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Alex ’s Avatar
Alex May 08, 2017 1368 views

How long do you need to go to collage for? What profession does it need to be in?

I love to code. #technology #tech #coding #code

Alex ’s Avatar
Alex May 05, 2017 1404 views

What collage do you need to be a coder?

I love coding. #technology #tech #coding

Alex ’s Avatar
Alex May 05, 2017 1369 views

What collage does a IT manager need?

I love tech, and want to be a IT manager. #technology #tech #it #it-management #it-operations

Alex ’s Avatar
Alex May 05, 2017 999 views

What is an IT managers starting salary?

I love tech #technology #it #it-management #financial-planning #salary

Yamil’s Avatar
Yamil Apr 16, 2017 1377 views

How to be an animator with a Bachelor's of digital media and animation?

Hi, my name is Yamil, I'm currently a high school senior soon going to college. I got accepted to college and the major I chose for that college is Digital Media and Animation. I'm just wondering what can I expect if I get a Bachelor's of Digital Media and Animation degree? I just want to be...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 1543 views

How can I effectively use LinkedIn if I do not have many real-life connections?

I am a high school student and I created a LinkedIn account two years ago but I do not have much on my profile and only 4 connections. I am in school most of the time, so I do not have a lot of work or volunteering experience. My town is small and not a lot of people I associate with have a...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 810 views

What do I go about writing a thank you letter to a scholarship committee?

I am a senior in high school and I recently won a scholarship and want to write a thank you letter or card to the foundation. Should this be a short thank you of only a few sentences? I have not worked with this foundation nor do I know much about it, but I want to write a genuine thank you...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 4724 views

Do colleges allow you to create your own major or minor if they do not offer the one you want?

I am thinking about minoring in statistics but that minor is not listed on my college's website. Do some colleges allow students to create their own minor using classes that the school offers? Does it vary depending on the college? #college #college-major #majors-and-minors

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 1109 views

Are there any things that you must do the summer before you go to college?

I am a senior who will be graduating in June. I already sent in most of my enrollment forms to my college and registered for freshman orientation. Is there anything else essential I should be doing this summer to prepare for my first semester of college? Is it highly recommended to intern or...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 934 views

Is there a limit on study-abroads and internships?

This is a silly question I have. Is there a limit to the amount of semesters a college student can study abroad or intern? Is it different for every college? Do you know of anyone who went on a lot of study abroads or internships? #college #internships #study-abroad

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 14, 2017 1937 views

Language: Self Study or take classes?

I will be entering college soon and I really want to learn French. For a few months I have been self studying with online resources because my my high school does not offer the language. I believe that my college only offers courses in beginners French and I do not know if I should take these...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 12, 2017 1226 views

Am I wasting my time applying to national scholarships I found online?

Since the beginning of my senior year I have been using websites like cappex and fastweb to find scholarships to apply to. All of the scholarships are online and seem to be national. Is it worth applying to these? Do a lot of students apply to these? Should I be searching elsewhere for local...

Galina’s Avatar
Galina Apr 12, 2017 952 views

How important is choosing a minor for political science?

I am a senior in high school planning on majoring in political science to possibly obtain a combined BA in Political Science with a Master's in Public Administration. I want to choose a minor that is highly employable but I am unsure which course to take. I love history and philosophy but I am...

Meschel’s Avatar
Meschel Mar 28, 2017 858 views

What is a good way to increase college GPA?

I want to bring up my GPA before graduating #college #student-counseling

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 22, 2017 1103 views

Software tool for video game development

Hello there I am in 10th grade at a technology school. I'm dying to be able to create a video game. So please advise what software tool I can use. #programming #video-game-design #video-game-development

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 5506 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 1445 views

What made you decide that a career in STEM was a good fit for you? What (or who) in particular influenced this?

I am asking this due to my curiosity about what causes individuals to pick their career paths. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #stem #women-in-stem #women-in-tech

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 1161 views

As a woman in a STEM field or a woman going into a STEM field, have you ever felt that you were in any discriminated against due to your gender?

