good decision for students who want to learn what life has to offer or is it just a waste of time? Taking into account that a student would do some type of volunteering or...

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 31, 2016 978 views

What are some ways in which I can get some in-field experience while still working on my major?

I'm a high school senior and I know that, unfortunately, some graduates don't know what to do, or don't have the experience to start working in their desired field after college. So they take a part time job and just waste time because, even though they have a degree, they don't have any actual...

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 31, 2016 1040 views

What is the best way to know if the major I've picked is the right major for my desired career?

I'm a senior in high school and I have a couple of different majors in the STEM field that I'm thinking of taking that look like they lead to the same general direction. However, I know that there are some key differences in these majors. How do I figure out which one to take and for the...

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 26, 2016 886 views

What is the most important thing to keep in mind when beginning a career in environmental science?

I would like to major in environmental science and enjoy hearing input from professionals in the field. #environmental-science

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 26, 2016 1193 views

What is the best advice you have for someone going into the Environmental Science field?

I would like to major in environmental science, and love hearing input from professionals about the field. #science #environmental-science #environmental-services

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 21096 views

What are the pros and cons about the engineering field?

I want to weight out my options before choosing what to major in #students #and #former #current

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1209 views

Where can I travel (in the world) with an engineering degree?

I know certain fields can only be used in the United States. Is engineering a global field? #engineering #current

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1114 views

What courses do you need to take before getting a degree in engineering

Everyone wants to know how long they're going to school for #student #former

roberto’s Avatar
roberto Oct 25, 2016 1610 views

What are the best engineering schools in the nation

I want to go to a school where engineering is a top priority and of a high quality #students #former

Sindhu ’s Avatar
Sindhu Oct 24, 2016 1397 views

Do you prefer working in a hospital or as a private practitioner?

I'm a high school student looking to go into neurology, and I've always wanted to work in a hospital. I currently volunteer at a hospital, and I want to know if working there is better than having your own private practice. #doctor #medical-school #hospital #neuroscience #neurology

Sindhu ’s Avatar
Sindhu Oct 24, 2016 848 views

If you were to complete medical school all over again, would you stay with the field you're in now or would you choose a different concentration?

I'm a high school student looking to go into neurology, and I wanted to know about the different options and pathways that exist in medical school. #doctor #medicine #neuroscience

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 22, 2016 1104 views

How does a clinical microbiologist move on a daily basis? Is there daily research to be done?

I have always been interested in being a clinical microbiologist because biology is my strongest point. #biology #research #microbiology

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 22, 2016 1015 views

As a teacher, do you have to get certified in different areas of subjects? Or do you have to major/minor in them?

I want to become a middle school biology teacher but I would also like to teach Spanish, Georgia Studies, and math #teaching #biology #mathematics #history #spanish #middle-school

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Oct 20, 2016 748 views

What exactly will I learn with a bachelor in, let's say, mechanical engineering?

I hear the word thrown around a lot, but what really is the concrete way to explain what is taught in this major. I am preparing for college and engineering is a major pathway that I am highly considering. If I were to decide to major in mechanical engineering, what would I learn and how would...

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Oct 20, 2016 1120 views

Which pathway of engineering should I go into?

I am getting ready to go to college and I am bamboozled by the numerous sub-fields in this career path. I want to be able to work with cars in my future, so which pathway would be best for me in order to prepare myself for the automobile industry. #engineering #cars #pathway

jose’s Avatar
jose Oct 19, 2016 875 views

What is the best way to prepare for the MCAT

I want to be a doctor. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #testing #hospital-and-health-care

jose’s Avatar
jose Oct 19, 2016 816 views

What is the best major when planning to be a doctor?

I plan to go to medical school. #doctor #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #college-major

Mickie’s Avatar
Mickie Oct 18, 2016 1154 views

Logistics supervisor ,I have 20 Years background in Logistics and seem to always enjoy its association yes its phasing out But any Customer services will do?

Customer services and helping others has been a part of my career ever since i started working . Began 1983 with Mrs WInners chicken I was a cook and drive thru helper. took on another job plus school Kroger cashier,Landed a great job had it two yrs with Scientific Atlanta .This time i scored...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Sep 10, 2016 961 views

Do you have any tips or job ideas for someone who is interested in pursuing political science?

