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Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 31, 2016 1066 views

For someone interested in pharmaceuticals is it recommended that they go to grad school right after they finish undergrad, or is it more beneficial for them to go directly into the workforce?

I am a current college student who is interested in becoming a pharmacist, and I am looking for some career pathway advice. Continuing off of the first question, should someone like me start off a career in pharmacy as a pharmaceutical technician and then try to become a pharmacist after I have...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jul 28, 2016 2810 views

How do you "small talk" in socal situations to keep it from getting awkward?

I was recently in a meeting with a judge hopping she would be my mentor to help me into the field of law and i think there were many times when we had those awkward silence moments and i just hope that my terrible social skills didn't mess it up. #business #social #networking #social-networking

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 27, 2016 1829 views

Time management

As I get further in to higher levels of school, managing time is getting harder. I used to exercise for an hour but now I don't even have time to do that anymore. It's getting harder to finish all my schoolwork and get to things that I like to do, whether it's composing, or surfing the...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 27, 2016 994 views

Programming specifics

I've been learning programming and I've got the basics of c++ and java. But I recently learned that there are a lot more fields of programming whether it's javascript or python or html. So can someone tell me the difference between the fields and recommend which fields I should learn quickly...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 25, 2016 863 views

Is it typical for someone to change their job several times outside of the subject of their first job throughout their lifetime?

I'm a rising sophomore in college and I'm interested in pursuing several different science topics. I am curious to see if it is common for people to change their job to something completely different after doing something for a long period of time? #career-counseling #career-choice...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 22, 2016 1021 views

I'm considering going into the pharmaceutical business and I am also interested in environmental science what is the recommended pathway I should take in college?

I am a college student and I just wanted to get a better understanding of direction of I wanted to pursue something to do with the pharmaceutical business. #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmaceutical-industry

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jul 21, 2016 1657 views

What are some ways I can use my college summers efficiently if I can't get a summer job?

I'm entering my sophomore year in college, and still enjoying my summer. However, I was unable to find myself a steady job this summer (so I've been taking work where I can- moving jobs, pet & house-sitting, yard work, etc..), and have thus been spending all of my free time exercising my...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jul 20, 2016 3493 views

How do I decide what to do as a Multipotentialite?

I'm currently a sophomore in college, and found myself watching a Ted Talk a few months back by Emilie Wapnick on choosing careers and life paths where she introduced a term she coined called a "Multipotentialite". On her website, she defines it as: "A person who has many different interests...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 19, 2016 931 views

Do you know of any tips for writing college level research papers, specifically in the science fields?

I'm a college student who is going to pursue a science career and I have recently been assigned many research papers for my various courses, particularly in my science classes. I'm looking for some tips to writing a well rounded research paper. #science #teaching #research

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 17, 2016 951 views

Where is a good place to go for a study abroad for a biology or related major and an environmental science minor?

I'm an undergrad student who is interested in biology and environmental science and also wants to study abroad sometime during her undergraduate career. I'm looking for some good areas around the world to study these topics for a semester or whole year. #study-abroad #environmental

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 10, 2016 712 views

Do you know of any helpful test taking skills for science in particular?

In many of my classes I am able to grasp and understand the concepts we are learning. In fact, taking one of my recent classes as an example, I was very successful with the daily 500 - 600 word responses, midterm paper, and the final paper, however I struggled with the final exam which...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 09, 2016 906 views

Is there any advice you would give to a college student with regards to intro level, inorganic, organic and analytical chemistry?

I am considering a biology major or related major (i.e. microbiology, biochemistry) and I'm very nervous with regards to taking a chemistry course due to the fact that I struggled in chemistry during high school. I'm looking for some advice with regards to taking chemistry classes in college.

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 09, 2016 987 views

Besides the general biology major requirements and environmental science minor courses what kind of other classes would be helpful for this major and minor?

I am a rising sophomore in college who has declared a minor in environmental science and is considering a biology major or some similar major such as (i.e. microbiology, biochemistry). I need to take several elective courses as graduation requirements and I'm wondering what kind of elective...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 08, 2016 930 views

If I decide to go into a biology major or other related fields (i.e. biochemistry, microbiology) is it relatively easy to find jobs or should I look into going to grad school soon after I graduate from college? What kinds of jobs would be available to me?

I'm a rising sophomore in college who is interested in paring her environmental science minor with a biology major or a major from a related field. Before I declare my major I'm curious about the availability and type of jobs that I can consider after I graduate from college. #biochemistry...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 08, 2016 1027 views


This is a very weird question but I have friends in korea. And in korea, TOEIC is the test that everyone takes to see how good their English is. Getting a good score helps you get employed and things like that. So I want to take it once just to see how good I am. But I'm an American citizen. So...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 07, 2016 8016 views

What is a recommended major to pair with an environmental science minor?