As an 18 year old female chem major (soon to be chemical engineering), I'm curious about others experiences in typically male dominated classes/majors/jobs. #engineering #science #chemistry #stem #chemical-engineering #women-in-stem #women-in-tech #women-in-engineering

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 1134 views

What is the best, safest way to earn money online as a student?

Due to my class schedule, each day I have a few hours between classes, and would love the opportunity to be able to earn some money. Several online sites seem very sketchy, and I would love to hear about some positive (or negative) experiences people have had.

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 09, 2017 1427 views

What is a way for me to volunteer in a field relating to STEM online, as I am a busy chemistry student?

I am a chemistry major with a very heavy course load, but I would like an opportunity to give back in some way that is feasible for me to do. #chemistry #volunteering #stem #time-management #women-in-stem #scheduling #chem

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 07, 2017 1095 views

As a chemistry major, what are some gen ed classes I can take that would apply to my degree and help me in the field in the future?

I am a chemistry major, and I am working on my schedule for the upcoming summer and fall semesters. I am seeking advice about gen ed classes that will help me in the future. #science #career-counseling #chemistry #scheduling #scientists #chem #chemistry-major #chem-major

Hermella ’s Avatar
Hermella Mar 02, 2017 896 views

I'm planning on going to law school in the near future, and I'm wondering what a good undergraduate degree is!

I'm torn between Sociology and Philosophy! Which is more difficult and best fits a future criminal defense attorney? #law

Harris’s Avatar
Harris Mar 02, 2017 2061 views

can i change accounting to any other major ?

My major is accounting.. I am doing associates and earned 40 credits so far. i am not full time student even i skip my semesters because of my family issues . now i want to start a new career .. should i change career now or first complete this one ? i am good in computer but i never study...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Feb 08, 2017 845 views

What certifications would be good for the health Administration field?

I'm majoring in Health Administration. I want to know what the best certifications that would benefit me. I know that First aid and CPR are some good ones. What are some other suggestions #healthcare #health #certifications #healthcare-management

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Feb 02, 2017 1155 views

What is a good Volunteering idea for Health Administration?

Im sophmore at Rutgers University. I plan on majoring in Heath Administration. What are some good places to volunteer at so that i can learn more? #college #healthcare #volunteering #hospital-and-health-care #public-health #young-adults

Charlene’s Avatar
Charlene Jan 24, 2017 1317 views

Why should you apply for an EOF program?

I will be attending college in less than 7 months and I just wanted to know why it is a good choice to apply for the Eductaional Opportunity Fund as an incoming freshman (especially from an impoverished environment such as Newark)? #college #financial-aid

Rawaf’s Avatar
Rawaf Jan 19, 2017 1039 views

Tips for student in their first job?

What tips could help students in their first job, dos and don'ts? #college #career #job #college-jobs #career-development #college-student #first-job

Rawaf’s Avatar
Rawaf Jan 19, 2017 1267 views

How to manage your time in the first year of college?

Freshmen nowadays get confused on how to manage their work life and studying and having fun. Any advice to help them to be more organize? #college #management #time-management #freshmen #scheduling #study #first-year #time

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 14, 2017 1958 views

What's it like being a theatre major?

I always loved theatre, and I'm just curious. #college-majors #theatre #musical-theatre

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 14, 2017 1185 views

How do I know if a major is right for me?

Right now I am in community college, trying to sort my life out. I want to be a writer but I also want to teach, and do a million other things with my life, what do I do? #career #career-choice #major #english

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 03, 2017 868 views

Am I able to get my PhD in anything?

I wanted to do psychology but my mom and friends say that maybe engineering is where I need to be. I just don't know anymore. I know for sure I want my PhD but I don't know what topic to get it in. #engineering #psychology #college-majors #phd

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Dec 31, 2016 1016 views

What diplomas are most useful for a career in venture capital?

I'm interested in venture capital but the path to such a job is unclear. If I wanted to get a job in a venture capital firm straight out of college, what degree would be most useful? #college #college-major #entrepreneurship #venture-capital

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Dec 13, 2016 799 views

What are some good internships in New York City for a Criminal Justice & Psychology major

I am a dual major that wants to start building a productive resume. I am still undecided on what I career choice I want. However I still want to participate in as much activities to see which one I like best. #psychology #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #clinical-psychology

Kukiele’s Avatar
Kukiele Dec 06, 2016 1163 views

When buying a business how do you tailor it to your specific needs as terms of making it successful and earning an excellent profit.