I'm a college student who is trying to find more information for different possible majors in college. #college-major #political-science

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Sep 07, 2016 995 views

Are there any courses, besides the general major/minor courses that would be helpful for combining public health, biology and environmental science?

I'm considering combining these three topics and I would like to have more information with regards to the combining of the subjects. #biology #environmental-science #public-health

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 02, 2016 1203 views

How do I know what major to select?

Throughout the early stages of my college career, I was unsure of what I wanted "to be when I grew up." With so many choices, I understand many other students are wondering the same thing. I wanted to expand the clarity from other individuals on what newly applied students should do in this...

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Aug 30, 2016 1179 views

What are some high school courses that might help me achieve a medical career in the future?

Hi, I'm an 11th grader in high school and I would like a career in medicine such as a physician or a doctor and I wanted to know, what are some college courses I could take that would be beneficial in pre-med or med school, aka courses geared toward a medical career? I have already taken AP...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 29, 2016 1060 views

What kind of jobs are available for someone who wants to pursue a major in public health? Is it recommended to add a minor specification?

I'm considering on majoring in public health and I would just like to know more about what is out there for me. #career-counseling #public-health

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Aug 22, 2016 1141 views

What are good ways to network with people in the sports management field in order to have connections coming out of college?

I am asking this question because adults tell me all the time" that it's not what you know but who you know". Meaning that the connections you have are what gets you opportunities rather than having knowledge. How did you network when you were in school? #college #management #sports...

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Aug 22, 2016 1225 views

What degree other than sports management would be good to get a degree in to work in the front office of an NFL team?

I am asking this question because the I college I choose to attend may not have this exact degree so I am looking for other degrees that are similar to sports management. #management #sports #sports-management

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Aug 20, 2016 1108 views

What is the most effective way to develop a network of peers and contacts as a musician?

I plan to become a performing musician. #music #music-production #music-industry #music-producer #music-recording

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Aug 20, 2016 1015 views

Is it possible for musicians to make money from streaming since the rates are so low?

I am a recording musician and intend to become a professional. #music #music-production #music-industry #music-producer

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Aug 15, 2016 814 views

How do schools decide on merit-based scholarships?

They seem a little bit mysterious and I just want to de-mystify the whole thing. #college-admissions

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 13, 2016 1298 views

When it comes to going to different colleges is it more beneficial to go to a four year college or a two year college?

I'm just curious to know which one is more effective and beneficial overall. #college #education

Rob’s Avatar
Rob Aug 12, 2016 1319 views

How did you stand out when applying to work in TV production?

I'm thinking about this career and wondering what it would take to get there. What did you do to stand out when you applied to work in TV production? Is it competitive? What exactly are they looking for? Ideally I want to work in sports but I understand that I may need to work wherever the job...

Rob’s Avatar
Rob Aug 12, 2016 1431 views

What does an average day in the life look like for a T.V. production person?

I play and watch pro football, and think it would be really cool to work in TV production for sports shows when I grow up. I'm only in high school though, so I have time. I'm wondering what your days look like in TV production. Is it stressful? How many hours do you work each day? What kind of...

Janae’s Avatar
Janae Aug 12, 2016 1813 views

How competitive is it to get an internship at a company like ESPN for a high school or college student?

If I want to work at a company like ESPN one day, how important is it to get an internship at the company? How difficult would it be? I would have to imagine it's pretty competitive. #sports #internships #human-resources #media

Janae’s Avatar
Janae Aug 12, 2016 1668 views

How often do you travel in your job working in media?

I would really like to travel in whatever job I end up doing, and I was told to look into careers in media. What do you do that allows you to travel around the world, and how often are you traveling? #travel #entertainment #media

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 06, 2016 1727 views

Do you have any tips for writing good resumes and cover letters?

I am starting to look for internships for the near future and many if not all require a resume and cover letter. I am just looking for some tips to improve my cover letter and resume. #resume #resume-writing #job-application

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 03, 2016 1144 views

What kind of opportunities are out there for individuals who want to combine biology with environmental science and the health sciences?

