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Angela’s Avatar
Angela May 25, 2018 899 views

What can I do now that I am in college to get ahead in the medical field?

I am thinking about studying medicine. I am really interested in being a physician or an orthodontist. I would like to know of any programs online or available in person to get more knowledge of the field. I want to be sure of what I want to study before I start college. #doctor #field...

Liv’s Avatar
Liv Apr 14, 2018 1073 views

Is it worth getting any sort of degree when I really just want to become AMGA certified and guide?

Hi, I am really passionate about the outdoors and getting people outside. I'm experienced in rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, canyoneering, caving, and skiing. I really would like to become AMGA certified and continue to guide and even get paid for it. I feel a lot of pressure to...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Apr 06, 2018 790 views

If I go to school for four years to become a teacher why does my teaching certificate expire, but other four year degree vocations do not? If the job of teachers are so critical to the rearing and education of future generations ,why is there pay minimal?

I am half way through my teaching degree, and work as a teacher's assistant. I am required to get forty hours of training per school year in order to keep my license. I wonder why I have to do this when other professions do not. Working with children is hard work, especially if they are...

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Mar 18, 2018 774 views

where do i look for an Internship relating to computer engineering?

I'm currently studying computer engineering, planning on getting a bachelor's in said field. I heard that internships are a great way to gain experience and prepare one for there future career. If i was to get an internship, where/how do i find one?

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Mar 18, 2018 1125 views

Where should i look for a good job once i have my computer engineering degree

I still have a few years, but once I'm done with my degree, I'm gonna want to find a job in this field as soon as i can

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Jan 23, 2018 1204 views

What is the difference between a physicians assistant in dermatology and an actual dermatologist? Which is the better way to go?

As a future dermatologist, I have looked at the many different options out there in the world. The issue is that I am confused on which path to take. If someone could help, that would be great!
#medicine #dermatology #dermatologist #medicalfield #school #college-major #biology

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Jan 23, 2018 1119 views

What is the best way to retain information for any subject?

#biology #medicine #biologymajor #dermatologist #futuredermetologist #college-major

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jan 20, 2018 789 views

Should I apply for unpaid internships?

I have bills to pay, but internships seem to be the way to get work experience and most of those are unpaid. #starvingstudent #finance #budgeting #workexperience

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jan 20, 2018 983 views

Should I apply for unpaid internships?

I have bills to pay, but internships seem to be the way to get work experience and most of those are unpaid. #starvingstudent #finance #budgeting #workexperience

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jan 20, 2018 988 views

How can I get experience in the publication feild?

I want to become a book editor, but I live in a place that doesn't have much opportunity to break into that career. #bookworm #opportunities #workexperience

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jan 20, 2018 7041 views

How can I get experience in the publication field?

I want to become a book editor, but I live in a place that doesn't have much opportunity to break into that career. #bookworm #opportunities #workexperience

Zella’s Avatar
Zella Jan 20, 2018 876 views

How do I choose a college?

Due to my dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer, I did not even consider going to college at length until this year. In the IB program at my high school, surrounded by bright kids who already know their top 5 schools, I feel hopelessly confused. I don't know anything about where I want...

Zella’s Avatar
Zella Jan 20, 2018 996 views

Should I keep dancing to get into college?

A loaded question, for sure. I've been dancing ballet since I was four and really loved it for most of my life. Like, really loved it - so much so that I moved across the country to live with my dance teacher and did online school in order to dance full time. But after two insanely amazing and...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 19, 2018 856 views

How can I make money on the side during college when I don't have much time?

Between going back to school and my extensive family commitments (#specialneedsmom) I would love to find ways in my situation to make money (even just a little bit) in my spare moments.

Any thoughts?

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 19, 2018 4023 views

What are the pros and cons of special ed homeschooling vs. special ed public school?

I am working on a second bachelors degree in mathematics education. I originally planned to teach junior high. I have a son who was is one-year-old and was just diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I can imagine how much fun it would be to home school and I have/will have lots of resources and...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jan 18, 2018 1684 views

Will I be able to take other fun classes in college that aren't related to my major?

I'm excited for college and for the new opportunity to learn! I'm just wondering, will I be able to take classes in a variety of topics that don't necessarily correspond to my major? Of course I'll take all the required classes, but will I be able to fit in others as well? I love learning...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jan 18, 2018 955 views

How do I know if I've picked the right major?

I have decided to become an elementary education major. I love children, and I've always wanted to do something that would benefit others. However, I'm a bit worried I'll get bored studying to be a teacher all the time. I also love science, and at one point I considered becoming a medicinal...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Jan 17, 2018 836 views

How can I become a sports writer or sports commentator?