I want to be successful entrepreneur #business #entrepreneurship #business-management #financial-services #business-development #business-analysis #financial-accounting #small-business

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Dec 05, 2016 1274 views

When would be the ideal time to obtain an MBA?

I am a sophomore accounting major who has the potential to get an MBA right after I graduate as an undergrad, or I could wait a few years and go for it after I have gained some experience in the workplace. Which one would you say is more beneficial? #business #finance #accounting...

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Dec 03, 2016 1011 views

How do decide what major to take in college???

I would like to go to UGA and I am not sure what I would like to major in. It seems like something to really commit to and I am ready to that but It just always pains me to think that I might not find what I could be interested in doing. #college #college-major

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Dec 02, 2016 1438 views

What types of questions should I expect in an interview?

I am a sophomore accounting major wondering how I should prepare for an interview. What types of questions do interviewers normally ask? Also, should I prepare questions to ask them about the business? #college #business #internships #interviews #job-application

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Dec 02, 2016 1223 views

How do you recommend to build your resume?

I am a sophomore accounting major and want to build my resume and LinkedIn profile. Do you have any tips or things to include in a resume? Additionally, do you have any ways to go about getting some of these positions? #business #accounting #internships #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes...

Kukiele’s Avatar
Kukiele Nov 28, 2016 987 views

How do you stay focused and driven in school without slacking off?

I want to be the best student I can be now and in college #college #student #graduate-school

Denisse’s Avatar
Denisse Nov 21, 2016 2050 views

What are some extra curricular activites that look impressive on a college application?

I'm a sophomore in high school and have been focusing on building up my extra curricular or activities so I have a good list when I start applying for college and I want it to look impressive so they can see that I'm all around good student and not just academically. #college-applications...

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 17, 2016 1009 views

Nursing or PA?

Which one would you recommend? Im interested in both #medicine

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Nov 16, 2016 765 views

What are the major differences in how different sizes of company perform?

I am wondering about my future and am trying to think of a ideal size that I would like to work for a company. I'd like to know if there are any major diferences between big and small companies.

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 16, 2016 757 views

What is the best you would give to someone on the path to becoming a PA?

im would like to in get some advice for PA school #medicine #nursing #biology #physicans

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 16, 2016 941 views

What kinda of job can you get with a Health science degree?

I've always had an interest in the healthcare field and I keep on switching my mind on what I would like to be. #medicine #biology #healthcare #chemistry

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 14, 2016 1208 views

If your a pre-med student Is it better to major in the sciences or a major of your choice?

I am a pre-med student and i would like to know which major in sciences or a major of your choice will benefit you when applying for a career or med school #medicine #biology #pre-med #physical-therapy #biotechnology #biochemistry #molecular-biology #bioinformatics

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 14, 2016 925 views

Are undergraduate students able to internship in a hospital?

I've been looking at many internships related to healthcare and many of them require bachelor degrees or other requirements that undergraduates don't have. #nursing #biology #pre-med

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 14, 2016 735 views

WHat are the prereqs to becoming a PA?

I would like to know what classes I need to take in order to get into PA program #nursing #healthcare #health #physicans

Michela’s Avatar
Michela Nov 14, 2016 816 views

How much job growth is excepted for PA's?

I am #undecided about what I would like to do in the healthcare field. I have been looking into the PA field lately and it has got my attention #healthcare #physican

Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley Nov 07, 2016 1538 views

Is it better to major in Finance or Accounting if you want to be an investment banker? What college courses should they take in order to do extremely well?

I have been reading a lot of articles about how to get into the investment banking industry and how valuable a knowledge in finance and economics is but I wanted to know if accounting could still bring some value. #financial-services #investment-banking #financial-accounting #investment-banker

Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley Nov 07, 2016 991 views

What websites do you go on to renew your fiancial aid and pell grants?

I am asking this question because it seems as though not many people know how exactly to renew their aid for next semester and that can take away financial aid from low-income students. #financial-aid #information

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