I am a rising sophomore in college who has declared an environmental science minor, however I am uncertain with regards to what major would best fit an environmental science minor. #environmental #environmental-services

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 07, 2016 1059 views

What is the best method of finding internships that suits your interests?

I am a rising sophomore in college who is interested in pursuing a career related to environmental science, however I have been struggling to find internships that are related to my interests. #internships #internship

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 06, 2016 1354 views

Getting in to a top college.

I'm a high school soon to be junior and I see this questions asked around alot. But I wanted to ask with my personal inputs. I want to get in to a good college and I've been looking at Princeton. So I was wondering how to get to that goal. I have decent grades, a 3.93Unweighted GPA and I have a...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 05, 2016 1107 views

Need help on writing

High school student here not yet sure about their major. I'm not sure if I want to go a major in writing, but I sometimes do like writing random things. And it's really fun just getting ideas out of your head and on to paper. And so I wondered what do I do with those writings? Can I upload them...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 04, 2016 1211 views

Improving Connections

What are some good ways to get connected with more people? I have a LinkedIn, but I feel like that isn't very good at expanding contacts yet. I've searched on the internet for people, but I couldn't find any people. I want to meet more people at different jobs and careers and understand what...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jul 04, 2016 1075 views

Service Hours

High school student here and I realized that service hours are pretty important to get in to a good college. So I have been looking for ways to get service hours. But since I'm usually in a place where it's about an hour away from the nearest urban city, I figured I needed or at least, prefer...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jun 30, 2016 7664 views

Different fields of programming

I'm a high school student with many interests for jobs. Programming is one field that I've been looking in to recently, but I'm not sure what sort of jobs programming can get you. I've learned the basics of c programming and is going in to java, javascript, etc. What are some good paying jobs...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jun 27, 2016 981 views


Also, I've also been thinking about getting scholarships and awards for things. What kind of awards and scholarships should a high school student like me work on getting. I have about 300 hours of service hours but I can't find any scholarships for getting a certain amount of service hours. If...

Wooju’s Avatar
Wooju Jun 27, 2016 1140 views

How should I get Internships?

I'm currently a high school student reaching their junior year. And I need to start thinking about jobs and internships to get ready for the world after college. I was wondering how I can get ready for such things. And to answer that, I thought it would be good to get jobs and internships to...

Tije’s Avatar
Tije Jun 21, 2016 818 views

Should I major in Biology, Chemistry, or double major in both?

I want to be a veterinarian. I understand what I major in doesn't matter, as long as I meet the pre-requisites required for veterinary school. However, I would like to know which is recommended or what some current/retired veterinarians majored in. #college #veterinarian #veterinary-medicine

Tije’s Avatar
Tije Jun 21, 2016 1390 views

What degree is required to work in the Center for Disease Control's Office of Health and Safety (OHS)?

I will be entering college in the Fall. I plan on majoring in Biology on a pre-veterinary medicine track. However, I am also interested in one day working for the CDC in their OHS; this is a public health area. Would a Biology degree be sufficient enough to work at the CDC or would I need to...

Cam’s Avatar
Cam Jun 10, 2016 834 views

Do I have to obtain a degree in order to be recognized as a fashion consultant?

I have a knack for putting things that the average person would not think about putting together ( an outfit) and receiving compliments on the outfit. #fashion #fashion-and-style

Cam’s Avatar
Cam Jun 10, 2016 1191 views

Can a graphic designer honestly make a good living with a single job?

I am interested in pursuing graphic design as my career. #graphic-design #web-design #graphic-designer #digital-media

Katlin’s Avatar
Katlin May 28, 2016 1952 views

I know I want to become a Science Teacher, but what kind should I choose?

My dream is to become a Secondary Science Teacher, but I am unsure which area to focus on. I never enjoyed Anatomy as much because I have a hard time remembering all of those definitions and crazy names on a whim, and my passion has always been Physics, but I am unsure as to how well I will be...

Katlin’s Avatar
Katlin May 28, 2016 812 views

How does one go about gathering a Homeschool communtity for classes?

I am going to college this next semester for Education to become a Secondary Science teacher. I have been home-schooled for 8 of my 12 school years, giving me a deep appreciation for the option of homeschooling. During those years many classes were done in Home-school 'classes' with a teacher...

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 27, 2016 1031 views

What are the best ways to manage time in college?

I never want to be unorganized or out of time when I'm on my own. #college #business #psychology #mathematics

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 27, 2016 1072 views

What are some of the difficulties that are common with college campus life?