Because I know alot about #NFL #PAC12 and I really enjoy learning about it and reading about it #espn .#sports #sports-writing #writing #writing-and-editing

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Jan 16, 2018 1602 views

What are the different branches of Astronomy that I can go into?

That is the career I would like to go into, so knowing what I can do to be prepared would be very helpful. #astronomy #aerospace #science #stem #physics

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Jan 16, 2018 2990 views

What is the best way to get involved in Astronomy at a young age?

That is the career I would like to go into, so knowing what I can do to be prepared would be very helpful. #astronomy #science

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Jan 16, 2018 1862 views

How long does it take the average person to find their career?

I feel as though I have decided on my professional career late in my life. I wish I was able to find out what I wanted to do sooner on rather than just now. When do most people find out what they want to do? #career #life

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Jan 16, 2018 940 views

How do you know what career you want without actually having the experience?

I feel like many people say they want to be a nurse, doctor, engineer, computer programmer, et cetera without having much experience. How do they know that those jobs will not burn them out after years of being in the field? How are you supposed to find your passion when you are bound to high...

Alan’s Avatar
Alan Jan 16, 2018 1383 views

Is a Graveyard shift during high school a good idea?

I got offered a job with a late night shift but I don't know if it's a good idea working so late and going to school at the same time. Will the job experience be worth it or will that kind of schedule do more harm then good? #part-time #highschool #work-life-balance

Alan’s Avatar
Alan Jan 16, 2018 1277 views

How important is senior year of high school?

Many people tend to take it easy on the last year, is it better to take easy classes or to take more rigorous classes like ap and concurrent? #high-school-students #grades #high-school-classes #picking-classes #college #college-admissions

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jan 16, 2018 1110 views

How do I combine math and music and teaching?

I love math. Before I loved it in school, I would go work out math puzzles with my uncle Richard, compete and train with Math Counts, take the AMC tests, and calculate measurements with my dad in his workshop; now I take the hardest math classes at my school and tutor math through National...

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jan 16, 2018 1273 views

I want to teach math, but I have knee problems that need a consistent stream of money to stay okay. Advice?

I am good at math. I get As in AP math classes and tutor and do competition math for fun. But honestly, my biggest joy in math is my tutoring. I love to teach. Nothing fires me up like a kid that hates math because a bad math teacher failed them and convinced them they're awful at it. I hate...

Renee’s Avatar
Renee Jan 15, 2018 1800 views

Are brick and mortar schools really better than online when it comes to getting a job?

I am been curious about the stigma attached to the new university models from adult or returning students who cannot attend a regular university class.
#higher-education #online-learning #college

Renee’s Avatar
Renee Jan 15, 2018 761 views

Are Alternative Route Licenses for educators as transferable to other states as Educator Licenses?

I am currently looking at a second Bachelors Degree in Mathematics Education or I could take my first Bachelors Degree in Business Management; Accounting and get and Alternative Route License to teach in Utah. There is the possibility that my family will need to move out of Utah and I want to...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 29, 2017 1005 views

After deciding to go into Accounting, what are the other opportunities this career can lead to?

Are there other job positions Accounting leads to? #accounting #account-management

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Sep 01, 2017 664 views

How do you know which college is best for you?

So many different colleges #toomany

Eve’s Avatar
Eve Aug 31, 2017 1541 views

What are the advantages of going to an all women university?

I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of going to either an all women school or a co-ed school but I'm not sure how to compare them since I've only ever gone to a co-ed school

#college-applications #college #college-selection #college-advice #college-admissions

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Aug 31, 2017 864 views

How can I begin to get experience in Marketing?

I want to start working while I'm in school in a job that will push me towards success in this field, and more importantly that I can push myself in, but I don't know where to start. #marketing

Kimia’s Avatar
Kimia Nov 01, 2016 1096 views

Is it beneficial to show evidence of branching out in my career and expanding upon my future career options by minoring in a field different from my major?

I am planning on entering college as a bioengineering major, though that is subjective to change depending on the college. However, I was wondering whether it would be beneficial for me to apply with a business, political science, or history minor to add more to my resume and degree. It would...

Kimia’s Avatar
Kimia Nov 01, 2016 1333 views

To what extent does being a woman interested in a STEM field benefit or disadvantage me in terms of college admissions and later career opportunities?

I am asking this question because I am interested in entering a STEM field. I am currently undecided on the major I want to go into in college, though I know that it will be in a STEM field. I want to be aware of the opportunities that will come along with my choices to go into a STEM field,...