I'm looking into many different career paths and I'm trying to find the best one for me. These are the three subjects that I am interested in and I'm wondering if there is a way where I can combine all three subjects. #biology #health #environmental #environmental-services

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Aug 02, 2016 832 views

What are some tips for cold calling about a job?

I am interested in an internship and I wanted to contact them via email or online application, but the specific location does not have any of that information. I want to introduce myself to the company via the phone number they gave us. Is there a certain template/key points that need to be in...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 01, 2016 1684 views

For someone who might become a pharmacist at some point could they start off with a bachelors in biology, or do they need to have a bachelors in biochemistry or macrobiology?

I am a rising sophomore in college and I may want to become a pharmacist at some point but I am currently unsure. Should I go for a biology major or should I aim for a biochemistry or macrobiology major? #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 31, 2016 1067 views

For someone interested in pharmaceuticals is it recommended that they go to grad school right after they finish undergrad, or is it more beneficial for them to go directly into the workforce?

I am a current college student who is interested in becoming a pharmacist, and I am looking for some career pathway advice. Continuing off of the first question, should someone like me start off a career in pharmacy as a pharmaceutical technician and then try to become a pharmacist after I have...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jul 28, 2016 2813 views

How do you "small talk" in socal situations to keep it from getting awkward?

I was recently in a meeting with a judge hopping she would be my mentor to help me into the field of law and i think there were many times when we had those awkward silence moments and i just hope that my terrible social skills didn't mess it up. #business #social #networking #social-networking

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 27, 2016 1831 views

Time management

As I get further in to higher levels of school, managing time is getting harder. I used to exercise for an hour but now I don't even have time to do that anymore. It's getting harder to finish all my schoolwork and get to things that I like to do, whether it's composing, or surfing the...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 27, 2016 998 views

Programming specifics

I've been learning programming and I've got the basics of c++ and java. But I recently learned that there are a lot more fields of programming whether it's javascript or python or html. So can someone tell me the difference between the fields and recommend which fields I should learn quickly...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 25, 2016 864 views

Is it typical for someone to change their job several times outside of the subject of their first job throughout their lifetime?

I'm a rising sophomore in college and I'm interested in pursuing several different science topics. I am curious to see if it is common for people to change their job to something completely different after doing something for a long period of time? #career-counseling #career-choice...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 22, 2016 1023 views

I'm considering going into the pharmaceutical business and I am also interested in environmental science what is the recommended pathway I should take in college?

I am a college student and I just wanted to get a better understanding of direction of I wanted to pursue something to do with the pharmaceutical business. #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmaceutical-industry

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jul 21, 2016 1658 views

What are some ways I can use my college summers efficiently if I can't get a summer job?

I'm entering my sophomore year in college, and still enjoying my summer. However, I was unable to find myself a steady job this summer (so I've been taking work where I can- moving jobs, pet & house-sitting, yard work, etc..), and have thus been spending all of my free time exercising my...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jul 20, 2016 3498 views

How do I decide what to do as a Multipotentialite?

I'm currently a sophomore in college, and found myself watching a Ted Talk a few months back by Emilie Wapnick on choosing careers and life paths where she introduced a term she coined called a "Multipotentialite". On her website, she defines it as: "A person who has many different interests...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 19, 2016 933 views

Do you know of any tips for writing college level research papers, specifically in the science fields?

I'm a college student who is going to pursue a science career and I have recently been assigned many research papers for my various courses, particularly in my science classes. I'm looking for some tips to writing a well rounded research paper. #science #teaching #research

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 17, 2016 951 views

Where is a good place to go for a study abroad for a biology or related major and an environmental science minor?

I'm an undergrad student who is interested in biology and environmental science and also wants to study abroad sometime during her undergraduate career. I'm looking for some good areas around the world to study these topics for a semester or whole year. #study-abroad #environmental

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 10, 2016 714 views

Do you know of any helpful test taking skills for science in particular?

In many of my classes I am able to grasp and understand the concepts we are learning. In fact, taking one of my recent classes as an example, I was very successful with the daily 500 - 600 word responses, midterm paper, and the final paper, however I struggled with the final exam which...

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