I'm about to graduate high school. #college #business #mathematics

Elmiche Kinmakon’s Avatar
Elmiche May 27, 2016 1103 views

In order to qualify for med school could I just take the required course and major in something entirely unrelated to pre-med. If so, what classes will I need to qualify for med school and what grades would I need in those classes?

I'm interested in going to medical school but if I change my mind I want to major in something that I like and would get me a job after college. #college #doctor #graduate

Elmiche Kinmakon’s Avatar
Elmiche May 27, 2016 738 views

What if I were to transfer to another state in my senior year of high school and attend college there, would I be considered out of state or in state?

I current live in Maryland and over the summer I might move to Georgia, I only have one year left in high school and afterwards I will be attending college in the state that I am in. #college

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 1414 views

What are the best ways to get involved and prepared the summer before college begins?

I am going to be a freshman in college this fall, but I want to make my summer productive and meaningful so that I will start off the months before college strong. Are there any volunteer opportunities or fun ways to spend the summer months that you recommend? #college #job #volunteering...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 2512 views

What is the most rewarding part about being a doctor?

I am a freshman college student who is eager to learn more and more about the career I am working toward for my future. Being a doctor is rewarding for obvious reasons--you get to directly impact the lives of human beings--but are there any specific reasons why you felt rewarded by your career?...

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 770 views

Any advice on rising my gpa or getting high test scores

I am a rising senior #college

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 21637 views

Can you apply to the same college twice

For example, applying for early and regular admission?

(This question was edited by a site admin for clarity)

Saisha’s Avatar
Saisha May 24, 2016 1048 views

I am a rising freshman majoring in International Policy, and I was wondering whether it is wise to keep a backup option considering the job market?

I am just concerned about whether I can have a career aligned with my area of interest or whether I should start planning for otherwise. #resume #majors #government #job-market #international-affairs

Saisha’s Avatar
Saisha May 24, 2016 1276 views

I am a rising college freshman in International Policy; however, I believe that every job requires some sort of technical skills, so I was curious whether it is wise to take a computer science minor or just take a few classes to gain those skills?

I am very concerned about future job opportunities. I am attending Georgetown university in the fall, and I want to maximize my skills for the future job market. #computer-science #government #job-market #international-affairs #technical #foreign-policy

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 23, 2016 1193 views

If I plan to attend law school, what should I consider majoring in?

I plan to attend the University of Georgia in the fall and plan to become a defense attorney. #law #lawyer #law-school

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 23, 2016 1145 views

Will it be beneficial to me to take an accounting course in college if I plan to study pre-law?

My grandfather is an attorney, and i remember him suggesting this. I do not understand why that might benefit me. #law #pre-law

Emani’s Avatar
Emani May 22, 2016 1091 views

Is Athletic Training the best major for college to obtain prerequisites for a Physical Therapy graduate degree?

I will be attending college in Fall 2016 for Athletic Training, and I am interested in finding out if this is the best direction to go to enter grad school in 2020. #physical-therapist #athletic-training #exercise-science #athletics #sports #physical #science #college

Emon’s Avatar
Emon May 21, 2016 919 views

As a chemistry major, what would be the best internships to aquire as a future pharmacist?

I am currently in school to obtain a bachelor's in chemistry. I plan on studying pharmacy in graduate school, and I would love more insight on my future endevours. #medicine #pre-med #chemistry #pharmacy #pharmacists

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 21, 2016 1300 views

How important is networking ? Doe you have any tips for networking?

How has networking helped you in your career #networking #network

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 21, 2016 1127 views

As a journalist what is the hardest thing about your job? And what is the best state to start a job in journalism

I am a junior in college and am majoring in mass communicantions #journalism

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 20, 2016 1091 views

Is doing online college a bad thing?

I would like to know if online college would look worse on a resume than just attending and graduating from a normal college. #college #resume #online

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 20, 2016 1460 views

As a diagnostic medical sonographer, does your job require you to come in at night?

I would like to know this because I want to be a diagnostic medical sonographer and would like to know if the job will be overwhelming if I have a future family. #career #medicine #hospital #women #ultrasound #sonography #pregnant

Faith ’s Avatar
Faith May 20, 2016 1734 views

How do you narrow down your interests in order to determine which field to pursue?

I have many different interests, and I'm not sure which I enjoy the most. Therefore, I don't know what job to pursue. #teacher #college-student #intern #employee

Terrie’s Avatar
Terrie May 20, 2016 1201 views

Carrer Choices

I am thinking of pursuing a degree in finance but don't know if I should. The business world is very competitive and I'm not sure if I am cut out for the environment and hustle. I am thinking I want a career as a Personal Financial Advisor, if anyone in the career or something similar to the...

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