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Oct 31, 2016 974 views

What are some of the ways that you deal with difficult situations that you face as a surgeon?

I want to become a doctor, and specifically a neurosurgeon. I know that it takes a long time, there is much to learn, and years of study to achieve this goal. I realize that I could face some situations that are difficult and that no matter how good I am, I may not be able to help everyone....

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 30, 2016 1211 views

Do you feel any bias towards your work being a woman in STEM?

I want my work to be as credible as a male's. Is there any unfair actions or bias against being a woman in STEM? #women-in-stem #stemcareers

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 30, 2016 2057 views

Would it be hard to be a mom and also be in a STEM career?

I am interested in choosing a career in STEM but I also want to be a mom. I want to know how possible it is to be both. #computer-science #engineering #science #technology #information-technology #stem #women-in-stem

Al’s Avatar
Al Oct 30, 2016 860 views

What big name college give you a terrible undergraduate education for the price?

I have heard from many people that undergraduate education from big name clooedges can be terrible because the school focuses mostly on the graduate students. #computer-science #music #mathematics #law-enforcement

Al’s Avatar
Al Oct 30, 2016 2050 views

Is music a legitimate career?

I have always loved music and I am considering majoring in music. I want to know if I can make a living that way. #music

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 28, 2016 1363 views

Are biodemical engineers highly needed in the STEM field?

I was looking at a few statistics online, and came across a few websites that listed stem careers in demand. Most of the are software developers , computer programmers and mechanical engineers. I'm a woman going into the biomedical engineering field and was concerned about all the hard work and...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 28, 2016 1328 views

Will a degree in biomedical engineering help me get a career in the STEM field?

I recently spoke to a friend that is in the program. She told me she can't find a lot of jobs with this degree since it covers a broad range of topics and not just a certain one like mechanical, civil engineering does. I've been doing research for osseointegrated prosthetic limbs, and wanted to...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 26, 2016 1772 views

What jobs will be over saturated when I graduate?

i been seeing a lot of my peers looking at the same or similar majors to get in college. I feel that with all of my peers going for those major will narrow the job market. If that's true, what types of degrees or jobs will will be in demand that are not already in demand be available when i...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 26, 2016 1114 views

How do i decide which college to go to?

I have been wondering on what college should i go to. My family has been telling me to go to the best college that i can get admitted to and worry about the debt later since i will be earning enough to pay the debt. Even though i want to go to a good college, i don't want to go into debt by...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 26, 2016 989 views

Jobs in Mathematics

Am going to college next year and I want to major in mathematics since i find it pretty fun.
My question is what types of jobs are there in the field of mathematics that has nothing to do with education #mathematics

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Oct 23, 2016 1017 views

What are acceptable undergraduate degrees to have before pursuing a graduate degree in biomedical engineering?

I am interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, specifically research in regenerative medicine. I have received conflicting information on undergraduate degrees in this area. Some sources tell me that I need a biomedical engineering undergraduate degree from a high-ranking...

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Oct 23, 2016 1228 views

What happens in a typical day for a biomedical engineer/researcher?

I am interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, specifically research in regenerative medicine. It seems that most of what I read about biomedical engineering careers is focused more on the mechanical side of the profession rather than the human side. I want to research topics...

Fidel’s Avatar
Fidel Oct 18, 2016 907 views

What are some key courses that would assist me in becoming a bio-chemical engineer/biochemical engineer?

I'm asking this question because i would like to know a little more about the courses to become better in the biology/technology field. #mechanical-engineering #biomedical-engineering #biotechnology #biochemistry

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Jul 06, 2016 884 views

What would I have to do in order to get into an Ivy League University?

I want to go to Stanford and become a doctor. I'm going to be a sophomore and my freshmen year GPA was a 4.0, so I'm not doing to bad :) I'm wondering about things like what classes I would have to take, what Ivy League universities look at when accepting students, and how easy it will be to...

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Jul 01, 2016 893 views

Would a regular pediatrician be able to detect something serious like cancer and be able to inform a patient about it?

I'm thinking about being a pediatrician and I would want to be able to tell a patient that they have cancer and that we were able to detect it so that the patient is aware of the problem and is able to get help #doctor #pediatrics

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Jun 30, 2016 2734 views

What are the differences between being a regular pediatrician and being a pediatric surgeon? The salary, what a regular day would look like for each profession, and what type of medical training you would need and how long that would take.

I'm considering going into one of these careers and I'm just wondering which one I would prefer #doctor #medicine #pediatrician #doctorate-degree #hospitals #financial-planning

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